5 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm German and that is bullshit. Never heard of mäusespeck, everyone just calls them marshmallows and they are labeled as marshmallows in the store

EDIT: I was made aware that the Problem seems be that im not a boomer. 30 years ago, when i wasnt alive, they seemed to be called this. In my WG there are people over 30 though and they also never heard of this (hessen)

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First of all Linux isn't a company, but the name some dude named Linus gave his code he put for free on the internet.

Most modern Linux distros are still not run by companies, that's why they don't force the data collection, ads, ai etc down your throat.

That said: Linux is made from thousands of interlocking programs, scripts, services and libraries, made mostly by some guys or gurls in their free time. So with a lot of stuff you need to fit it to your needs, as granular customization is to troublesome to have working out of the box for every different usecase there could be. So with most stuff you should not be afraid to learn the basics of terminal commands (packet manager, editor, foldermanagment)

Some OS like Ubuntu and manjaro do a lot for you, but if you have weird double monitors, you may need to manually do some stuff.

If you want as much as possible easy install options I would go with manjaro - then you can install everything where users made an AUR (arch user repository) package. Check if they have all programs you want, if not look for alternatives.

If you want a more stable system but with a bit less possibilities, go for Ubuntu, debian, popOS or something like that.

Some things may never run, for example for my music daw(ableton) with low latency and not native support on Linux or the htc vive wireless (where there isn't a driver for the PCI card for Linux) I keep a win machine around. Day to day use is on debian on my side

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Agree with you in general, but I think a lot if people here are not really informed what differences there are materialistic ideologies.

Yes, Stalin bad.

But Guevara is not Stalin.

Marx is not che

Engels is not Marx

China is not communist.

Marxism is not materialism

Socialism is not communism

Also the amount of people bringing the "the 3 times people tried socialism were bad, so the whole ideology must be bad" argument are way to high IMHO.

How many times was capitalism tried? How many times it worked out? Is the USA a "functioning" state with all the oppression, racism, greed, invading other countries out of monetarian interest and environment destruction?

While I agree with you, that oppression is bad, no matter what the oppressor calls himself, we should talk about policies without resorting to dogmas and generalising people in favor of fear the hegemonic class is propagating to stay in power.

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Beating the far right? Dude they are second strongest here in Germany, had massive gains and I live in fear I will see the second German fascism soon.

What the guck do you mean beating them?

Making the basic rules like Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia should be a no brauner. Pls add this rule

I was imagining something like this in hexbear or lemmygrad, as people there seemed quite dogmatic at times, but even on Sad to see this, as I had mostly positive interactions there till now

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So seither i embaress myself everytime i shit or nothing happens?

Captain disilusion

If you are lucky you get one video a year, but it will be good

American with two Party system and no real choice trying ro rationalize HM?

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Was zum fick ist ein biben böbermanm?!

I have no idea what asahi linux is and at that point I am to afraid to ask

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Maybe now i will get a life

YouTube is still there. Through invidious, but still...

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rm -r -f Presses strg+v (instead of strg + shift + v)

Hits enter

Maschine proceeds to delete the home folder as the garbage that comes when pressing normal strg+v gets interpreted so...

Not op, but what drives me back to word (and other ms office like pp and publisher and win is:

90%: Far Superior spell and grammar and style check


Easy integration of a good tts to read my own texts to me as well as lecture for university.

Easy citavi integration

Auto complete sentences (at least in English)

superior layout presets (on click and OK and modern enough style to submit without even thinking about it) (Far superior for publisher)

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In Debian KDE KDEConnect works well. Dont know about suse but can imagine it works there too

EDIT: grammar

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What finally drove me back to windows: some games just will not work all the time:

Especially the riot games (which I mainly play) are not made for Linux. Valorant doestn run at all (correct me if this changed) because of the anti cheat.

League will only run when the chads from the internet have written a working lutris script.

While the anti cheat of valorant needs kernel privileges and this is clearly some fckd up shit on riots side and not at all Linux fault, the result still is the same: it doesn't work.

Same goes for lutris league. While riot not supporting linux is clearly their fault and the people who provide the lutris whine scripts for free for everyone are the real MVPs, the result is a disadvantage in usabilitiy compared to windows. Sometimes it takes time for the community to come up with solutions to changes in the game, sometimes the installer scripts don't work at all because of some quirk with your specific distro/ your installed packages/your monitor format/etc.pp. Sure you could configure wine yourself, but you need an computer science degree for that which I don't have.

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  1. Im not from USA, and from my point of view its mich worse than most other countries (no healthcare, no independend courts, murder sprees in schools nearly every day, opression of half of the world (a half of them just to get more oil to destroy the planet faster), one of 3 of the biggest war-pushers in whole earth, polutes and destroys earth mode than every other country per citizens, etc. PP.)

  2. capitalism mostly opresses and profits from people out of the country to Funktion. if its Bad in Venezuela or Cuba or Afghanistan, or even early russia, thats at least partly fault of US.

  3. Venezuela is not communism, China isnt, russia isnt. Most of them have failed, at least partly because caputalist societys atack them and stop a as soon as they are born and they can't form a stable democracy. Before reading Marx, your bashing of communism isnt worth anything, as you clearly don't understand what you are talking about. We never had communism, and some would say not even socialism. You sound like you don't even know the difference, since you keep talking about communism, which is a utopian society after humanity has stopped a lot of bad habits and has learned to live without working against each other in competition and working together instead, which arises maybe after generations of workig socialism, which we clearly didn't have. exactly prove my point. I dont agree with tankies either, but the number of people around here blindly copying capitalist propaganda while understanding nothing they bash about is too damm high.

International: title of the post Local: atemlos by Helene fischer

Same, cant use half of online services because I can't have PayPal (and don't want a credit card for security concerns)

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A thing you can do apart from blocking is talking about it and raising awareness.Thight balancing though with doing "outrage marketing" for or making a self fulfilling prophecy.

If you are engaged, you could document malicous behaviour from them, so they can't work in the shadows and their real intends are widely known. Truth is: few people like Nazis

The 2 minutes where you dont realise you need to click the image to start the gif and wonder what is so annoying about newtons pendle

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I dont even know the word

After Google: no i dont like stalin

This is stupid. While i am all up advocating for foss, trying to argue peoples usecases into non existence is not helping anyone.

My grandparents ran into problems with Linux because they wanted to connect their TV (second monitor) and use team viewer with it (to control it from their phone.

Some of my super non it friends use lots of monitors because who the hell knows why they need this for office stuff.

Its really bothering me that a part of "Linux die hards" always blames missing features or complicated processes on the user.


I think we need to accept that Linux is not for anyone.

Sure I can install the aur version of team speak from console, but my grandparents can't. They can't even read English documentation.

For people living it Linux is fine, and better than other systems, you can change your desktop envirment, fit it to your needs, not be constantly spied on, change everything you want (if you understand it enough to compile from source) nice.

But if you want anything more than "one monitor, mail, office (with bad grammar and spell check)" but are not comfortable with reading through pages and pages of documentation or spending an amount of time tinkering with your PC others spend with their kids, Linux just won't work!

And we need to be honest to people with that or we set wrong expectations.

I am not dumb and not a total noob, but I broke my system recently because I wanted to change my username and didn't read through all the little details why Linux can't do this like any other os. On any payed os this is one klick, on Linux your documents break (because of groups), your desktop items break, your taskbar breaks (and I still haven't got the taskbar panel working today, because no matter what the home folder in plasma settings is, panel always interprets ~/ as the old homefolder path, which doesn't exist anymore and for the love of god I can't find where panel stores this info), loots of symlinks break and im thinking about just installing from scratch because it is easier than to fix everything.

Linux just isn't a payed os and you can't expect everything from it you can from windows or osx. There are (lot of) usecases win and osx easily accomplish, and Linux doesn't if your not a nerd or have lots of time.

Just saying those usecases are "not needed". While people clearly need them is only helping Microsoft and apple.

No guilt for own mistakes? Dunno bout that

Right wing ideologies

You throw the best friend of Marx who founded and conducted all the empirical research marx theories are build on aside? Why?

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O sole mio

All data sucking big corporate leeches. I wish giropay would take off more

Why is the firertruck german?

Yeah, this vote was a disaster... I didn't vote for them but its really hard to see them go

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Not at all tech savy enough to maintain, but willing to donate. A project like the would be soooo nice

Does this work here: !RemindMe 6 months

Don't feed the trolls ;)

Mostly True, while (at least in my part of the world) there are a lot of people who like red flags but fight against hierarchies.

The Admin of my instance ( is tolerant but understands the tolerance paradox. (Defderated with exploding heads but not every left instance - doesn't fall for false balance.

Also he was fast with approving new accounts.

How much of the question was sincere and how many of my time was wasted? XD

Startend with ubuntu, didnt like "appy", mobile feel of gnome, switched to manjaro KDE, loved it but kept breaking and I wasn't smart enough to fix

Settled on good Ol Debian KDE, miss the AUR but things are stable and working

Still got a win pc to play league, work with office and make music though.

PS, why is it funny Debian users like plasma? Such a rarity?

But to be fair, plasma has only become good recently imho, I really liked concept years ago but it was way to fragile and incomplete then.

What numbers? There are only colorful circles

Thats why i talked about vdsl (vectoring) which is very common in germany as our Cooper cables are Quite shitty.

Fact is: every evening the internet goes bad (latency up, bandwidth down). at work times or at night it works fine. This is not only true for me but for all neighbours.

I don't know every technical detail of why this happens, the technician from the Telekom said it is because of interferences in overused and bad in shape cables due to vectoring not having enough failsaves/checksums/something like that.

That on the topic.

On a personal level: This is a discussion about alternatives to word. I would like to transition to linux, because i value the moral/ethical aspects of Foss software. I state here reasons which keep me from transitioning (as always its a tradeoff between security and convenience). One of this arguments is "the internet where I live is not good enough for online office, so it can't be proclaimed as an solution for every situation" You telling me "the amount of users is not relevant for you" implying "your internet is not bad, you are hallucinating this" is not really helpful or appropriate.

P.s. I am a student with limited money so I have an 1gb 4g contract for 3,99. In my part of the city you only get 3g though. Also university is a metal building where mobile works unreliable AF, most days campus WiFi works fine, but enough days it doestn. I can't afford not being able to write texts in those situations.

Sure if you get 5g and have money to pay for lots of data volume on your phone its not that bad, but this is not viable for everyone.