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Joined 1 years ago

Your local Zero Sugar, Meatatarian, Johtoker.

I love everything Johto, not just the older stuff.

I’m here for the chill vibes and to have a good time.

Billy O’nares refer to me as “A commoner with gumption.”

I recently upgraded from an iPhone 13 to a 15 Pro Max. The innovation on this thing is incredible! There’s like an extra camera lens on it!

You mean, are we a part of the same Fediverse? Yes. I’m actually replying to you right now from my Mastodon account! Still not over how cool that is!

But yeah, there’s a character limit. The instance I’m from is donphan.social. Our character limit is 1,008.

Cram it, meatbag!

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It’s interesting to observe this speeding train wreck from a distance.

There was a time before covid?

Pics or it didn’t happen.

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Racecar spelled backwards is racecaR.


The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. I was in awe with this show. Had waited years for it and was not disappointed! I loved the story and the set pieces were absolutely gorgeous. You could tell a lot of love and care was put into it. I was hoping they’d go all the way with this show and that it would end naturally as a full prequel story to The Dark Crystal.

But no. Netflix pulled the plug on Age of Resistance after the first season because it was too expensive. It still stings to this day.

Not sure if it’s related, but today on Mastodon, I’m unable to upload photos. Also can’t see pics from other users. Profile pics are mostly greyed out too.

People don’t like to be made to feel uncomfortable (via preaching) about something they enjoy.

Fixed that for you.

Hate is a strong word, but as a meatatarian, passionate vegans don’t make me feel uncomfortable “with knowledge,”but some can be incredibly annoying with the way they go about voicing their opinions. It’s not because of the “truth hurts” or “truth is uncomfortable” angle that you’re smugly going for, but because some are like the Karens and SJW’s of the diet world.

And before I’m accused of generalizing vegans, note I said SOME. I also feel the same way about anyone else who is overly-passionate to the point of “my way or the highway.” Like some who are on keto. Yikes.

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I’d love to shut up and play Starship Troopers: The Game. But unfortunately, I don’t have a PS5 or gaming PC. Still holding out hope that this will come to Xbox one day.

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Found the cape-wearer.

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This message is brought to you by Lightspeed Briefs! 🩲

Guile’s Theme Goes with Everything was my all time favorite meme. Followed closely by Chuck Norris jokes.

These days I’m really into Bully McGuire.

Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every N̶e̶w̶ ̶Y̶o̶r̶k̶e̶r̶ American’s God-given right.

Bots took Reddit karma very seriously.

I don’t know why I hang out with you guys!

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“Small” price increase? Are your toilet paper squares $10 bills or something?

The UK is just as bright on that map.

I chose Mastodon to be my Reddit alternative. For one, I love the change of pace and how different it is. And secondly, I can post on Lemmy through Mastodon, which is the coolest thing ever.

Automatic win for Zero Sugar Slurm alone!

I like corn dogs.

That’s a very frogressive thing to say.

Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the…

*Takes deep breath*

Does this mean Chuck Norris jokes will make a comeback?

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Nah, everyone’s moved onto Bluthatt and Oringethoz.

I’m shocked! Shocked!

@TheFriendlyDickhead Username checks out.

Or both.

Woops my bad. The brain fog’s been real today.

If FF XIV becomes available fully on Gamepass, I’ll definitely give it my time. Yes, I know about the trial and stuff. But I’m not going to pay a subscription to play the full game when I’m already paying for Gamepass. No thank you.

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No, people are upset about the lyrics being removed. And why pay 5 or more bucks a month for lyrics when you can have a page on your favorite browser displaying the lyrics for free?

I prefer that anyways, and this is coming from someone who does the premium family plan.

Most. But there’s a small problem: Us console peasants can’t play it yet. So… Yeah.

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No, but then again, I’m better remembering names when they’re paired with the pictures by their names. I lurk Lemmy with the Voyager app, which doesn’t seem to display pics next to names. So… Yeah

Also, low key happy to see I haven’t been mentioned. Means I’ve really toned it down since my Reddit days and leaving Reddit a year ago. Progress.

@Duamerthrax I’d love to get me one of those raspberry pie mini consoles one of these times.

I’d download Warzone just so I could run around dressed up as Fred or Shaggy.

Will you keep it down? I can’t lurk with all of this noise!

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!


Won’t find any downvotes from me, cuz I post from Mastodon. I kinda like it that way anyways. If you post something I don’t like, I’ll just have to get over myself.

“I won’t lie”

Your honesty is greatly appreciated!

My brain read skeksis instead of ska. And now I can’t help but picture a band made up of giant, overly-dressed, wrinky old birds rocking out in a dank cave.