Amazon must face narrowed lawsuit over eBook prices, US judge says to – 88 points –

March 4 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Monday heavily trimmed an antitrust lawsuit that accused (AMZN.O), and others of causing consumers to overpay for eBooks.


When the (new) physical book is half the price of the virtual book, something is wrong.

I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon works some accounting magic to make hosting eBooks to look like a more expensive endeavor than printing physical books.

"Your honor it costs us 5x the amount to host, license, and provide eBooks to customers than it costs the publishers to print physical books. Especially now that we've implemented AI in the toolchain! AI IS EXPENSIVE!", Amazon's Lawyer desperately arguing their case.

I hate how much ebooks cost, but I love my kindle and being able to buy instantly.

I really hate that you can't loan out ebooks.

Double check if your local library has a contract with Libby. Accounts are free with an associated library account.

Yep only reason I use my Kindle. Libby is awesome and I get ebooks and audiobooks that way.

My library does, but their selection on Libby hasn't really lined up with what I read. At least some of that is my impatience though.

I've just finished my first library loan and I've had my kindle for years.