‘The Squad’ Is Coming Around to Kamala Harris for President

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 260 points –
‘The Squad’ Is Coming Around to Kamala Harris for President

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America is so racist. It's strange.

I would think her policy and strength as a person would be the factors worth considering.

Please to see some of you are just thinking about casting though.

Ah, you must be one of those people who agree with the Supreme Court that believes we're in a post-racial society!

No racism or sexism problems in Amerika! /s

Depends which society you are referring to. I'm Irish I love in Ireland. And although I make no claims that Ireland is post racial.. it's sure af less racial alliance round than America.

I lived there too. Firs time I ever heard the n word being used with full unabashed sincerity. At the age of.. 25 odd.