
2 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How come they delete 1 star reviews for review bombing, but clearly 5 star bot reviews are fair game?

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I've always thought phase cancellation technology could potentially be crazy revolutionary. Seems these guys know what they're doing, but the real challenges come with high decibel levels if I remember right.

If you tried to phase cancel out the sound of a jet engine, it would work and you wouldn't hear it, but you could also have easily just burst your eardrums too, because the sound pressure level is still present, even if the actual sound is inaudible. It's a crazy phenomena.

Edit: the sound pressure level IS cancelled out by destructive wave interference, but if this is knocked even by a matter of milliseconds, the wave is doubled and that's not good for anyone.

Also, on retrospect, phenomena was poor word choice. It's physics.

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It means the social contract has been broken beyond repair. Wealth hording, inequality, the power balance, lobbying, mega-corporations, data harvesting to profit from us even further, working until death for pennies while other profit from our labour. We are slaves to a system that has the illusion of comfort and freedom, when in reality, a small subset of the population control it all and are actively clamping down on what little freedom and comfort we actually had.

The 2008 financial collapse lifted the curtain to most, and it became glaringly obvious just how transparent and artificial the entire concept of economy actually is.

Oh, look, another old comedian jumps on the bigot bandwagon. It's an incredibly transparent trend now for when they can't write the same material that got them there in the first place, or when they are no longer working with the person that wrote their material for them.

Take a few shots at trans people, purely for publicity, then use that sudden boost from the circle jerking media to secure yourself a Netflix special, where you can talk about how you've been cancelled for an hour and a half for a big payout.

It's just a marketing ploy for using peoples own outrage against them.

Spot on here! I've only just been using stable Diffusion for a couple of weeks now to help me visualise characters and locations in my world building. It's such a great tool when you really have no artistic skill. But the limitations soon become apparent and a lot of problem solving goes into trying to regenerate the simplest things.

Can generate a near perfect image in a minute if the prompts are right and you get lucky. But the details take hours, where an artist would be able to simply visualise and draw it in.

I think the key is to develop basic skills to draw a really shit mockup of what you want, then img2img it from that... I'll get there, maybe.

I mean, they already have Easter, and then basically the whole month of December. It's not anyone else's fault that it got turned into a consumerism and capitalist mega payday.

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Firefox + ublock origin is the way forward.

However, as a teacher, my school IT system default browser is chrome, and adverts on YT videos when you're trying to teach a lesson can really suck all the momentum and attention from the class.

Chrome allows you to save javascript as a bookmark URL called bookmarklets. I'm not so clued up on java, but I found this code that zips through the adverts super quickly. Someone can probably improve on this;

javascript: var v = document.querySelector('video'); var t = 16; v.playbackRate = parseFloat(t)

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Instagram Reels is the exact same model as tiktok, but that's allowed to stay, because of murrica and freedom or something.

The only real concern with tiktok is the worry about data collection. But if they cared about that, then they'd pass laws on it. It's only because it's not a US company profiting from the data collection of their property. Sorry, I mean free citizens.

I'm still unsure why anyone would pay for AI image generation purely because of the trial and error it takes. I get that not everyone has a GPU that can do it, but I use stable diffusion through automatic 1111 and I'll likely be about 2-300 generations of text to image, image to image, some inpainting and editing, then some more image to image and upscaling before I get a representation of what's in my head down.

I love the process of it all, but paying for tokens would completely limit me. Is there a specific reason that people use paid models? Or is it just because a lot of people are limited by their gpu?

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Performing in any capacity is 100% fake it till you make it. People always ask how you can get up and play music or even speak in front of an audience. The secret behind confidence is that it's all a lie. As long s people believe you have it, then you have it.

First bunch of times, it's difficult to pretend, but pretty quickly, you'll forget you ever had to pretend in the first place.

I used to get this a lot, until someone reversed it on me, and I've thought about it this way ever since: If you can't let yourself suffer because others might have it worse, then you also can't let yourself be happy, because others have it better.

It's all about personal experience and perspective.

Currently in Tokyo from UK, paid for an Airalo esim before I arrived, and I was pretty impressed with how cheap and easy it's been- and that's with 20gbs data, which I've barely used.

My service provider O2 would have charged me £7 a day with their O2 travel bolt-on, but would have still been my usual contract of unlimited calls, texts and data, just that the data would have been throttled a fair bit. This is a lot more reasonable than it used to be, but still would have amounted in a large bill compared to the one off $18 esim.

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Music Producer input here. It's sort of been a general rule of etiquette in production that piracy is fine if you intend to buy the product.

A lot of the better plugins can be very expensive and prior to subscription models, were limited in free trials. It can take some time to know if a particular plugin works with your workflow and gives you the results you like over multiple different projects.

I've always stuck with this. If I see something I like the look of, I'll pirate it, use it over a bunch of projects and if I find myself relying on it then I'll save up to buy it legitimately. Of course, there's a fair bit of trust involved there, and a lot of people will be happy enough to keep the pirated version and try to find a new crack every time the DAW or plugin requires an update,

No chance I would have been able to afford half of the software I use in my workflow when I first started out, nobody can. But I eventually found my flow then caught up and paid it back.

I consider that ethical piracy. Or maybe I'm just justifying it to myself. But that's how it was implied when I first started out in college and it's a good system where you can still eventually support the small companies that make quality products that work for you.

"Them libs want to protest the climate issue? Well fuck em, let's burn more oil and make more profit for those companies! That'll show them snowflake protestors!"

This is literally the mindset we're up against. They've been brainwashed so hard into "owning libs", and have their tongues so far up billionaire's arseholes, they have lost any sense of empathy, sympathy, and basic intelligence. We're all fucked.

They aren't stupid. They are absolutely counting on the engagement from people flooding back to turn the whole thing into a giant Fuck Spez canvas. That's the only reason they're bringing it back, guaranteed.

Nah, can't do it on principle. I know they already make money from me for selling my data, I'm not going to also pay them to do that.

Since the whole API fiasco and losing reddit is fun, I wiped my reddit account, downloaded my comment history and then used a bot to wipe all my comments and posts, doing so got me banned from commenting on a lot of subs, something to do with the speed that the comments were edited at or something. Either way, I don't really care.

I still use my reddit account for lurking, there are some niche active subs that still have good information/discussion that unfortunately haven't been picked up elsewhere, but I have those subs opened in old reddit on Firefox and I don't venture outside of that, and I'll never contribute or comment again.

I get that I'm contributing to their traffic still, but I was an active member for 12+ years, and I'm still pissed they fucked the entire community to profit from our fucking content. Definitely won't be contributing to their content again.

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Fun fact, this company eventually became Rockstar.

Oh my god, I've been using ublock for as long as I can remember and had no idea about this! Thank you, now I just have to figure out what I'm doing.

One of the things I enjoy most about Sanderson's work is his attention to detail in his numerous magic systems.

The beautiful thing about YouTube is that fundamentally, it is still an incredible platform for anyone to be able to create content for the entite world to watch. That is so cool when you really think about it.

However, the horrible thing about YouTube, is the algorithm that is designed to push all sorts of views and opinions onto people, burying all of the actual good content beneath thousands of hours of utter shite and adverts.

If you know where to look, you can still get all the entertainment and information you need from it!

So they'll be charging Grusch with perjury and lying to Congress then?

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The man has dementia. Like, pretty far along, too. At this point, he's just being used as a MAGA figurehead because they fed the beast of the US right wingers far too much that they backed themselves into a corner.

People can sue him into oblivion until his handlers finally accept he's unfit, which they can't do.

As a non-American, it's fun to watch play out. I fully believe people will try to 'weekend at bernies' him into office if it comes to it.

Didn't this exact scenario happen with Kim Jong Un playing golf in North Korea? (I mean, I know that's their general shtick anyway, but still)

So many companies now collect our data, and sell it to advertisers, then want us to also pay for them to do this.

Fuck that, if you're selling my information, then I'm already paying for your product.

We should be demanding royalty payments.

Not OP, But, Stephen Hawking could have kept his voice, as an example.There are probably lots of beneficial uses of this technology. Automatic TTS voice messages would be another 🤷‍♂️

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Anyone tried review bombing with 5 star reviews and scathing comments to see if their system kicks in to remove all fake 5 star reviews in the last x hours? Or is this a manual removal of reviews they do?

Worth noting that a lot of ASD and ADHD "symptoms" actually overlap! But for me with ADHD it's a case of having an outfit in mind, then if I can't find it or it's in the wash or something, and having to then pick something different, it'll take me a looong time to figure out what to wear. Trying lots of different combinations and comparing them to the outfit I originally wanted to wear.

I can totally see eventually just giving up being an option once I'm fed up of trying on clothes or lose interest in whatever the event was. (If it wasn't that important I be present anyway).

As others have said, it's another form of media. I enjoy a good story and good characters and there are some anime series that are incredible and wouldn't work in live action for a number of reasons.

And as someone from the west, the cultural influences can often add story elements that would be outside of our norm of storytelling.

That said, there are so many genres of anime that do not interest me in the slightest. Just as there are many series of other shows that don't interest me in the slightest. There are many book series I have read that I would much prefer an animated adaption of. As an example, an animated adaption of Game of Thrones would have been really interesting, as they could have stuck closer to the outlandish elements of the source material, and not had to worry about casts aging or moving on to other projects.

Having grown up with Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Digimon, and many others, there is also a nostalgic element to this as well, which is why we will be seeing anime (and animated media in general) increase in popularity along with the generational shift in society.

To sum up, people that dislike anime usually fall into categories:

  1. Animated series/films aren't to their tastes. This is perfectly fine, as long as they also feel the same about western animated series/films.

  2. The stories don't interest them. Maybe the cultural influences I noted before are just a little too far outside of their comfort zone, and they understandably haven't actively gone out of their way to find something that does.

  3. They've never watched anime, wont give it a chance, and consider it childish and immature. Closed minded and elitist (in my opinion).

But most importantly, all media is subjective, and someone else's personal opinion should not matter in the slightest to what you enjoy or don't. The Internet has given far too many people the false idea that their opinions actually hold any value.

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Well, I mean, historically, the USA had a very successful revolution in that they have become the greatest world power nowadays...

Even if they are a capitalist crazed two party nation, where a majority struggle to survive and they have to pay for the basic human right of healthcare, all in the name of some "free market" to help the rich get richer at their own expense.

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The bizarre thing about Rowling is her hatred for trans people only extends to MtF trans people. She has no problem with FtM.

*Apologies, I did have these mixed up, I typed this while walking and only just read it back now.

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Yes I did, wasn't paying attention while I typed it! Fixed now.

That's not what I said. I gave an example of a "successful" revolution.

Sure, those are good examples of negatives, but that is just the way of it. This happens all the time when new technology emerges. Just think about the audio industry, all of a sudden people could produce music from their spare bedrooms- jobs weren't needed anymore. But the music industry is now far more saturated than ever as a result, as it is so much more accessible to people, without the need for specialist equipment and stacks of cash.

Give me animated cosmere over films any day, it's so expansive and only growing. A well done animated series would be incredible and easy to maintain.

Votes do count, of course they do. (Depending on the country), but the problem is the industrialised propaganda machine consistently convincing people to vote against their own interests time and time again in order to protect the wealth, status, and motivations of the richest in society around the world.

They drum up news stories on culture war bullshit and pick scapegoats to direct anger towards. Immigration, LGBTQ+, Race, currently Trans people appear to be the popular target. They do this so we continue to direct anger at each other and not the people in charge.

If you can convince someone the reason they didn't get a payrise, or are struggling during an economic crisis, is because of someone else, then nobody is going to be aiming at the few who are hoarding all of the wealth and building their own mini-empires.

Trickle down economics is the best lie ever told.

Absolutely, this is spot on, but if they can find ways to work around this like with these microphone swarms they're proposing, then there could be a lot more applications for it. Some quite scary.

I wouldn't imagine noise cancelling headphones would have the ability to output high enough for serious damage. But some people do experience discomfort and pressure when using noise cancelling headphones for the first time, this could be due to a number of factors though.

A little. Though it's more when you become hypersensitive for short periods. I sometimes find in restaurants or situations where I'm feeling a little anxious that everything will be so much louder and over stimulating as my senses sort of go into overdrive with my surroundings. I usually chuck in ear plugs or nip outside for 5 minutes. But this usually goes away after 10-20 minutes or so.

Yep, had it the wrong way around! Oops, was typing while walking.