
1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dejar Lemmy por motivos de salud mental

... Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.

Dude is in his 70s and still acts like his mom is literally Satan for saying he has to eat his peas. That's some real snowflake shit.

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Softcore gilf porn created by an AI to sell state lottery tickets wasn't on my cards for 2024, but here we are.

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This is the intended result of dairy industry lobbying. Pizza is a vegetable and added sugar is healthy.

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Always eat the pizza crust. If you don't, I will.

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As a fan of Formula E, I can say with certainty that it's the most faux-progressive sport I've ever seen.

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For some context, the South China Sea is a giant sea between China, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and a few others. Currently, China is pushing for what it calls the "Nine-Dash Line" policy which would in effect forcibly blockade all other ASEAN nations from trading.

Imagine if Italy claimed the entire Mediterranean Sea including the coastline of other nations, then prevented others from trading under the threat of military invasion. That's basically what China is trying to do here.

“Traditional therapy requires me to physically go to a place, to drive, eat, get dressed, deal with people,”

YES! Those are the things therapy for anxiety and depression is supposed to help you with! If the AI "Therapist" won't help with those problems, it's not there to actually help you.

Eating, getting dressed, and talking with real people are all good things for your mental health. Typing on a keyboard doesn't help, otherwise we'd be the least depressed generation ever.

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Quote from the github faq:

Why is this project suddenly back after 3 years? What happened to Intel GPU support?

In 2021 I was contacted by Intel about the development od ZLUDA. I was an Intel employee at the time. While we were building a case for ZLUDA internally, I was asked for a far-reaching discretion: not to advertise the fact that Intel was evaluating ZLUDA and definitely not to make any commits to the public ZLUDA repo. After some deliberation, Intel decided that there is no business case for running CUDA applications on Intel GPUs.Shortly thereafter I got in contact with AMD and in early 2022 I have left Intel and signed a ZLUDA development contract with AMD. Once again I was asked for a far-reaching discretion: not to advertise the fact that AMD is evaluating ZLUDA and definitely not to make any commits to the public ZLUDA repo. After two years of development and some deliberation, AMD decided that there is no business case for running CUDA applications on AMD GPUs. One of the terms of my contract with AMD was that if AMD did not find it fit for further development, I could release it. Which brings us to today.

In the sense that it uses progressive language, without actually being progressive in action. It's advertised as being socially progressive while racing in Dubai, eco friendly while transporting supplies on oil burning ships, and being innovative despite blocking battery development.

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I was running 900 Mbps constant download for over 2 weeks on Zipply and never once got a notice. So they might honestly let people use the full data allowance.

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I live near Merano, and for every two tourists there is a dog – who pays to test those [stray] dogs?

Does a stray dog shit in the streets? Seriously Italians, when you find the answer to that question, you'll know the solution to your problems.

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What a pathetic father. Both people in the video are clearly distressed, but dad's gotta get those Twitter likes or some shit.

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I'm a pretty firm believer that Loab is a hoax "cryptid" due the unwillingness of the author to publish anything on the generation parameters. I think the author got one weird result from putting "Loab" in the negative prompt and then used img2img from there. Anyone who shows images of a "cryptid" they discovered but refuses to show proofs is untrustworthy in my opinion.

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I'd also recommend Oobabooga if you're already familiar with Automatic1111 for Stable diffusion. I have found being able to write the first part of the bots response gets much better results and seems to make up false info much less.

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Yup. FE is about fast cars racing down narrow streets. "Racing to save the planet" is such lame marketing with no real substance, especially considering that each FE car produces more emissions throughout the season than F1 or NASCAR due to expensive manufacturing. And the real potential for innovations has been crushed by blocking development of batteries and powertrains.

Hazel is actually the main person who's made me so critical of FE since 2020ish. I'd love to see her in a full time position for the sport, even for one of the teams. However she has stated several times that she loses money by going to FE events, even when it's paid for. It's fuckin sad, but the only motorsport that makes me feel included and welcome is rally.

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Museums don't store this sort of thing though. Since it's not from the civil war, it's not sensible to store and exhibit such a thing. Imagine if people started telling the Louvé to display paintings inspired by the Mona Lisa, because it's basically the Mona Lisa. Museum curators would have no reason to do so, despite what the public thinks.

Edit: Also the statue is a piece of propaganda rather than actual history. There's honestly not much to say about the statue itself. The bulk of what could be said is about Lee, and actual historic pieces of his life do exist in museums. Displacing those real historic exhibits in exchange for this statue would be a shame.

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The worst part is that you might be better off with a pirated copy due to DRM on Blu-ray.

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Meanwhile we still have whatever the hell this is.

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Tbf, Brutus didn't go for a killing blow. He stabbed Caesar right in the dick. I'd say he deserved what he got.

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Listen, putting 'Web Developer' isn't any worse than putting 'Software Engineer' in your tinder bio. Either way, you've fucked up.

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They're stray dogs shitting in the streets. I don't think they'll be paying fines anytime soon.

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How exactly is doing the math unhealthy? This is like 60 seconds of math and a few minutes of graphics at most.

I'd rather have someone doing the math and posting it than people becoming misinformed on an important political topic. I think that's what OP was after.

CSAM is still unfortunately an issue on Lemmy. Just yesterday I had to contact an admin of the 2nd largest instance directly to get a post removed that had been up for several hours. Worst of all, it had more upvotes than downvotes. I do applaud the admin for taking action the minute I notified them, but it should never have been able to get that far.

Also, some of the issues involving Lemmy developers really remind me of major Minecraft servers back in the day lol. There's just an inability for the "helpers" to do much problem solving because of the lack of tools, and absolute reliance on the person at the top to take action. Even then, the person at the top doesn't always have the skill set necessary to solve the issues that arise.

I look forward to seeing how Sublinks goes, but without a good reason for users to migrate it could be dead on arrival.

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I think it really depends on what "young girl" means in this context. The title says "children", but nowhere in the article does it say that. So I'm unsure if this is another AI-boogyman article, or something else.

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If you have decent hardware, running 'Oobabooga' locally seems to be the best way to achieve decent results. Not only can you remove the limitations through running uncensored models (wizardlm-uncensored), but can prompt the creation of more practical results by writing the first part of the AI's response.

The full images really aren't that bad. If sexyman convinced you to spay/neuter, that's a good thing.

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[Author] is an independent researcher, freelance journalist, book reviewer and blogger.

That's just like, your opinion dude.

Seriously though, it's an option piece from a freelancer. Opinions are not considered a form of evidence, nor is the author an expert in any field.

Honestly, your writing style is rather short and blunt at times. I don't think you're trying to be rude, but some people browsing the comments probably see it that way, or at least low-effort responses.

With the influx of assholes Lemmy.world has been having recently, I think you're getting lumped into that crowd.

My suggestion would be to try writing longer responses, and say nice or agreeable responses more often. Hope this helps!

Okay, so motorsports have always been considered an innovator in automobile development. Disc brakes, seatbelts, headlights, and anti-lock braking all come from motorsports, and thus the claim put forward by car manufacturers "motorsports innovations make regular driving safer/better" has merit.

In FE, the cars have regulations saying what parts can be modified and improved, and what can't. One of those things that can't be modified on the racecars are the batteries (and powertrains). So no smaller batteries, or more powerful batteries, or different battery casing, or different material components. Every car on the track has been using the same type of 600kw lithium batteries since the beginning of Gen-3 cars.

Manufacturers want to use motorsports as a test bed for trying out new parts and ideas too expensive or risky to put into a production car, so the FIA choosing to block manufacturers from making more efficient batteries for FE means that there's no real innovation going on, despite FE writing the word "innovation" on tons of articles and promotional material.

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If you only use the TV to watch media, you're lawful neutral. If you use it for gaming or anything else, you're chaotic good.

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I feel like this is the type of item meant specifically for rich people to waste their money on. You'll never actually use it, but it does look expensive when your house guests walk past it.

I messaged a user who kept posting dead bodies and their response was:

"I'm sorry" to say it but there's likely going to be a whole lot more of this posts very soon as famine is reaching critical levels in Gaza, so you might want to consider staying off the internet. Because I'm going to raise as much hell as possible about it.

Dude wouldn't even use the NSFW tag, and is only here to ignore rules and cause problems.

Death from any cause is referred to as "all-cause mortality" in fancy terms. It's the depressing Game Over in the dreary video game of life.

Wow man, I dinnt know death be like that way. Game over man.

Seriously what the fuck is this article? It reeks of Big Dairy influence, but is written for 8 year olds. Truly the most garbage "article" I've seen all day.

They don't have any taste even if you chew on them a bit. The box does have a slight shrub odor, but it doesn't seem to be present when using them.

I think the last paragraph OP posted really highlights the niche risk it poses. Nobody is going to use it against you, but a state actor could use it against a specific target like a politician or military to develop a more accurate assessment of information they already have been collecting.

The GrapheneOS part of things feels a little baity. I switched from Brave to LibreWolf a year ago over similar privacy concerns, but ultimately all my biggest risks come from breaches that happened before I was even using Brave. Same thing with all the phones I've had over the years.

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It's a game. You're thinking too hard.

It's me. I'm the one shitting in the streets of Italy. Take that Mussolini!

Tàu hũ nước đường. It's Vietnamese sweet silken tofu topped with a pineapple, peach, or ginger sauce. Usually with peach or mango pearls.

I used to sit in my car after a long night shift and savor every little bite. They are unfortunately not a good food for weight loss however.

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Not Google, but on chatgpt my friends saw I had the phrase "unfixed male dog size" as a topic header.