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Joined 3 months ago

PO: Someone else figure out how to repeat what he did.

Second developer: Sorry, I tried to make sense of his rocket design but I can't figure out how to make a copy that doesn't explode before we even put the fuel in.

Why not go straight for the Ultimate Warrior, get him in a debate with Trump, and make the host cry?

They're what meets the eyes
Bots not in disguise
Robobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of
The Obviouscons

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A friend of mine works in marketing (think "websites for small companies"). They use an LLM to turn product descriptions into early draft advertising copy and then refine from there. Apparently that saves them some time.

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Well, his party is trying to make people forget he's in there for fear of losing votes. Given that this party is the "presentable" face of the hard right I hope he gets as much media attention as possible.

Not sure anything is going to happen to him personally but he's a politician and this is corruption so probably not.

To be honest, I'm kind of afraid that Linux will go the day of Windows with zero UI consistency because of apps that can't be themed to even look vaguely similar or may even take over the window decorations.

I kinda liked it more when gtk-qt was still a thing and you could actually get a semi-unified look for the while environment.

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And even if we accept that it was always intended to be PSN-only and they decided to launch before PSN integration was done, the fact that multiplayer is entirely dependent on them providing a service is troubling. That's how we lose games.

I can still launch Rainbow Six 3 and play multiplayer with my friends because it has the server built in and allows direct connect via IP address. You can't do that with a live service game; once the official servers are down the game becomes (partially or completely) lost media.

Besides, isn't China already selling ammo to them? I could very well see China selling vehicles to Russia in large quantities, even on loan – and all it will take is Russia to become even more of a Chinese satellite state.

We tried sitting this out and it didn't work. Ukraine's new approach of actively making Russia hurt looks more promising.

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You mean the trading card game that used to be coherent but these days is whored out to every franchise on Earth so Hasbro can make a quick buck, reputation be damned? There are worse comparisons.

Kernel-level anticheat and DRM are killer features, like it or not. People don't care how invasive they are, they want to play League of Duty. If Linux can't do that then it's not good enough yet as far as they are concerned.

Meanwhile the only thing keeping me from switching to Garuda on my desktop is that the GPU is wonky and misbehaves even worse under Linux than it does under Windows. Screw competitive online games.

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That's why I dropped them when my mid-2013 MBP got a bit long in the tooth. Mac OS X, I mean OS X, I mean macOS is a nice enough OS but it's not worth the extortionate prices for hardware that's locked down even by ultralight laptop standards. Not even the impressive energy efficiency can save the value proposition for me.

Sometimes I wish Apple hadn't turned all of their notebook lines into MacBook Air variants. The unibody MBP line was amazing.

Or an action movie with a fight scene aboard a transport airplane with people getting tossed out of the loading door. Cut to action on the ground with them impacting in sync with the music.

Gtk and QT weren't consistent but there was a Gtk style that used QT as a rendering backend, which allowed you to get some semblance of consistency. Then they came up with Adwaita, which doesn't really allow that anymore.

Excuse me? It's like you don't even care about Brotherhood of Steel!

Somewhere, Gul Dukat is silently crying.

Evil is usually about power and influence and that's something players typically don't get to have in large quantities – otherwise the game quickly starts behaving much differently. Why go on adventure when you can just hire adventures to do it for you while you work to further your influence, after all?

A TTRPG can try to mutate to accommodate this (probably using a pile of ad hoc house rules) but a CRPG world need to have all that programmed in. And the players might not like the genre shift.

If you don't have power you can still be an effective hero but as a villain your only option is to try to backstab your way to the top – but if you can make any substantial progress there we end up with the aforementioned problems. If you can't make that progress you're basically stuck roleplaying Iznogoud and few people want a gameplay loop that deliberately leads nowhere.

What can work is an evil character playing along with heroes for their own reasons. I once had a TTRPG character who was a SHODAN clone (inhabiting a human body via invasive cyberware). My SHODAN was perfectly aware of how vulnerable she was and how she needed allies. As a result she wasn't nice but fiercely loyal to the party, deferring to their judgement on most matters because that was most likely to keep her alive.

She still ended up getting written out when she turned out too annoying to play. I hope she's happy with the space station I bought her.

Honestly, if you want one simple DE for everyone it should probably be XFCE. Dead simple to use, feels vaguely familiar to Windows users, not overly complicated.

KDE is heavily customizable, Gnome is very opinionated, and tiling WMs don't adhere to orthodox UI patterns. Those are all suboptimal if you want something usable by the absolute widest range of users.

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Even if you assume that the software you run will never have exploitable security issues, AV can also keep you from spreading infected files e.g. through forwarded mails.

Your comment is a good reason why these tools have no place in the courtroom: The things you describe as imagination.

They're image generation tools that will generate a new, unrelated image that happens to look similar to the source image. They don't reconstruct anything and they have no understanding of what the image contains. All they know is which color the pixels in the output might probably have given the pixels in the input.

It's no different from giving a description of a scene to an author, asking them to come up with any event that might have happened in such a location and then trying to use the resulting short story to convict someone.

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True, but getting someone to switch to Linux is a hard sell already. Any compatibility issues are seen as the OS's fault, not as the game company being lazy.

Mind you, the real winner is of course Android. It has a consistent, easy to learn interface and a wide range of applications that integrate nicely.

And we don't need to speculate; it has already won and is the true face of Linux for the masses. Plenty of young people don't even own traditional computers anymore and do everything on their smartphone or tablets.

And that's why this entire discussion is really just a form of fan wank; we don't need to find a unified UI for Linux because it has already been found and has a massive market share. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

Everything else can be as complicated, janky, or exotic as it wants because it doesn't matter.