Look at this bootlicking BS

HotDogFingies@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 175 points –

On the day of the AMA, I edited all my comments to fuck u/spez, and a r/selfawarewolves mod banned me for "spamming".

Then I complained out of spite and got unbanned immediately, but the mod reminded me how "irresponsible it was of me to put the crosshairs on them".

reddit mods cant stand to lose their 'power' kek
its the only thing they have

At this point the amount of "power" they have is equal to the goons of any incompetent cartoon villain.

That's the only sub I was ever banned from, and I was banned twice. First time the mod said my comment didn't fit my history and asked if it was a joke. I was unbanned when I replied it was, indeed, a joke. Second time was more or less the same thing. Banned for trolling.

I used to comment on many subs, and I would sometimes write something sarcastically without the /s. Just depended on my mood in the moment. I unsubbed because I knew there was no way I wouldn't just break the rule again. Also, I didn't want to read a sub I was banned on because I would forget and likely waste my time composing a comment that would be rejected.

I used to make it a point to get banned from /r/conservative on all my burner accounts.

It's sad. Now, because of people like those mods, even other mods on reddit who don't deserve it are going be harassed.

If they're going to scab for removed mods - they kind of do deserve it.

Well now I know what I'll be editing all my comments to say.

They’re now deleting and shadow banning all such comments.

Do something to get past the filter such as “Fuk Spz”

F̫u̖̲͚̜͈̻̻̖̥͆ͧ̈̀ͫͣ͋̆̚c̰̠̦̯͈̝̠̭k̩̦̝̲͔͓̬̻̪͖̂͊ͦ̇́̈̔̇̐̚ ̻̦̙̹̖͙͈̻̼̣̗͈̽ͪͮ͗͐ͯͧ̿ͭ̍̈́ͨ͐ͅS̯̺͖̳̺̮͖̘̲̫ͧ̓͆͗̀̋̉̓ͮ͒͒̚ͅͅp̹̘̬̗̦̙̞̱̟͖͇̿̃̔ͬ̇̅ͫ̏̈͆̚e̳͙̮̻ͯ̽̅̄z

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Have a loot through the character map for Unicode letters that look like each letter. If they want to censor people, make those bastards work for it.

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I'm sure the admins are so harassed.

"I see it everywhere.... I'm walking down the street.... I see it in my home.... I see it at work... I see it in my dreams.... I'm being told people don't like me.... It's a little death...."

I think the way to go with editing comments is to just make subtle changes like breaking links, rewording informational posts to be wrong but plausible, etc. "Fuck spez!" is too easy to avoid/censor. What will really hurt reddit is if people learn a link to information on reddit is very likely to be false/misleading.

Happened to me as well after I edited all my comments to fuck u/spez.

Urgh, disappointing from what was one of my favourite subs.

Join us over on c/whatsthisbug@lemmy.ml !

If I was still a mod on Snoosite and I was forced to enforce this kind of rule, I would maliciously comply. I would make it very clear that saying "fuck u/spez" is not acceptable. Saying "fuck u/spez" is hurtful to the recipient of the "fuck u/spez" messages. On no account will "fuck u/spez" or anything close to "fuck u/spez" or any attempt to hide "fuck u/spez" in messages be tolerated… etc etc, you get the idea.

Nah, this isn't the time for malicious compliance. They couldn't care less if you say "fuck spez" a bunch of times in your mod messages.

This is the time for calling their bluff and making them forcibly remove and replace you. If enough mods of enough subs did this, they'd have a really hard time finding replacements for all of them. Especially unpaid replacements. Let them find out how much they took the free labor for granted. See if he thinks they're "landed gentry" when they stop doing the admin's job for free.