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Joined 12 months ago

That's the clutch and brake pedals...

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This is worse than Pompeii. The ancient Roman city wasn't buried under lava, but under ash, rock and boulders. While that is still very deadly, it isn't nearly as destructive as lava. That's why we can still experience Pompeii architecture, art and culture. Excavating this road, covered in solidified lava, is extremely difficult and costly. Just go over it, once it's cooled.

And some diseases are renamed and actively encouraged to not use the old name. A prime example is granulomatosis with polyangitis, formerly known as Wegener's granulomatosis. Wegener being a nazi might be a reason for this particular change...

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I'm a man who doesn't love boobs. AMA

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What are you on about?! Spotify innovates all the time. Almost every week I'm greeted with a new way to fuck up their app and/or service. That's impressive! 😐

Everything except hydrogen. And technically, only elements that are heavier than iron necessarily come from exploding stars. The lighter elements are made in non-exploding stars and could, at least theoretically, be distributed across the universe without a supernova.

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Agreed, it would wreck the neighborhood. Wreck it for the better.

Have you considered growing longer arms?

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Well technically, if it hasn't changed since 1984 it has also not changed since 1985

Does it matter?

That's a baby muskox, not bison. Young bison are hazel coloured.

Nah, I'm good thanks. I've got my happy meal right here

That depends on how you define who's affected. The fine is part of EUs budget and the fees paid by member states will be reduced by the same amount for next years budget. Every* member of the EU profits from this. And since anti competitive behaviour affects the entire market, the involved parties got compensated.

*Except perhaps apple users... And one might argue they're the ones affected. But it's also self-inflicted.

Too harsh?! It's lovely! -20 where I'm at and it's awesome 😎

It varies by species. Some go left side up and others go right side up. In some species the individuals flip equally often to left and right, such as thornback turbot. Then there's the Senegalese sole... In this species the side they "tilt" towards are different between individuals, but most of them do it to one side and a small subgroup turn the other way. Kind of like our right or left handedness. source

You're not alone brother. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Vampire with neuralink

I agree though, too expensive for day to day consumption.

Good. This liquid sugar shouldn't be part of anyone's day to day consumption. Occasional treat? Sure! But no more than that.

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"Mainly" is s bit of a stretch, as dry wood contains around 20-30% lignin. Roughly 50% is cellulose, which is made of hundreds or thousands of linked glucose molecules. Gingerbread is around 70% carbohydrates, mostly starch and sugars.

That depends on my age's fault

I'm indifferent to them.

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Nah... Photographers are usually too large a prey for mantids

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Science is cool. Even if the earth ain't.

The walkway. Or bike path.

Not really. I have gay friends who love boobs... Just not in a sexual way

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Firstly your shoulder would follow the rotation for as long allowed. Then something would be dislocating, but whether it would be the head of radius or your shoulder I cannot tell. From there you get a whole lot of soft tissue injuries.

If you'd somehow continue to pronate (rotate your hand "inwards") and fixated your upper arm, you'd probably get a fracture of the proximal ulna or distal humerus, as they are rotationally fixed to eachother.

Note, I have not tested this. This is only my intuition, as someone who knows a bit of anatomy and medicine.

I am, yes.

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Nothing is "no risk"

Where're my green apples at?!

The 1460s

Why would you want to open your last closed window?

But I get the info after the spying is over. Why not show "This action will be registered by the app" when trying to take a screenshot. That way i get the option to proceed or not.

I'm having difficulties condensing all expectations modern men are facing into a single thought or opinion. There are many different kinds of assumptions about the ideal man, some of which are constructive, destructive or both, depending on the situation and individual. I can think of both positive and negative effects and cannot give a single answer. I'm not well versed in this field, and some would say I'm the absolute worst person to answer questions about gender norms and social group behaviour...

The risk of prion diseases are low. Prions are proteins and do biodegrade. The product of composting is dirt, which we -normally- don't eat, which lowers the risk even lower.

This Canadian study found a low risk of BSE (aka mad cow disease) after composting BSE infected biomaterials. They concluded that it's a viable option for disposal of such waste.

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Depends on what you think it means.

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And here I am, three hours later, learning something new

They've discovered stolen HPV vaccines? Good on them!

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Doing great work! The fewer working cars, the better!

Free from additives?