Wtf PeTA!

It's A Faaaahhkeah! to Lemmy – 64 points –

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The full images really aren't that bad. If sexyman convinced you to spay/neuter, that's a good thing.

"Adopt, don't shop" and "spay/neuter your pets" is a massive step up from "shearing sheep brutally injures them" and "having a pet equals slavery".

Keep it up Peta, you might be normal one day

I don't think you understand how peta works. It's not a monolith who does their own work. If you want to do some animal rights activism, peta will help you acquire supplies and support publication. Give everyone a voice, and you're bound to find some takes you don't like.

I've gotten assistance from peta before, and they're way more helpful than any other org.

I totally disagree with owning animals, but I know that's just a lost battle. Plus, some animals really do depend on us after many years of adaptions. It sucks but it is reality.