Final Fantasy XIV will launch on Xbox on March 21 to – 42 points –

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If FF XIV becomes available fully on Gamepass, I’ll definitely give it my time. Yes, I know about the trial and stuff. But I’m not going to pay a subscription to play the full game when I’m already paying for Gamepass. No thank you.

FFXIV will always require a subscription outside of the free trial. Game Pass will only give you the base game. But not all the expansions and only 30 days of playtime.

It's still a subscription MMO.

I understand that, but I absolutely refuse to pay a subscription for a single game, no matter how good it is. Especially since I’m already paying for a Gamepass subscription.

That’s just how I roll.

You dropped an X.

I was really confused for a moment. With that said, FFIV is a great game and I had fun with the 3D remake. I never got around to playing "The After Years" though.