
1 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All Reddit had to do was STFU and wait for a month or two. Lack of any reaction or results is probably the most demotivating thing in all human experience. Go forward with the plan, say nothing, give no interviews, send no messages, do nothing to the mods or the subreddits, and within just a couple weeks, the users would get bored and force the place to return to normal. Either through pressuring their mods or just starting new subreddits with the same theme as the closed ones. The effect on the front page and the common lurker would be minimal and transient.

Instead, Spez has to go around slinging shit from his diaper at literally every opportunity, taking more and more extreme actions, hiding behind a fake mod name, saying super salty things to everyone, etc. He's basically the only person continuing to add fuel to this dumpster fire. It's literally just him. If he got sick or hit by a bus or something and had to shut up for even just a week while he was recovering, Reddit would lose interest in the whole thing, because without a visible enemy to fight, the users would turn their frustrations on each other. But he's clearly suffering from some deep psychic wound that keeps him from being able to shut his pie hole.

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Old Reddit is Reddit. If they get rid of it, I'm sure as fuck not sticking around for this new site. It looks like Bing and Youtube had a deformed little monster-child.

Probably has its roots from way back in the day so that women couldnt effectively run away from the men and get very far.

Can't speak to Muslim culture, but European culture way back in the day didn't want women riding horses because of sex.

There are a lot of branches on that tree, but the biggest one is that since horseback was believed to be capable of rupturing the hymen (hymen science has progressed quite a bit since I last looked into it, so I don't know if that's actually a thing), it was the same thing as having sex for women. They believed that women got sexual pleasure from it (which, I guess, was a bad thing), that they'd start craving horses as lovers instead of humans, and all sorts of weird shit that only twisted, perpetually horny dudes would think of.

So the sidesaddle was invented. It allowed women to ride horses while, literally and figuratively, keeping their legs closed.

Unfortunately, riding sidesaddle is a massive pain in the ass, so that fad didn't last long. Maybe about fifty years or so of general popularity (because, obviously, you can still get a sidesaddle and learn to ride in it today, if you want, for whatever reason) over the course of all horse-domestication history.

Of course, like so many things from European history, this primarily applied to rich/noble people. The poor didn't have the luxury of giving a fuck about most of it.

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a fucking chat on fucking reddit are you kidding me what?

RIGHT? AND, AND! It's a chat where you can't get rid of the bright flaming red notification until you make the neigh-irreversible decision to either shun a person forever or reply to them.

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At this point, he needs "stfu training".

It's not a story a perfectly spherical Jedi in a vacuum would tell you.

So, see, here's the thing. Most countries don't do birthright citizenship (that is, you're automatically a citizen if you were born in the country). They trace it by pedigree; some combination of your parents, grandparents, and, possibly, great-grandparents have to have been citizens in order for you to be born a citizen.

THE PROBLEM IN AMERICA, tho, is that we had slavery for 200 years (as America). So when the slaves were freed, guess what? Their parents, grandparents, etc., were never citizens, says (mostly) The South. So sure, they're free, but they can't hold office or vote or anything, because they're not citizens. Ever heard the term "Grandfathered in" or "Grandfather clause"? That comes from the test that Jim Crow states used to determine who could vote (for free, or without jumping through hoops, or, in some cases, at all). If your grandpa could vote, you can vote. Guess whose grandpas couldn't vote? Yup.

So we had to drop a ban hammer on that in the form of writing birthright citizenship directly into the constitution. Because the people who were crying into their grits that they lost all their slaves just wouldn't get the fucking hint.

Do we necessarily need birthright citizenship anymore? Absolutely we do. 100%. Because as soon as the GOP decides to trash it, they'll come up with some Neo-Jim-Crow shit fucking immediately.

I was leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot about a year ago and there was a man with a cardboard sign at the traffic light. I was about to ignore him, and then I thought: "I just spent $50 on a toothbrush. I spend $5 on this guy."

After that point, I started thinking. I'd always been told these guys would "drive away in a BMW at the end of the day" and/or "they're gonna buy drugs", and I never really thought about those claims.

The BMW thing turns out to be a Bigfoot story; everyone "knows a guy" or "has a cousin" that saw that happen once, but in a world where everyone's got a phone in their pocket and a camera on their dash, I have yet to see such an event being documented. God knows the insufferable pricks who trot that line out would die happy if they could make that kind of evidence go viral.

And the drugs... I mean, maybe? I guess? But then again, I could give my kid money for his birthday and he might go out and buy drugs with it, too. I have no way to know that. I shouldn't give anyone money ever, I guess? Fuck, as far as "giving out money" goes, I'm giving Wal-Mart money that they're going to use to increase poverty, fuck the environment, and lobby Congress for bills that will inevitably have an actual body count. Giving money to a guy who's looking to score a joint doesn't even rate on that scale.

Not to mention that, as far as I know, there's an equally likely possibility he's going to take that $5 bill and use it eat something for the first time in two days. So yeah, that's a gamble I'm willing to take.

And why are we more likely to give money to a guy shittily playing a guitar with a hat on the ground? Because we feel like he's working for it? What a shitty way to think about people. Entertain me, poor person, and if you're good enough, I might give you a pittance.

Or maybe it's because you can just drop some change in the hat and don't have interact. As an introvert, that does kinda sound like a selling point. But I'm cynical, so I'm pretty sure it's more the previous thing.

If I've got more than an insultingly small amount of cash on me (that is, I'm not going to grab a couple of quarters out of my cupholder), and the circumstances line up so it doesn't put me in any danger or at risk of any real consequences, yeah, I'm gonna give someone cash.

This is Ohio. The Republicans will just keep calling referendums on the same thing over and over again until they get the results they want. They don't care. They literally use dirty tricks to circumvent what the citizens want every year. Just look at how medical marijuana played out.

First try: The governor gets the bank to cancel the account of the pro-weed side, because the organization had the word "marijuana" in its name. No bank account, can't be a real group, can't put something on the ballot. Sucks to be you.

Second try: The legislature tried and failed to keep the legal weed issue off the ballot. So instead, they put their own weed issue on the ballot that would forever prevent legal weed in Ohio (even if the first issue passed), and then gave it a name that was almost identical to the pro-weed issue. I seem to remember that neither ended up passing because voters were, as intended, confused, and just having the second issue on the ballot split the vote.

Third try: The issue got on the ballot, the polls were high, everyone in the state basically was ready to stand out in the rain and vote in favor of medical marijuana. So the legislature called a special session and passed their own legal medical marijuana law, and then convinced the courts that their law made the ballot issue obsolete, so it was thrown out.

BUT, the legislature's version was a clusterfuck in that the legislature had to personally approve applications for grow ops and dispensaries. A few hundred businesses applied for the permit, and, last I checked, 0 were approved. This led to a situation where it was legal to have medical marijuana, but not legal to buy or grow it, or bring it in from out of state. Which means if you get caught with weed, the cops couldn't cite you for having weed (if you had your med card), but they could site you for buying or transporting that weed, because there's no way to legally get it in the state.

That was like six or seven years ago, and I haven't kept up with it, but if there's a single legal dispensary in Ohio, I will be incredibly surprised. The whole point was to not approve any.

A lot of small, shitty subs are popping up on r/all lately, I've noticed. I used to doomscroll and only notice I'd been too far when I started seeing stuff from subs I'd never seen before, like r/artefactporn, r/justguysbeingdudes, or that weird Talylor Swift circlejerk sub. That was usually around pages 7-9, somewhere in there. That was the sign that I'd been scrolling for too long, and probably ought to either touch grass, or at least refresh the page.

Right now, for me, all three of those subs are on the first page of r/all, along with other subs I've never seen (or rarely seen) before the bottom of the barrel, like r/newsofthestupid and r/rabbits. The one from r/rabbits is on the bottom of the front page with less than 1500 upvotes.

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All we have to do is convince "alternative medicine" practitioners that rat tails from NZ cure baldness and make your dick grow. They'll be as extinct as the white rhino in less than a decade.

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Like, ok, at first? Sure, I can go with "it's not a lie if you actually believe it," in 1985 or even 1995. But by 2010? Come on. And then in 2020, to be like "Well, I mean, I never specifically said I believed in it, just that, you know, it was a thing..." is so gross. It's like some shit my ex-wife would have said after a three-day-long running argument about some basic fact of the universe.

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want a place free of authoritarian policies that don't limit actual human discourse.

You've already been given a suggestion for just that kind of instance. If you want to see that kind of content, there's a spot for that.

Or are you just upset that there are places who don't welcome those kinds of dumbfuck takes? Is it that you want to see the content for yourself, or that you want to make the content and force everyone to see it?

Either way, this instance isn't the place for you. Exploding heads is. Go there, be happy.

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Oh, but you do! I'm one of those autistic people who can't fucking stand flaming red notification icons and have to make them go away.

There's no way to turn off the notification without either clicking "Ignore" or "Reply" (maybe it's "Accept"). It doesn't go away just from reading the message. I even tried to disable the element in my browser, which worked, but then it disabled the normal notification icon too.

More like r/bots.

Like, ok, there were bots in the previous r/place events, but this one is fucking stuffed with bots. Every piece of art on that page has been entirely botted, except maybe for the sad Turkish flag that keeps trying to get the star right.

I'm pretty sure that question mark on the second to last line is anachronistic. I don't know exactly when western punctuation was incorporated into traditional Chinese script, but I'm almost certain it was well after 1870. The character at the end of that line, before the question mark, is "ma", which, by itself, turns a statement into a question.

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I was planning a long road trip that I could have done all at once, but decided to break into two days with a hotel stay somewhere near the middle. I was on a bit of a budget, so when I found a room for ~$60, I was thrilled.

When I got there, the shower handle was plumbed backwards (so the "Cold" direction was hot), the first towel on the rack had brown splatters that were very clearly old blood stains, and while I was showering a big roach wandered up onto the lip of the shower like "S'up, bro," then meandered off like he did this sort of thing every day.

The bed was about as cushy as a gym floor mat, the pillows were bricks, and when I sat down on the desk chair to put on my shoes, the whole thing just about collapsed under me.

The review I left said: "The best $10 hotel room that $60 can buy," and since then I just make all my road trips in one go if I can't afford to spend at least $100 for a hotel room.

It's going to be a science-based 100% dragon MMO.

It's 2030. The world has changed. Russia has fallen. Ralph Nader's reanimated cyborg-corpse is president. Britain is back in the EU. And Lemmy is known everywhere as "The Poop Site".

Glass is half full!

...because the top half boiled off....

I mean, it's not the rest of the world's fault that Japan produced enough Final Fantasy clones to create a whole genre. But I guess we can try to call them something else. FFRPG? Linear RPG? Grindy-RPG? Not-Really-RP-RPG? Semi-Open-World Turn-Based Narrative? What would be preferable?

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I just want the NSFW thumbnails to be blurred out. I'm on Kbin, and I distinctly remember checking a box that said it would do that, but it doesn't do that. So I had to check the box to remove all NSFW from my feed, which I also don't want, but don't-want less than I don't-want my boss or my SO to look over my shoulder and see boobs in the "random posts" sidebar.

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The man literally, openly wants me to die.

I'm not allowed to reciprocate?

Fuck that.

I honestly don't think more than about 30 upvotes worth of my 70,000 comment karma are anything actually useful. Most of it is acerbic takes on current events and the shitty Reddit in-jokes I post reflexively at exactly the right time.

But future Reddit visitors won't know that. I plan to edit them to sound like they were about to say something really advicey, super handy to read, then mid-sentence "...[this comment has been deleted because the user moved to kbin]."

Why do they need to know?

See a post, upvote it, comment on it. It's functionally exactly the same as where they came from. The nuances are dramatically unimportant unless or until someone decides they want to use the platform in a more advanced, detailed way, which is going to be like 5% of us.

There's literally no reason to explain the concept of federation at all unless someone specifically asks "Hey, how can I do this more advanced thing?" The cat pictures are all right here, on my screen, and I can comment on them the exact same way I did on reddit. The only difference is that the interface is a little rougher around the edges at the moment.

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I've got a friend who's otherwise a great guy, but his anxiety disorder is just bonkers bad. Climate change is terrifying to him, so he copes by just straight-up refusing to believe that it's a big deal. It can be solved by planting a bunch of trees, or spraying some kind of plastic particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sunlight ("It's been tested in Alaska! It works! But the government shut it down!"), or by some as-yet-unrevealed technology that's just around the corner.

Also, he's incredibly, unreasonably mad at Al Gore for making An Inconvenient Truth and will insist that he was wrong about literally everything and should never have opened his mouth.

I have to make a concerted effort not to argue with him too much, because I'm pretty sure that if I actually convinced him, he'd self-harm out of fear of the future.

I honestly think he's just a more extreme, slightly-more-self-aware version of how most conservatives feel about the climate change issue. It's scary, so it can't be true.

It doesn't help that a bunch of influencers descended on YouTube one day selling classes for how to get rich quick with drop-shipping. A couple thousand gullible dipshits emptied their wallets and dumped a load of cheap crap onto Etsy, with product descriptions that read like they were written by Skaven.

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This is why all the old people I know are constantly afraid of "criminals" and continue to bitch about "courts just letting murderers go" and shit, because the news keeps telling them that nothing has changed since 1985. Not a single one of them ever believes me when I tell them that national violent crime rates haven't been this low since the late 1960's to early 1970's.

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Well, if it's true, you were using another name, because "Facebones" doesn't show up in any of the modlogs.

Weird how "trust me, bro" suddenly became the standard of proof today.

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Are you suggesting that a conservative cannot also be LGBTQ+?

Yes. 100%. What do conservatives stand for other than rage-baiting culture war bullshit? They certainly aren't in favor of fiscal responsibility or combating Russia's influence in the west or upholding the rule of law for everyone. What's left?

Except the Purina brands of horse and goat feed; that's owned by Land-o-Lakes.

The way you've phrased the question, it sounds like you're asking if we do it on the regular, like stepping on the scale or trying on old pants. Like it's something we keep track off as a part of our routine.

In which case, no. I do not measure my penis.

I have measured my penis, once or maybe twice, back during the period of time I could reasonably expect it to still be working on attaining its final dimensions. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be perfectly average.

The question "Have you ever measured your penis?" will get you entirely different results than the question "Do you ['do' as in currently, in a continuing manner] measure your penis?"

Well now I know what I'll be editing all my comments to say.

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I feel like we need to stop trying to overexplain the fediverse. The decentralization stuff isn't the selling point y'all think it is. It's confusing and complicated and entirely unnecessary. kbin.social has a landing page with actual content on it, signing up is exactly the way one signs up for anything else, the UI is reminiscent of old reddit, and nobody needs to know how it's connecting to the rest of the fediverse on the back end to comment on a picture of a funny cat.

The sales pitch shouldn't be some neckbeardy ultra-nerd shit where we gush over decentralization and instances and blah blah blah. The sales pitch should be "It's still a little rough around the edges, but it does basically the same thing. It aggregates content from other places on the web. And, for all you're going to need it for, it works basically the same way as reddit. Read the front page, if you see a community you like, subscribe to it. Just, if you want to post a thread on kbin, that's under 'post article' for some reason."

90% of the people who are on reddit bitching about how "complicated" this is are only saying that because it's being explaining it in literally the most obtuse way possible. I was one of them. And Lemmy's absolutely not helping by filling their landing page with a bunch of technical bullshit normies don't need to understand, instead of, you know, showing them content.

Yes, it's cool. Yes, it's modern and novel and a new way to connect to people on the web. Not a damn bit of that matters. Stop pushing that like anyone other than techbros give a fuck.

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If someone wants to know, they'll ask. But just using the platform requires exactly none of that knowledge, and trying to infodump all the technical jargony bullshit onto people right from the beginning is absolutely going to make them go "wow, this is complicated" and not come here. Because you'll convince them that it matters somehow.

Or maybe kbin is just fucking amazing and I've been spoiled by not having to know shit about the backend of this. Maybe Lemmy really is more complicated, or something.

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Can we please keep the Reddit spam in the specific Reddit-centered communities? I'm trying to stop paying attention to Reddit.

When it comes to tragedies, the number of fucks I give for the victims follows a simple formula.

I start with a billion fucks. Then I subtract the combined net worth of the people affected by the tragedy. The result is how many fucks I give about their tragedy.

For this one, I'm at about negative three billion fucks.

They're basically tall El Caminos at this point.

"Fuck off, Doom Eternal. Your bullshit fuckery will not break me!"

That’s 1 string theorist, Brian Greene. It is absurd to call all string theorists liars. Are all psychologists liars because they had a reproducibility crisis?

That's like saying NDT is "one astrophysicist" or Freud is "one psychologist". We're talking about the guy who brought the entire concept to the public, and he's sure as shit not the only guy who wrote fantastically optimistic treatises about a concept that real physicists didn't bother with because it was inherently unfalsifiable due to being entirely untestable.

None of them wrote books that said "Yeah, this is a cool thought experiment that will never be able to do anything scientific hypotheses are supposed to be able to do". Fuck, just make another thread asking "What do y'all think about the Many Worlds hypothesis?" and you'll get a hundred comments talking about how cool it is as they walk straight out of the real of science and into the realm of crackpot woo-woo speculation. BECAUSE OF THESE PEOPLE.

Yeah, I agree with the video. After a certain point (I'll be generous and say that point was 2000-2005), it was a lie. A scam. A con. No different from the guys who say the pyramids were alien landing markers and Stonehenge was built by fairies. It was a load of people saying nonsense stuff to sell books and speaking engagements.