2 Post – 267 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I didn't know about this. Thanks !

I also received spam calls on my German number. It's not that frequent but it happens.

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Isn't GitHub already blocked in China?

It is very sad to see. RN party really doesn't carry any values that are favorable to women in any way. They are very much fighting for blocking access to birth control and sex education. They have voted against proposal aiming to improve parity and reduce wage gapes.

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The cats at my parents home have a portion "RECEIVING PET" that is at least as big as the "SLEEP", they will never get tired of pet and cuddles.

And now for the secret ingredient... fear.

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RISC-V (pronounced risk five), is a Free open-source Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Other well established ISA like x86, amd64 (Intel and AMD) and ARM, are proprietary and therefore, one must pay every expensive licenses to design and build a processor using these architectures. You don't need to pay a license to build a RISC-V processor, you only need to follow the specifications. That doesn't mean the CPU design is also free, no, they stay very much the closed property of the designer, but RISC-V represents non the less, a very big step towards more transparency and technology freedom.

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USA citizen having no clue about the existence of manual gear-box in vehicles, probably.

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This bagette doesn't look lovely nor fresh

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I bought a 1st gen Framework, making the bet they will still be around and have sell upgrades for my laptop 5+years from now when I need an upgrade. So far they are delivering on their promises and the price remains acceptable (even if high than the competition).

  • very satisfied about linux support
  • very satisfied about reperability, customizability
  • very satisfied with overall spec. and design
  • not so satisfied by battery management and autonomy
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They still get 2 days of home office then! /s

Great, I can't wait for Whatsapp to be the only way to reach customer support and make payments. I always felt the confused look of people when I tell them I don't have Whatsapp wasn't enough.

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my name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me... Giorgio.

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Sorry, but Les Républicains are not "center-right", they are definitely very-right, they campaign on the same topics than the extreme-right and share a lot of points in their programs.

The new Front Populaire regroups a fairly wide variety of parties, from the the far left revolutionary communists like NPA, radical left with PCF and LFI, until the center like Les Socialistes (social Democrats) and Ecologists. Last Sunday, they were divided and dragging each other in the mud, today they have 1) signed to campaign as one, 2) decided the candidates for each county, 3) agreed on a very detailed common program for the next 2~3 years.

The vote takes place on 30th of June, therefore the political landscape of France will continue to shift frenetically for the next 2 weeks at least.

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I too, think the Windows start menu is way too responsive and not buggy enough. /s

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Lets avoid defederating. I am not to sure why defederated, i understand it's not a final decision but more of a quick mitigation to deal with de difficulty related to the reddit exodus. Right?

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Obviously the pineapple is the slut.

Freedom and independence of press (and other media) is in a deplorable state in france. Macron is actively contributing to this decline (supression of redevance TV, comes to my mind, along side other public statements he made), following the course set by previous governments (e.g: Sarkozy appointing himself the head of the national media group).

Ping Pong table ? Are they serious ?!? We had a PS5 in the meeting room for ~4 month an no one ever touched it. I don't go to work to have a fun time, I go to do my job, then leave and have a fun somewhere else. More correct answers for retaining employees:

  • give them tasks they are interested in
  • give them perspective for developement (promotions, raise, mobility, etc)
  • value their contributions and support them moraly (you want to know your managers and colleages got your back)
  • of course more money ! Or alternatively more freetime !
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For me the most important criterias are:

  • ownership: I buy, I get to download (re-download) the files and use then how ever I please
  • astists get a fair share: I want to maximize the share of the money I've spent going to the artists, and I would like the platform to be transparent, showing me with each purchase how much goes to the artitst for creating more art (if self-hosted by the artist herself/himself, this cost is then deduced)

I personally don't care for streaming.

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It seems Apple find it less difficult to comply with China's censorship policies than EU pro-consumer regulations.

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Because it is actually not that simple, especially on the "cleaner" and "safer" parts.

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I've seen her somewhere, but I can't remember the move title 🤔

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I would rather check under the bed in case there are knives.

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Yeah, it's not like Microsoft's style to force or nag their users into using whatever product. Nobody ever had any trouble turning off Onedrive, or uninstalling Edge.

64 if you relax

I don't understand how every Elon Musk's tweets are deemed "world news" worthy.

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I guess it's AI made given the hair doesn't make any sense with the hoody.

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Do not expect this thing to be a daily driver. It's aimed at developers who need a Risc-V testing platform. Very few Software will run on it unless you can spend hours making it compile for Risk-V and lets not talk about drivers. Also it will likely cost over $1000.

I am exited for the future of Risc-V in the consumer space, but we aren't there yet.

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Vaping indoors, at the desk ?! I would hate to work there.

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Generative AIs are capable of creating consistent styles and characters nowdays.

Just curious, is 24GB of RAM in a smartphone useful for anything?

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By being this close to the screen, he reduces the latency created by the photons traveling between the screen and his eyes, therefore giving him a significant strategic advantage over his opponents.

It sounds like you made your Jellyfin server public-facing, which is probably not what you want, even though it is supposed to be secured.

I recommend that you setup access through an exclusive and private connection of some kind. E.g: VPN, Tailscale, ZeroTier.

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Time to update your meme, CS:GO no longer exists.

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Most ridiculous are gold-plated HDMI cables.

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If you are a EU citizen, please vote this summer ! European Elections 2024

If you want a "setup and forget" type of experience, synology will serve you well, if you can afford it. Of you are more of a tinkerer and see yourself experimenting and upgrading in the future, then I recommend custom built. OMV is a solid OS for a novice, but any Linux distro you fancy most can do the job very well!

I've started my NAS journey with a very humble 1-bay synology. For the last few years I am using a custom built ARM NAS (nanopi m4v2), with 4-bays and running Armbian. All my services run on docker, I have Jellyfin, *arr, bitwarden and several other servicies running very reliably.

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I visited Kraków recently, it was very nice :)

Real photo of the Wieliczka salt mine:

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It is a lightning II ? I am interested only in the lightning II, they go faster. Can you make free delivery to Europ ? I take it now for 500€. It's my son's birthday. My grandma has cancer, plz ?!