13 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A lesbian transfem that likes technology, Transformers, videogames, and much more :3

I mean I really don't like Biden but fwiw he reversed policies from Trump in areas such as inmigration and transgender people (such as excluding HRT from Medicare), and did some work with food stamps, not to mention the damage control his administration had to do for COVID-19. If Trump have been re-elected, things would've been very very different, and if the Senate midterms hadn't turned out the way they did we might have had fascist federal laws by now.

Currently one party is the Fascist party and the other is the "literally anyone left from that" party. As sad as it is, Biden is probably what the DNC thinks is the best shot at having the entire party voting for him, from the social democrats to the conservatives, since he's not LGBTphobic nor racist, and supports the current status quo. And yes, the bar is pretty fucking low but if the Republican wins it will be even worse.

I couldn't find Puerto Rico on the list, please consider adding it; I understand we are US territory but many of us consider ourselves our own country.

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I like gussy (girl pussy).

  1. To me it isn't acceptable that phones and tablets have that problem too, especially devices that could still have a decent performance.

  2. Windows has a lot of problems, but at least if you have Windows you will be supported for a long while, even if it gets slow due to Windows being Windows. Considering ChromeOS frames itself as a competitor of especially low end Windows, and that ChromeOS is more optimized than Windows, I would expect more.

EDIT: The article says three to six years, and that they stop functioning. That's even worse.

EDIT2: And like most phones, you can't flash another OS to most chromebooks.

I really don’t like the idea that mono sexualities are just in denial. As a lesbian, there might be fictional men that I like but on real life, I just would rather not be with any guy. And it’s not like I ever tried looking at a guy to see if I find something attractive about him. But I just don’t. Kinda funny how only men that don’t exist appear attractive to me xD And compare that to women and enbies, where I just love everything: their hair, their soft face, their chest, makeup, their cuteness (and sometimes their hotness xD), the way they talk, the things they are most passionate about, and all the NSFW stuff too :D

I understand the experience is not universal, it’s perfectly fine if attraction works for you some other way. But when I analyze my attraction it works two way. First, just the sheer association with women and enbies. I don’t have genital preference, I like women with either equipment, but I would never date (or even be attracted to) a trans man, even if they’re pre-everything. Just the mere fact of knowing they’re a man simply turns me off. And the same applies viceversa: if I learn that someone I know is actually a woman, even if they’re presenting male, no hormones, etc. it’s like my mind opens up the possibility to being attracted to them (even if to a lesser extent). Which brings me to my second point, hormones.

I’ve heard this one from gay men too so I think I’m not alone in this one. When someone is taking E (or T in their case), it’s like everything changes regarding their physiology. Smell, skin, hair texture, shape, to name a few. And smell is a big one to me: manly smell might as well be repellent to me xD, but I know of people attracted to men that it is the entire opposite. And that’s ok! Physiological changes is not something that can’t be ignored for attraction either, after all we really don’t control what makes us tick, our brain is wired to determine what attracts us. I don’t make a conscious decision to find womanly smell attractive, my brain just responds to it positively.

To clarify, I think most people could be bi/pan, I don’t disagree with that. But I disagree that everyone is bi. Or else, how do you explain that throughout history, gay and lesbian people, rather than going the “easy” route and date the opposite gender, dared to date the same gender despite persecution and potentially death? You would probably say something about how they could’ve been bi but they had a very marked preference, but to that I say, isn’t that gay enough?

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You hate twilight because it's popular, I hate twilight because the relationships are toxic at best. We are not the same.

I’m only 4 months on HRT, but before it I hated looking at old photos of myself. Now I find them…amusing? Like I know they’re me but they don’t feel like me, more like looking at some kind of lost brother xD Either way, even though I’m very early in transition I’m way more happier about how I look now :3

Wait women wrestlers get hate? I don't follow wrestling but I thought they were popular, if maybe a bit sexualized.

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Especially women


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Is this real or just an edit?

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Why do I hear Doom music?

My first name (Gabriela) is just the feminine version of my deadname. I usually prefer the shortened version (Gaby) though.

My second name (Azucena) it was actually from a soap opera my mom was watching. I couldn't care less about the show itself, but that girl was exactly the hair style and overall look I wanted to have(and to an extent, still do). But I'm leaving it as a second name because unfortunately in Puerto Rico it's a pretty rare name (and apparently the people I've asked don't like it much?).

There aren't transphobic jokes as far as I remember but it does become mentioned as a plot point a few times, that for the time was pretty good but now it would be dated.

The example that comes to mind is (relatively mild but be wary) >! an episode where Sophia tells Dorothy about a guy that she insists "used to be a girl", and Dorothy doesn't believes her. Later in the episode the guy, in fact, comes out that "I used to be a girl" to a group of people, Dorothy surprised about that. !<

EDIT: found this

The gender dysphoria bible is such an awesome resource. It 100% was what cracked my egg.

That's great, if he stopped being a transphobe tho that would be even more cool

You could do like me, play lightweight games on a normal laptop and heavy games on a desktop.

Also ASUS these days has a very bad track record, even the ROG Ally has some issues like the buttons getting stuck and the battery.

Euphoria / dysphoria are a result from satisfaction / dissatisfaction out of something new you're trying out gender related. Eventually you will feel less of those, and that's ok. At the end of it all what matters is you feel comfortable about yourself. That you feel, you.

Hmm, doesn't sounds that much different than women in gaming or other sports, sadly

On another note, dang she's trans? She looks so great :D

I really wonder why mental health decreased.

With that said this echoes other universal income projects: it definitely works.

I haven't dated anyone so haven't gone through what you said, but to me this sounds like something you can get over eventually :)

As a Puerto Rican this is awesome to know. Still wish there were more wlw spaces tho...

I used to be more inclined to the "it's their war not ours" type of thinking when it comes to the Israel conflict, because I didn't knew much of the conflict and it felt like there are two sides that were bad. But now I'm inclining more against Israel.

To me everything seems to point to the fact that community developed distros, even if funded by corporations, seems to be the best option moving forward.

That's good to hear, since I've been having some second thoughts about my first name.

I'm on the fence to whether stay visibly trans or go stealth once I transition. But if I go visible, it's because of this.

Thanks for the motivation, I’m really gonna need it :3

Noted! I do have some jeggings, maybe I should actually use them 😅

... I think the dialogue cutscenes and the RPG fights count as a big chunk of the games, and those use drawings.

Looks like the "joke" is just thirsting

I could feel all of the "hairs" in my mouth because of your comment. Thanks I hate it.

Thank you! Submitted now

While I agree with you it would make a more interesting story to have a balance of dark and light, it's important to note George Lucas' interpretation of the Force is that there is no 'light side' but rather there is The Force and there is going against the will of the Force, aka the Dark Side. Therefore, to Lucas' POV, the Jedi are sometimes misguided but intrisically good while the Sith are intrisically evil.

In my personal interpretation tho (which I think Clone Wars and other media tend to agree with me) Jedi in the prequels were blinded by the power they achieved and hence were ignorant and complacent to the bad stuff they indirectly and directly did or helped do. Which is why Gray Jedi (Jedi that didn't follow the Council) were closer to being like what Jedi were supposed to be, than the others were.

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You're right, but the text sounded mysogynistic in my head.

At least it would be GPL tho.

Yeah if your insurance covers HRT then it might be for the best to stick with valerate until you find a pharmacy. Sadly I don’t have any tips for getting it officially. I do DIY so I buy EEn from Otokonoko. If you are here then I assume you would avoid using Reddit lol, but you might have a better chance if you ask in one of their subreddits.

Honestly I’ve never injected in thighs and find the tummy more reassuring lol, to me I barely feel it there. Ig people sometimes are built different ig

Regardless, glad I could help :3

The PCBs. With pre made magnet mounts, tactile z buttons, an already available T3 Gamecube controller, and excluding all the soldering equipment (i already had most of it) and the optional stuff, it costed me about $257, $239 . However that price is not completely right because I split the bill between me and two friends, so it costed more like $85 each. If you don't have friends interested and you don't want to sell it might be better to buy a single one on Etsy.

Very interesting, I'm gonna study computer engineering so it makes me a bit hopeful that in the science community, things are rocky but changing for the better.

I've only ate the premade vodka sauce, doesn't sounds that hard to do!

Do you have some videos you recommend?

And yeah it can be a bit tiring (transition in general can be), but ig I’ll learn one step at a time

Now that you say it, I don't think advertising has made an impact for what I want to buy in a long while(other than when announcing an unknown brand or when I already am looking for that product, and even then I don't think I have bought anything solely based on that).