Partitioning Your Linux Drives: Does It Provide Any Benefits? to – 91 points –
Partitioning Your Linux Drives: Does It Provide Any Benefits?

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A separate /home can save you hours or even days in several occasions however don't try crazy things like trying to have KDE of Ubuntu share same theme/settings with KDE6. A /var on a fast drive can create wonders too.

I'm trying out something mildly nutty by putting .steam in /home/steam, then making user-neon, and symlinking so that I can try kde without reinstalling steam games. If I succeed I might try it with other files.

First of all you can check which can basically run Neon inside your distribution however you better set a different virtual home for neon in that case.

I would first tar the .steam to be on the safe side but steam is different, it is some kind of Ubuntu stable itself residing in that directory. Not a big time gamer but people laughed at Ubuntu for shipping its snap because of it.

Long story short I don't think steam would have issues. I meant not to expect KDE guys to revert upgraded preferences back to KDE5 etc. You know they do such things and blame Linux/KDE etc.

I've created a specific partition for steam games so I can use games across distro without reinstalling them. You can tell Steam to go look in your partition for your games

I use my windows drive as a junk drawer for large programs in linux. Comes with the same benefit, fully accessible from either system.