1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

(citation needed) Seriously there are zero sources, numbers and article ends with a typical interaction bait. As a Turkish person who knows the Turkish shiftdelete I was almost happy that they have an English version for global market but not this tabloid like junk.

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A separate /home can save you hours or even days in several occasions however don't try crazy things like trying to have KDE of Ubuntu share same theme/settings with KDE6. A /var on a fast drive can create wonders too.

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I don't know if it is based on truth however these cars are called moving spies. I don't drive cars so I didn't investigate it and on the other hand Tesla is coming from Elon Musk a friend of sheiks and dictators.

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Rise of fascism is a global problem and the fix is hard. It requires education, reading comprehension and even attention. It is such a hard thing to reverse so people in power don't do anything. Politicians love easy to steer masses.

I don't like bluesky because I don't like it's owner. I don't like the owner because he thinks everyone is dumb and forgot the fact that nobody pointed a gun on his face to sell Twitter to some Arab dictators.

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Remember even large corporations standardising on truly open protocols can be reversed after whatever the situation leading up to it is resolved.

I just remember Jabber/XMPP federation which included Google. Once Google decided they got big enough, they abandoned it. Of course nothing happened to the protocol itself, it is well and alive both on Fortune 500 and selected as official choice for presence protocol on

Chrome sends every single website you visit to Google. You already pay with your privacy.

Downloads doesn't mean usage. I really hope it happens one day but it isn't currently the case. We need governments, politicians and media to wake up.

It is coming from IBM because of that very same reason, they can't risk this argument getting too popular once again in 90 years. What happens when their ad shows next to nazis? You are confusing the outcome with the reason.

People not inside hotel industry would have zero clue about what kind of a leeching monopoly that is. Especially for little /boutique ones.

I had to use a chrome based browser on Android for a couple of weeks since Firefox had a problem. It was like a nightmare. It is common in IT history that worse quality product wins.

Think about MS-DOS. Microsoft also sold Xenix,a UNIX system that time.

IMHO the staff is corrupt. Why? I have seen crooks with verified and unverified accounts advertised scam schemes involving several multi billion companies in Turkey for weeks.

It included AI generated famous people advertising stocks, fake video ads, blatant logo piracy. These things can be detected with personal computer AI let alone Facebook's gigantic system.

Every single report binned, bounced. I know the multi billion/trillion system, whatever feedback sent to a brand will also reach continent and main HQs no matter what. For example, send feedback about a Starbucks Ankara, it will find its way to Seattle too. So, it seems there is a well established gang inside company who made millions or even tens of millions.

Just like CP, this is a very risky job. A multi billion energy company isn't a force to mess with, they have endless amounts of cash, lawyers and at the last resort "guys" who they can call.

I remember back in 2000s 2 or 3 guys were so misinformed that Bruce Wills himself joined the comments and explained the movie industry doesn't work that way. Of course they didn't believe it was him and they ended up being video called by him to "prove" it is really him. I will find that page one day. In the 90s it was common that a famous actor/producer discuss ongoing things with the fans.

I think I have read this suggestion at Reddit: "Make people who wants to use API as clients pay. " The app doesn't have to have API key, user pays a very reasonable money to access Reddit with their favourite application. Obviously it would come with sane for human browsing limits and AI leechers should pay millions.

Just like a plain old radio station where you can access from web page for free but you need to subscribe for better AAC, high quality streams and standard VLC support.

It will be there forever since it got stuck as a "offline" button. People go offline for many reasons and they look for a "plane" icon.

Since when did you see/use a diskette or a dot matrix printer? You use their icons.

In the apps introduction screen, it says it will soon integrate to Fediverse. I believe people are afraid from another, much worse "eternal September" happening. It happened to Usenet.

Some OSS developers, independent review/news sites get affiliate money to stay afloat. Amazon requires them to state this clearly. Brave didn't declare it and probably stole (replace) innocent referrals. This is level 100 spyware/malware tactic.

It became a very serious risk for celebrities as Musk now wants biometric data from blue ticks. That guy will try to micromanage that too and some huge RL issues will happen.

Once more we will ignore the elephant in the room which is owned by a advertising giant. Android. Their OEM agreement was designed so bad that it makes you wonder if it does serve a purpose? I can theoretically easily compile the wpa_supplicant on the phone itself however I won't be able to install/run it. Manufacturer even gave up the brand name itself. Billions of walking zombie devices as the result.

I hate to give car example however do you see "legs" on cars/bicycles? Just imagine a running car.

I would say they secretly want to replace infantry however nationalist humans are cheaper to produce.

Actually after noticing the general user profile here, I plan another exodus to some place else.

Could decades of brainwashing be a factor of it?

Attack my ass, unarmed civilian massacre.

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With their religious fanatic/fascist leader soon becoming de facto dear leader? There can't be a progress without secularism. None.

Firefox with the right extension can do wonders but for Facebook, it is like trying to save yourself from an atomic bomb with a shield made from led. They hire the best developers out there including OSS people to get your personal data one way or another. The day I learned advertisers abuse html5 canvas using miniscule differences between CPUs, I understood the money and development involved.

The real dark, unexplainable and one of the most complex software after Google services is Facebook.apk. No baseless privacy claim that Google promises is valid if one installs and runs Facebook as it isn't in its nature. Anyone, organisation pushes or even requires an application in today's age is spyware. The Guardian even says "less ads" and they are supposed to be a bit better guys. How does it show less ads? Because it accesses these It isn't just an Android thing, Apple tried their best to stop Facebook from leeching but there isn't anything to do when you "check in" at home.

Their bank and credit card worth is secured, guarded and allowed by an IBM mainframe which is generally geographically distinct 2 mainframes or more. They do parallel processing 100 KMs apart. It is not clear who owns who.

The solution is real-time P2P bandwidth sharing. I guess peer tube does that. More watchers=more bandwidth.

Good billionaire owner who sold his stuff to evil one.

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Spez like people are even capable of leeching and still sell the data which was archived for good intentions.

You either have to learn very advanced, current security stuff and completely understand the logic of Linux security or pay significant sum to a person who knows to do criminal things on any Linux or protect your private life. Windows? Multiply time& money by 10X. Unless you are Fortune 500 or a government you aren't getting the source anyway.

I am telling it to people who will install any ISO blindly paying significant amounts of cash to VPN services with their own credit cards and access their Gmail :-)

What is the term for people who do buy things on your behalf and get their cut no matter what happens? Market manipulators have such connections.

Obviously these people providing the service are crooks and criminals so they can do anything. It isn't like you will call the police :-)

Unsurprisingly it is the gigantic EA application which breaks Sims 4 most of the times. It crashes, Steam notices non zero exit and gives up.

EA isn't so managed so they don't even reach MS to stop pushing alpha/beta updates to stable version of their apps via Winget. So you can guess how much they will care about Linux issues. I mean Steam guys won't really hack their binaries to fix it so it is up to them.

First of all you can check which can basically run Neon inside your distribution however you better set a different virtual home for neon in that case.

I would first tar the .steam to be on the safe side but steam is different, it is some kind of Ubuntu stable itself residing in that directory. Not a big time gamer but people laughed at Ubuntu for shipping its snap because of it.

Long story short I don't think steam would have issues. I meant not to expect KDE guys to revert upgraded preferences back to KDE5 etc. You know they do such things and blame Linux/KDE etc.

It is all about private "dinners".

They never owned Lenovo. They wanted to get rid of general consumer stuff which is costly both money and image wise. A mainframe company which invented the hard disk doesn't want their brand next to "death star". As a person who licensed OS/2 Warp 3 and even used ISP, trust me they have no clue about little things.

They will hate me but iPhone has BSD/XNU/openSTEP. Of course it may feel like a prison after Android. Either that or a Linux phone with Waydroid

It is SteamOS based on Gentoo.

It will become a subscription business with EULA.

It should really replace this petrol powered junk but this is what ultimately happens with such suits in charge. Do you think people will choose better? How many Fairphones or Linux desktops have you seen in real life? They choose slavery.

Speaking of slavery, China does make better cars with great price. I just wonder how many gigabyte per month these cars send to China? So it's either future Mercedes car with Apple carOS coming with subscription or Chinese spycar. Make your choice.

Or choose community/cycle transport, something better fit to 2024.

I keep saying that commercial, money making clients should donate 10% of their profit (or living money) to the server their user chooses. This is how FOSS services will survive.

When someone says "Being a governing leader is really hard" they don't talk about parties or meetings, they talk about these decisions.