‘The Squad’ Is Coming Around to Kamala Harris for President

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 260 points –
‘The Squad’ Is Coming Around to Kamala Harris for President

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It would be weird for Democratic women of color to come out against a Democratic woman of color.

While true, it should not mean they automatically support her. That's tokenism. However, of shes got the credentials, which KH has, they would be foolish not to support her.

Even if they didn't agree with her I think it would be much more foolish for them to support Trump...

They could support another candidate, however, that would show disunity. Better to band together with an acceptable candidate, at this point.

By all accounts, she is acceptable and she was made VP knowing Biden was old and planned to step down.

However, they should also do so knowing the establishment of the Democratic party are out if touch and have no problem pushing their own agenda even when its clear that its a bad plan. A la Biden first time, pushing out Sanders, Clinton, dumping biden second time. All against supposed principles.

America is so racist. It's strange.

I would think her policy and strength as a person would be the factors worth considering.

Please to see some of you are just thinking about casting though.

Ah, you must be one of those people who agree with the Supreme Court that believes we're in a post-racial society!

No racism or sexism problems in Amerika! /s

Depends which society you are referring to. I'm Irish I love in Ireland. And although I make no claims that Ireland is post racial.. it's sure af less racial alliance round than America.

I lived there too. Firs time I ever heard the n word being used with full unabashed sincerity. At the age of.. 25 odd.

Yes, everyone knows people of a certain skin tone all think and vote the same... /s

Madeleine Albright — "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."

Do you think that quote means vote for your fellow women or burn in hell? What happens if it is a choice between two women candidates?

Uh... is that what you think the 2024 election is all about??