1 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That 6% attributed to "unknown" is the one true OS, the only one ordained by the Almighty... Temple OS!

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Chief Justice Roberts yelling at Justice Thomas, "Thomas ya really fucked our reputation with all your blatant corruption."

"Ah fuck em, I think people are only jealous. They can't be corrupt and get away with it like I can.", Thomas quips

"You greasy old scumbag! You just gave me the best way we can get the other branches off our ass!" Roberts exclaims.

I love that Microsoft has Microsoft developed applications on its update/upgrade block list.

It's a good reminder that companies arent as cohesive as most people think especially when they are as large as Microsoft.

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The development cycle is very iterative, and incredibly time consuming, which is why games are now taking six and seven years to build, as they've gotten bigger and deeper," said Wilson, "So the first thing for us is how do we make that more efficient?"

I dunno maybe take a page from indie developers and make fun games that are innovative?

I'll take quality over quantity every time.

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Gov. Cox is a complete hypocrite.

He vetoed a bill that banned trans kids from participating in sports of their identified gender saying he errs on the side of compassion (, but more recently signed a bill banning transitioning care for trans kids (

Cox you and those who voted for these bills are not just an embarrassment to the state but actively supporting this type of mindset and behavior with this legislation!

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You should have posted the Politco article instead of the Newsweek. You are even citing the Politico article! The Newsweek article is hot garbage.

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I can't wait for the stories about people jailbreaking these AI accounts because they are probably just using the ChatGPT API.

OP is poking fun at the typo in the title. It's says "...reserve trend" not "reverse trend".

Google is removing the VPN and free shipping (which was only available on some photo orders) to make way for more "in demand features"?

I could understand if this was coming from a smaller company with more limited resources and staff, but that's not Google by any means.

They really don't care about the poor reputation the general public has of them regarding shutting down services on a whim.

What's worse though is they don't seem to realize that, with the exception of Android and maybe Google Docs, their services/products are easily replaced by competitor offerings.

In my opinion it's a good thing if Google gets knocked of their high horse and allow competition to flourish in their place.

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Well the Republicans wanting to end the NLRB makes so much sense now...

When they rolled out the beta Microsoft said it wouldn't be, but they could always change their mind with the general release. Excerpt from a previous Verge article about the beta rollout (

“This will appear only for Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel in the US and will not apply to commercial devices (devices managed by organizations),” says Microsoft in a blog post.

Unfortunately, this article doesn't actually quote Microsoft saying it's rolling out to ALL machines. That bit in the article is from the author.

Let's give some credit and praise to Codeweavers, the main contributors to WINE, who Valve worked with on Proton.

I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon works some accounting magic to make hosting eBooks to look like a more expensive endeavor than printing physical books.

"Your honor it costs us 5x the amount to host, license, and provide eBooks to customers than it costs the publishers to print physical books. Especially now that we've implemented AI in the toolchain! AI IS EXPENSIVE!", Amazon's Lawyer desperately arguing their case.

It [Apple] argued that there is no iMessage version for other operating systems and devices because Apple can’t guarantee user security on those devices

What a load, Apple can't guarantee security on their own devices!

Handbrake will rip DVDs, but not Blu Rays. That's were good ol' MakeMKV comes in.

I rip with MakeMKV (which will do DVDs as well) and then convert/encode the MKVs with Handbrake.

I do the conversion/encoding because the ripped files can be 35-50 GBs for regular Blu Rays (UHD Blu Rays are even bigger!) and I can get them down to 3-8 GBs with minimal quality loss.

I then toss the smaller MKVs on my jellyfin server.

EDIT: Handbrake CAN rip Blu Rays but only if they arent copy protected. MakeMKV is able to rip protected Blu Rays and DVDs.

If you don't need/want Bitlocker simply boot into Windows go into the bitlocker settings and turn off bitlocker (dont use suspend as bitlocker will be re-enabled the next time you boot into Windows). You will need to wait for Bitlocker to decrypt before shutting down - there will be a small status window that appears showing the progress and it shouldn't take too long.

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My search results were showing Firefish th CRM/Recruiting software as well (used DDG).

Seems like the devs might want to consider changing the project name or work on SEO.

Edit: changed my search to "Firefish Open Source" and it produced results related to OPs comment.

This means I no longer have to use my workaround command that loads a new terminal window with admin privileges!

Now, I might not completely loathe using Windows at work.

If an attacker has physical access to a computer, the game has already been lost.

If you keep Bitlocker enabled on that partition you will have to enter the recovery key everytime you boot into your Linux partition. Since you don't have that key backed up you'll need to turn it off and then re-enable it if you wish to continue to use Bitlocker.

If you manually enable bitlocker you will be prompted to back up the key with a few different options: to a file (but if I recall you'll need to save the file to a drive that isn't be encrypted by Bitlocker) or to a Microsoft account.

To answer your question regarding best practice, Full Disk Encryption is best practice. Now to achieve that in Windows you use Bitlocker, Linux there is Luks, and macOS has filevault.

If your machine isn't going anywhere outside your home then it's not as big of a deal if the drive isn't encrypted.

Regarding your situation FDE is going to be a bit of a pain whether you use Bitlocker or Luks. I suggest using db2's suggestion and run a VM creating a shared folder between host and guest. Then you can encrypt the entire drive using the best encryption tool for the host OS (which I suggest be Linux).

Edit: Replaced the 'b' with a space between "db2's" and "suggestion"

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There is an option in the UEFI settings to swap the Fn and Ctrl keys.

I run Tilix with split terminals and always have one with htop running. It is so satisfying finding a troublesome process and killing it in htop.

Looking at you hanged ssh sessions...