Russia says US support for Ukraine will end as ‘humiliating fiasco’ like ‘Vietnam and Afghanistan’ to World – 336 points –
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Besides, isn't China already selling ammo to them? I could very well see China selling vehicles to Russia in large quantities, even on loan – and all it will take is Russia to become even more of a Chinese satellite state.

We tried sitting this out and it didn't work. Ukraine's new approach of actively making Russia hurt looks more promising.

Russia becoming essentially a Chinese satellite was always how this ended. The question is how much damage is done along the way and how well our nice little international status quo fares in the meantime.

Oddly less scared of China running Russia than I am of Putin running Russia

I guess it's because the Chinese government at least hasn't seemed insane enough to make me seriously ponder if we're about to see nuclear armageddon

All other things being equal, there are no benevolent dictators. One more powerful one isn't an improvement on two weaker ones.

Not China directly, but Iran and NK as proxies. Some Chinese banks stopped processing russian businesses' payments since the start of this year. They don't want to risk their 50% of market in EU and US over merely 3% purchases from Russia, so they themselves started to clean the room.