1 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Well guys... Have you seen Trump's mental decline since he last ran?! How old is he now?

Surely nobody would be dumb enough to vote someone that old into office now... That is... What we have been saying? Right guys?

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And that's before all the laws he broke... And trying to undermine the American constitution... And the changing the system so he could be immune.

Let's not forget those things too.

On TOP! Of him being far too old.

It's mind boggling how much if a pussy Putin is.

Putting his tiny penis on display for all..

I'm confused.... They did it on cameras on Jan 6th.. why are some Americans still blind to it. Do they know they can listen to the trump tapes!?

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And most importantly of all......

The reason they are this mad...

Nobody ain't talking about no ears no more.

Literally nobody on the face of the earth, thinks that he isn't afraid.

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This is like when the Brits get upset when Ireland makes fun of em.. it's the bare minimum after hundreds of years of abusing our people, land and rights

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I'm not American, but frats etc seem deeply anti social.

Isn't it just... Legitimised bullying and exclusion?

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Charlie xcx British musician n songwriter.

She aight

Oh.. it's mocking when Dems do it..

Why isn't it just behavioural parity?

Are both sides not allowed to behave the same? Be equal?

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America is so racist. It's strange.

I would think her policy and strength as a person would be the factors worth considering.

Please to see some of you are just thinking about casting though.

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He hasn't figured it out yet..

He's too old to comprehend

From a foreigner, this is undoubtedly true, unless you goal is secretly to have a king.

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None of it... Is secret... The trump calls. Even to the fucking election investigator in Georgia!? The paperwork.

It's all there. Any American who supports trump today is either literally special needs level education (and haven't looked at or understood thr tapes) or publicly admitting they would prefer monarchy with trump.

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He let that bullet slide right past him and into that young family man he fooled.

He fooled him into wanting an king, and then his king passed a bullet onto him.

Isn't it true that trump didn't even call his widow and biden did!? And she refused the call...

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Hahahaha how can you Americans vote for such a pussy.


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Porno theatres?!

Again, are you in the 1960's?

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Why would you need to pay for a cinema ticket, just to hide a kiss without being seen. Is this the 1950s!?

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That's the kind of thing people who want to be king say.

It's not like there's not an abundance of proof available you anybody. You can listen to his calls on YouTube. The man is horrific.

Still far more selfless than Trump though. I'm sure we can absolutely agree there.

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But .. he literally does..

He just, got caught.. doing it


It's so funny seeing people actually still think maga is anything but a king making cult.

I ain't American, but fuck it it fun y watching certain Americans be so horrendously thick.

Enjoy your king!

It's not people wanting a fair process. It's maga. They want a king.

You think the Repubs are ever gonna even put in any effort to hide Trumps disability?

Cos frankly, it's starting to feel like it doesn't matter when it's their king. what are your thoughts? Does trump suffer from entropy like the rest of us?

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In fairness.. regardless of what the guy did before this.

The officer deserves to absolutely lose his job. Without doubt.

The target.tis face down int be ground.. not moving.. and he stomps his head.

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When it's for legitimate reasons.

Funny how many racist comments come out in media every time people don't like the colour of the candidate but never finished school so can't actually engage with their work.

Lol... From a foreigner this is hilarious. Some of you still want to support the guy that tried disrupt the governmental process... He called the frigging election investigator FFS. You can listen to him tell her how 'her job is the most important in The country rn.. and talk at length about how fraud will be found.

People that want trump want a king. Plain and simple.

Most non-americans that finished school do.

Maga people sure do.

Yeah. No shit.

Americans. This is where you highlight hypocrisy. You put it right n their face. You don't turn around and continue the obvious truth that trump is a fool and tried to interrupt governmental process. The defo wont care about that.

You make a fool of them publicly and ensure everyone sees the hypocrisy. .. and if they still weasel.. they want a king.


Hahahaha Good one!

Well.. fox and those right leaning media channels.. that's for sure..

Imho it does nothing.

No dropping or raising of the level from dema has affected maga discourse in the least.

They will do the exact same shit. We have had too many years to learn that lesson now.

Either smack back (rhetorically) or they will just make up something anyway.

Moving heir talking points so fast was very... Very telling.

To an extent, I say it's about time you do.

Not with policy or law breaking. Not that crazy shit.

But rhetorically. Imho it's time for American Dems to stop playing so nice..

The evidence is all available online. If you support trump for office you want a king.

When presented with the American constitution or trump, and they chose trump, its self evident that they just want a king.

So many well meaning centrists and left leaning people in America have cut maga so much slack for 8 years...

Maga definitionally wants to replace the United states constitution and establishment. The conversation should be happening on those terms. But most the outspoken left leaning voices are too scared.

She's been VP for a few years since then. I hope she goes for the jugular... (Metharphorically of course. Seeing as maga is suddenly quite shocked about violent language LOL)

Kinda good... If he shows his true colours and tried to fight the government forcefully.... He will go to court for his crimes.

This ain't so bad..

They just want a king.

Not a government that they have to be involved in.

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