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Joined 1 years ago

Therefore any company that puts out notices or alerts via Twitter should immediately exit the platform. Running their own server on mastodon would be a better bet

4 more...

Sounds like these threads are becoming... unravelled...

3 more...

Bring new meaning to the phrase "better luck next time!". I would also expect some sort of suicidal hashtag trend like #imatryagain

Quick, someone figure out a way to write 'Fuck u/spez' without increasing site traffic!

I bet Putin joked that he would throw an opponent out the window once. I think it went well.. for him

"Hey Bob, you taking part of the wholesale slaughter of innocent people for fun and profit today?", "Ha ha, you know it!" /s

What I feel it does is get as much supreme court precedent in place while the right still have a stacked deck. Who knows how long it would take for this situation to happen organically?

Money. I feel my depression holds me back from networking and seeking and gaining higher paid employment. A lot of glass half empty and "I wouldn't be considered" thinking

Death stranding

I feel like he's trying to see how fast it can be done

I reckon the meeting about the tokens went something like "okay, how can we monetise this?", "Okay hear me out here... monkeys!... digital monkeys!"