3 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Holy shit, an actually reasonable take on Lemmy regarding subscription services. I genuinely couldn't believe what I was reading and was waiting for the "LOL, JK! Pirate everything, they don't deserve my money and fuck every ad and paid service ine the universe."

Thank you!

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I work in a customer facing position in the US where factions of an inch are used for measurements frequently in the design of a product. I deal with people who don't know 5/8 is smaller than 3/4 or that 3/8 is smaller than 1/2 on literally a daily basis.

People are dumb and I absolutely believe the burger anecdote.

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My wife and I were (emphasis on WERE) raised in very religious circles and as such we were "saving ourselves" for marriage at the beginning of our relationship. I was already drifting away from the religious world and thought this practice was dumb but loved her enough for innumerable other reasons that I would go through basically whatever to wait for her.

4 years into our 7 year dating relationship I was very stupid and ended up having a drunken three way with two of her best friends in a public park. Long story. My S.O. never found out from any of us.

One of the women contacted me nearly a decade later drunk and crying in order to confess that she had gotten pregnant from the encounter and had gotten an abortion with her parents help but never told anyone else.

My wife and I dated for 7 years and have been married for just short of 9 years. I moved us to the other side of the country for work to limit the possible interactions with her former friends, and encouraged her in many ways to have as large a friend group as possible in our new life to curtail the desire to reach out to our old group. New address and new phone numbers to make it more difficult for people to find us out of the blue. This will never see the light of day in our relationship.

I love my wife to the ends of the earth and back, this is the one thing (other than the consistency of my bowel movements) I will ever keep from her.

Edit: Spelling

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This has given me an absolute aneurysm. I saved something to show the wife only for it to not be there when I went looking. I found the post the long way and sure enough it was still saved.

Maube it was a glitch....

Unsave and resave. still can't find it. rinse and repeat.

Eventually found out about the saving order quirk and sure enough all the way at the bottom was the saved post in question.

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My wife started to tear up during the final montage. Unrelated, I happened to be sitting under a sprinkler.

Pro tip. If you whisper your request to Alexa it will whisper back to you which will greatly decrease your chances of getting caught setting this up.

Cautionary tale:

For us it was trial and error. We thought we were doing pretty well by keeping track of the weather and balancing the whole house heating vs single room. Until we had a snap freeze that plummeted the temps overnight to an obscene degree. We were comfortably warm in our bedroom as all the pipes in the kitchen and bathroom were bursting.

10's of thousands of dollars in demolition and reconstruction later we have decided that in this instance it's better to waste some small amount of energy keeping the whole house heated rather than risking another catastrophic failure.

Your mileage may vary.

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Hijacking this with my mini rant: GOOGLE if you provide me with three possible routes to my destination and I specifically select one... DON'T FUCKING CHANGE IT MID-DRIVE GODDAMMIT!

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i world rock that setup if and ONLY if someone else is doing the maintenance.

I love this take.

Uhm, I really like laying on the floor with the largest bag of cat food/litter/dried corn/rice that I have available on my head.

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well... there is the one guy posting an image of porn made out of spaghetti LITERALLY every single hour.

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I had just sold a car and was flush with cash so before going to buy my new one I bought every single pillow I could find in every home goods store near me and several from online. I then spent the next month studiously comparing pillows to find the right one for me.

The final two came down to a $15 pillow and a $190 pillow.

After deciding all the other pillows got returned and then went and got my new car.

In things as subjective as a pillow high quality is rather Nebulous.

For something like a woodworking tool high quality often matters far more.

The worst life pro tip I've ever received? Listen to the experts, they have made it their job to know the best things and you can't go wrong with what they say.

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Planes have multiple panes in each window. Only the outside pane was missing. There wasn't a giant hole in the side of the plane. Give some credit to passengers at least, they would have noticed a literal hole in the plane when they sat down.


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Let me tell you about my 2007 Toyota Yaris Hatchback manual drive.

In my opinion this is nearly as perfect of a vehicle as it is possible to get.

The 1.5 liter engine is small and efficient which means your gas bill is nice and tiny compared to the average vehicle I see on the road. It also has this weird quirk of FEELING really fast and exciting while driving while actually being rather pedestrian. A year after this vehicle was released motortrend came out with an article about the slowest cars they have ever tested: The Toyota Yaris was the 5th slowest. Probably due to the manual gear box, the sharp and agile steering, and the noise it makes, it simply feels a LOT faster than it really is. THIS IS A POSITIVE. It means you can have a good time and enjoy driving it but unless you are trying REALLY hard you won't be speeding all that often and even with your foot to the floor you won't be ripping away from traffic and drawing attention to yourself. That doesn't mean you can't red-line the engine, drop the clutch , and rip a nicely satisfying burnout, because you can... And I have.

Oh BTW... if you want to have some fun you can buy a ready to install everything included SUPERCHARGER kit for the Yaris. It's on my bucketlist.

The cargo space is MASSIVE! because the rear seats fold flat and it's a hatchback with a wide trunk opening and a flat-ish roof (instead of aggressively raked back) the amount of stuff you can fit in it is kind of insane. Several hundred pounds of firewood? Check. Two fully assembled kitchen cabinets to be turned into a kitchen island? Check. 55" TV in box? Check. 6.5' Christmas tree? Check. Just look at that cavernous space!

Shoot, my wife and I regularly go car camping out of the Yaris. If you push the front seats as far forward as they go you can fit an inflatable mattress in the back with only a slight bend in it. It's remarkably comfortable and unless you need to sleep perfectly straight as a log it serves very well as a mini RV. Back when I commuted 26 miles to my full time job and then another further 55 miles to my full time schooling I would often sleep in the back of the Yaris between the two and have very restful and replenishing sleep.

Here we are on Rollins Pass in Colorado at 11,600 ish feet:

At first having the gauges in the center of the dash was a bit weird but it comes with two bonuses. The first one took me a while to notice: You feel more connected to the road and your journey. Putting the dashboard gauges directly in front of the driver actually puts a barrier between the driver and the road ahead of them. It's a wall of information density that permanently exists between you and the world ahead and you have to go through it before you can experience what's before you. It might be a borderline subconscious thing but not having something that constantly wants your attention in front of you really lets your mind focus on the road ahead of you and the journey you are on. If you NEED the information, it's still there, just politely sitting off to the side waiting to tell you whatever you need to know.

The second bonus to the center gauges? MOTHER FUCKING GLOVEBOXES BABY! THIS CAR HAS THREE! There is the standard glove box around the knees of the passenger but there is also one above that and a THIRD one above the steering column on the driver's side. I never would have guessed how excited a grown man could be (me) about the discovery of multiple GLOVEBOXES in a car.

Almost nearly as much as I enjoy the gloveboxes I really am impressed by the setup of the cup holders. You have your standard 2 cup holders down by the hand brake in the center console but the really awesome ones are seamlessly folded into the dashboard near the doors. These aren't your tiny popout cupholders you find in most cars that break the second time you put a big gulp in one. No... these are chunky, heavy duty cup holders that make an audible ca-thunk when deployed. The amount of times I've deployed the cup holder at a driver through and had the teller make a visible reaction or even stop to say something is significant. My words probably do not do them justice so look at these pictures of their location and diagram from the manual and tell me that they don't inspire confidence.

There are only TWO things I would like changes about this car. Give me a Bluetooth enabled head unit with better speakers and a good place to put a chi charger for my phone. That is all.

I could go on for hours about this car but my last point about how epic this vehicle is and how we don't deserve it is this: It's a Toyota. A proper old fashioned bulletproof, reliable, affordable Toyota. Parts are dirt cheap and easy to replace.I've got 266,000 miles on mine and let me tell you, they have not been kind miles. We regularly take this on off road trails bouncing off of rocks and occasionally trees. I've torn the O2 sensor clean off of the car a couple of times and got it stuck up to the bottom of the door in deep snow while driving a dirt road pass in the Rockies. I have treated it like dirt and only done basic maintenance far less than it deserves. I've only had to replace the clutch once and this next summer will be the first time ever that I need to do anything even approaching major service. It's got a water pump leak and a front timing cover leak. Neither of these stop the car from functioning at all but as long as I keep an eye on the fluid levels we are good to go.

All this and it takes it like an absolute champ. It trucks along being the best little car it can be. The snow, dirt, and mud, and neverending miles of cross country journeys this car has never failed me. I will not part with my beautiful little car for anything less then total destruction. The day that happens I will remove the logo from it's sad lifeless carcass, frame it and hang it on my wall for all to know what an amazing being was part of our lives for so long and yet not nearly long enough.

I love my car.

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Everyone knows waffle houses exist in their own unique temporal planes.

This diagram is only missing that one super speed zone into another dimensions high speed internet that is hidden up in the attic during the season just before Christmas as you dig through your stored belongings and wonder why you have so many dumb yard inflatables.

That was my initial thought. The bots are working overtime.

Correct longitude! Ohio in actuality.

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I immediately went and bought a Kia because of this fuck up. I live in a rural area and hardly ever visit any kind of heavy suburban areas where this kind of issue is prevalent. If I do I find a good parking garage to use.

Because of all the stuff going on with KIA I was able to pick up a 2016 Kia Sorento EX with all the bells and whistles for 6k Uber KBB. It is hands down the nicest car I've ever owned.

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If I could figure out how to move all my favorites and playlists AND continue discovering obscure music from around the world with ease, I would replace Spotify.

I can't think of another way for me to discover something like Indian Metal, all female Cuban acapella group, or power ambient deep in the middle of nowhere farmland NY. It's not like those are going to be played on the radio. But I can type a random combo of letters and numbers into Spotify and start a radio based on the first band I don't recognize. Let the discovery commence.

I've got an Axolotl. Not sure where that falls on the spectrum of exotic pets.

They are pretty easy to get ahold of and apart from a chiller to keep the water at an appropriately cool temperature they are easy to take care of. That being said, every person that has come over to our place reacts with something along the lines of "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!".

All I really need to do for it is top off the water every day or two and once a month or so replace 20% of the water with fresh water. It's not even that critical to do that much water maintenance I just like to go for as clear water as possible.

Feeding is easy as well. Optimal feeding is once every 2-3 days but they can survive MUCH longer without food. Studies have shown up to 3 weeks is doable. This means if we are going to go on vacation for a week or a bit longer I just feed him once before we leave and then don't worry about it.

Right! My one concession to here (loving) statement is that my ideas of productive can often lean towards the absurd.

Yes, I am handplaning bowling alley floor for a desk at 11:30 at night... why do you ask?

Not for a second do I believe that thing would fly.

For crying out loud 3d printed stuff is HEAVY for anything headed into the skies. The control surfaces look absolutely borked, and what the heck is even going on with that tiny ass propeller.

Go invest in some foamcore and some cheap servos. Use 3d printing for stuff like payload delivery systems or creating molds for fiberglass body layups.

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It was a graveyard smash.

The logo in the bottom corner is for Bad Dragon and Flint is one of the names of their dragon dick dildos. XL being the size.

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I may or may not occasionally get super fixated on tasks I'm doing. The only reason I know it was fifty minutes was because I listened to the entire Sleep Token album "This Place Will Become Your Tomb".

You can bet your ass that those steepers are nice and shiny clean.

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If you aren't storing your keys in S1, A1-10 what are you even doing? S4, B3 is for beef jerky, and S2, C2 is for volotiles but nothing nearly as bad as S2, C4 for what should be clear reasons. S4, D2-20 is for dice obviously,

lol, found the pedant! Entirely fair though, the title was more of a mood than factual.

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I completely agree regarding AI being plastered on every piece of software tech. It is dumb and it makes people so much ND dumb and this is a hill I will absolutely die on.

I can't remember where I found this one, I've had it for a while, probably by searching "Oled phone wallpaper".

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Or 85 posts a day by 3 different bots with one and only one commenter.

It's personally a catch 22 for me.

I listen to an absolutely absurd amounts of different artists. A large portion of them simply don't have albums available for purchase and if they did... I would actually go broke buying all the stuff I listen to.

Every single day I type in a Combo of 2 random letters and numbers into spotify and listen to the first artist I don't recognize.

It really sucks that Spotify doesn't pay the artists anything reasonable but I haven't found an alternative that allows me to consume as much different music as I currently do.

This isn't even including the podcasts and audio books into the equation.

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No, but not being able to have a reasonable discussion with another person without them resorting to nonsense arguments of no merit or personal attacks does bother me.

I have made the personal choice that YouTube premium is a valuable service to me and that I would rather pay for it than go through the rigmarole of PiHole/ad blockers/ripping.

Apparently that makes me a sheep, retard, loser, bitch to corporations, boot licker, dick, uneducated, fuckwad. Just to name a few.

I believe downloading a digital copy of your property is 100% your right. ONLY after you have paid full price for it in a legal manner and if at all possible in physical media.

Apparently that means I'm a slave to the media, a Republican(?), don't believe in personal rights, and am advocating for a return to absolute monarchy's.

I believe that it is better to pay for services (even if they are created by mega corporations) and give money directly to the content creators whenever possible. Disney/Marvel, for instance, is massive and has many issues. That doesn't mean that they didn't create things that never existed before and deserve to be paid.

Apparently I'm no better than a terrorist against human rights, have no decency, must have had brain damage, and am begging to be ass raped by the elite just to be told I'm a good little consumer.

I believe that the definition of a hypocrite is somebody spouting their beliefs that all ads are evil, mega - corporations deserve to die, and that no content service deserves their money and then also screaming about work reform, and not getting paid a fair living wage, all jobs matter, etc.

Apparently this makes me a proponent for being a wage slave, a blinded consumerist, a white collar elitist who was raised to keep the people down, and a politician dick/cunt sucker, and a worshiper of alphabet, apple, Facebook, twitter and the like.

I loathe what reddit became but the general level of discourse was far more reasonable and measured then what I have experienced here on Lemmy. It's actually frustrating. What happened to being able to disagree with someone and talk about it in measured responses and open discourse?

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I'll offer him $10. As a measurement of a percentage of my personal wealth I am offering double what Elon is offering.

I brings me joy when I tell her "Alexa, shut up you dumb bitch" and then she responds with that sad minor tone dejected sound.

Brother, skyrim has gotten insane. They now have in game vibrators that sync with REAL WORLD versions so you can feel the same thing IRL when it's being used.

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weirdly enough the mobile site actually works better. You cannot purchase movies or TV shows in the prime video app OR the Amazon shopping app. You can only do it on the mobile website.

My sister uses it for both anxiety and sleep. It works wonders for her. I have tried every type of CBD supplement, oil, edible, shampoo, clothes, etc I've been able to get my hands on and have seen ZERO effect on me. Your mileage may vary.