They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 1066 points –

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That's the clutch and brake pedals...

USA citizen having no clue about the existence of manual gear-box in vehicles, probably.

US stick driver here, equally disappointed in the picture.

I think it makes the whole meme funnier personally


But at least my car is less likely to get stolen!

As long as you don't get car jacked 🙃 saw a headline a few months ago (a year ago?) That a young man got shot and killed because a car jacker couldn't steal his car.

A little unnerving in Chicago where car jackings are relatively frequent.

They just added the caption. If the creator of this were capable of making the drawing, they would do something more with their life than memes.

You can't find an image of pushing the brake and throttle at the same time on wikihow.

I haven't driven a stick in over a decade and this meme upsets me.

I think you drastically underestimate the number of gearheads in the States. Makes sense, given we have incredibly limited public transport. Currently have 3 manuals in my driveway.

Of course, it a joke based on the fact that manual gearbox is, even to this day, the standard in Europe. I would be very surprise to meet someone with a driver license who can't drive manual. It seems in the USA manual driving is a hobby for car enthusiast. But what do I know? I have never step foot on the new continent.

Yeah well it's hard when you hear all your life if you mess up once you blow the transmission,.which is a several grand repair, nobody with a manual will ever let you practice on their car and well hey automatics are everywhere and don't have that headache.

They may have exaggerated the risk of a money shift a tiny bit. Stalling is easy, but blowing the car up has to be hard.

I've nearly shifted into 2nd gear from 4th before, the car was NOT happy, but there were no explosions. Granted, I didn't fully let up the clutch, but still. Mistakes happen.

I shift from 4th into 2nd all the time when in city traffic before taking a turn, so I'm pretty confused why that would be an issue.

Unless you wanted to shift up and brainfarted and shifted down instead. But it's pretty hard to hammer in a gear that is way too low for your current speed. There will be a lot of physical resistance and that grinding noise before the gear snaps in.

I was going highway speeds, I was going from 4th to 5th but decided to go back into 4th (or something to that effect, it was a while ago now). The shifting itself was easy because I had the clutch in, but as soon as I started to lift off the clutch it got pissed

nobody with a manual will ever let you practice on their car

I'm sorry that happened to you. IMO folks are way more precious about their manual transmissions than they need to be. I've taught several people to drive stick -- including myself, in a brand-new car I drove home from the dealer in rush-hour stop-and-go traffic -- and it's never hurt anything. (That brand-new car still had its original clutch when it was sadly totaled by a falling tree, 100k miles later.)

Same, I learned on a brand new car, on my own, and taught a couple other people with it, and it still had the original clutch when the transmission linkage broke at 187k (basically totaled at that point, just pulling out enough to get to the transmission would have cost more than the car was worth at that point... Low end Chevy's don't hold much value as it turns out)

The clutch is meant to slip, that's literally how they work. As long as you aren't riding it partially engaged for hundreds or thousands of miles, you probably won't burn it out. If they were as delicate as people treated them, they wouldn't have been the choice for racing for as long as they were after automatics hit the scene.

That's not true, a money shift is very rare.

If you were near me I would help you learn on any of my stick vehicles, it's pretty easy one you have some practice.

Nah, you just can't without being a complete psychopath I guess force in a too wrong gear, the sync won't be able to spin so fast that you can actually put in a ridiculous gear.

And reverse is usually not synced so even harder.

Nah, they just don't want you to drive their car. Chance of a money shift is extremely low, and it doesn't usually happen while learning. Money shifts really happen when you are trying to drive too fast, and you downshift more than 2 gears quickly. Most learners have trouble keeping the RPMs up high enough to money shift. I was perpetually shifting at 1.3k when learning and you can pretty much go from 6 to 2 without money shifting at those low revs.

Am US citizen, only drive manual transmissions. Anyone here who likes cars can drive a manual transmission, anyone who doesn't like cars doesn't give a shit about a manual transmission and just wants to get where they're going.

We invented cars, we're allowed to decide how they evolve.

American too. I don't really like cars, but if I have to drive one, I would prefer one with a manual transmission. Unfortunately, my current car doesn't have one because they don't put them in affordable cars anymore.

Because they're objectively worse in all measures other than fun

Maybe, but when I had a manual Toyota Corolla in the 90s, I felt like I was able to control the car so much better than any of the automatics I've had since.

What does "control" mean to you?

Because they're objectively worse in all measures other than fun control.

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The fools, this actually reboots the car into safe mode!

Joke appart, this is the proper way to do an emergency braking.

And if you have an acceleration-activated dash-cam this could cause it to trigger, which is as near to a screenshot as you're getting!

Wow, this post isn't even a meme anymore at this point !

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