
1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

At the very least, they should raise real estate taxes on empty units. This will penalize people for owning several vacation homes, as well as incentivize landlords to lower rates in order to fill the unit.

Difficult to enforce, but send a few people to jail for real estate tax fraud and the rest will fall in line.

His entire campaign in 2016 was 'locking up' Hillary. If he wasn't able to accomplish that in 4 years, what makes him think he can follow through with this promise now that he has numerous enemies on both sides of the aisle?

Nothing short of a full-blown Shutzstaffel will fulfill even a fraction of his current campaign promises.

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I recently gave up my 3% mortgage from 2013 in exchange for a 7% mortgage. It hurts, but it was worth it to get out of Florida.

In the end, my housing costs actually didn't change that much because my home insurance rates were skyrocketing.

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They skipped the era of country music that was "I love my dog more than my wife, but don't ask me to choose between my dog and my truck"

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Free time.

As more and larger industries become automated we will have all the free time we can handle. What we do as a society today will determine whether that free time is spent pursuing our personal interests, or fighting over the last scraps of a dying planet.

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India is one of the last places I'd like to visit. This is based on how India has been portrayed in various travel shows over the years (Amazing Race, Top Gear). It looks crowded, dirty, and the locals often aren't very friendly, especially towards women.

One of your main exports to the west is scam calls. It's a huge PR problem and your government refuses to address it. Your other main export right now is Russian oil.

Indians used to have a fairly large online presence in English-speaking spaces with mixed results. There were a lot of helpful tech bros on YouTube, but also a lot of horny dudes on Facebook. I don't really see much of either of those anymore though.

My wife works in software testing and has regular interactions with Indians. Some are really nice, but others are really not. Misogyny is far too common and when Indians are rude they are boldly rude.

Back in 2007 I worked in an office that required basic MS Excel / Word competency. The office manager led her to her desk and instructed her to turn on her computer (nothing fancy, a basic workstation with a large round button).

She couldn't figure out how to turn it on. The office manager sent her home and she never came back.

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But they were all of them deceived, for another chip was made. In the land of Texas, in the labs of Neuralink, the Dark Lord Elon forged in secret, a master chip, to control all others.

One Chip to rule them all,
One Chip to find them,
One Chip to network them all,
and in the TOS legally bind them.

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Black Licorice

My mother likes black licorice and so my sister and I grew up eating and enjoying it every Easter. Turns out most people hate the stuff.

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There are 8 billion people on this planet now. Surely you can find someone other than your cousin.

It really shouldn't need to be illegal, but I guess residents of the volunteer state require a little more incentive to find dates before the holidays, rather than during them.

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Mine certainly is.

If you want to compare your attention span to what it once was, try watching older media. The wife and I were watching the walking dead and I was getting bored and that's only 10 years old. Try watching 2001: A Space Odyssey without any distractions. It's torture.

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This all sounds a little farfetched, but if this isn't all hot air then it sounds like Mr. Mafia has the local PD in his pockets somehow. If you want the site investigated then you're either going to have to contact a higher power or the local news station.

Idk how it works where you are, but here 3+ bodies makes it a serial killer which means that the feds can get involved, but you pretty much just hand it off and hope for the best.

If you want to pursue it more personally, then get in touch with a local news station or an investigative journalist. If it's a slow news day they may take the time to look into it, but they may ask you for an interview which could open you and your family up to retaliation.

If your FIL had written and signed a confession you may have more to work with because as it stands you have to hope that a valuable plot of land going unexploited is curious enough to warrant a second look. You should also be aware that if Mr. Mafia knows that it could become an issue, he may just move the bodies and then you really are just wasting everyone's time.

"You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole"

Prices change while you're shopping? I foresee a lot of restocking happening if that's the case.

If my milk increases 50¢ in the time it takes me to walk it up to the register, I'm just gonna leave that f*cker in the bagging area and walk out.

I'm glad that most of the older formats are gone. Screws are cumbersome, USB formats were intentionally varied for profit, and molex would break itself before you could seat it properly.

I love USB-C for its universality and SATA cables are a nice alternative to the old IDE. I wish they'd come up with a better solution to the plastic clips on my Ethernet and PSU cables.

As for my favorite... Maybe 3.5mm? I mean, it's old as dirt but still super functional. Nice chunky clicks and usually a solid connection. I miss having a 3.5mm port on my phone. It obviously has some drawbacks, but it's a solid contender.

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When an individual company looks to increase profit margins they can either increase the price of their product or reduce the cost it takes to produce it. For the vast majority of companies the primary cost for their product is labor. Employees require a living wage, health care, paid time off, and also create additional costs like payroll taxes and an entire HR department.

With automation you have a high initial cost, but it pays out exponentially over time. Sure you still have software costs, repairs, retrofits, and all that goes into maintaining your typically modern assembly line, but you don't have to worry about your robots suing you for sexual harassment or wrongful termination. You don't have to worry about busting unions or hazardous working conditions. You can fire your entire HR and payroll departments, too, which is even better for the bottom line.

Because it's so financially appealing to so many industries to cut out human labor, I consider it an inevitability. The rich will continue to do what's best for themselves and they don't really care if the rest of us all die off from starvation or war.

Now, that's not to say that it will all happen over night. Over the next half century it will likely be as you say where jobs just get more and more concentrated as they squeeze every dollar they can from each individual employee, but if you look far enough into the future we will all become unemployable. And when horses became unemployable, we didn't set aside 100 acres for them to live their best lives in. We made glue.

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Psh, goats aren't real

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My experience is the same as yours. I have an inner monologue, but it is not constant. My thoughts do not always come in the form of words.

In fact, I would say that wordless thoughts are my default and the IM comes when I am trying to figure something out.

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People in the US are trying to change things. Most new homes in my area have a strong emphasis on green technology including heat pumps and solar panels. There's a big push for EVs over ICEs and there are more and more EV charging stations all over the country every year. The younger generations are calling for more train transportation and Amtrak in my area is actually making some changes to help promote passenger rail.

Your 'blame the west' mentality is some serious PRC propaganda bullshit. 0 of the top 20 most polluted cities in the world are western cities. Most of them are in India, which is actually where these Cheetahs died.

You want to blame someone? Blame the international elite. The 0.1% takes what they want, consequences be damned.

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It sounds like your situation is similar to mine. My father is a sociopathic narcissist and I didn't realize it until I was 30 when he effectively disowned me. It hurts to be rejected by a parent to such a degree and I was pretty depressed for a while, but it helps to know that he suffers from a mental illness. Knowing this also helped me to disown him, in turn. He was always toxic and harmful and I find now that I am happier without him in my life.

I do often wonder in what ways my life may have been better had I had a supportive father, but it's much more productive to look forward than to lament over what could have been.

I hope that you are able to move past your father's negative influence and be better off for it. Some men are just miserable people.

An interesting note about those new industries you mentioned: they're all contractors. When people talk about working for Uber or door dash they typically aren't saying 'this is what I want to do for the rest of my life', it's more of a holdover until something better comes along. As these individual companies begin the process of automation it may be that contract work is what most of end up doing. Once most of us are contractors it will become a supply and demand situation where we all seek to underbid one another in order to feed ourselves and our families. We would still be working, but it would be like fighting over scraps.

If 90% of the workforce was suddenly laid off and left to starve, what do you actually think would happen? That we'd all just sit at home and quietly die? Ask the french royalty what happens when it's population realizes that it's main hope to not starve to death is to dismantle the existing system and start over.

You're right, of course, but I doubt that it would happen suddenly. The process of automating 90% of the work force would likely take decades and be a long, slow process with a lot of half measures a long the way to appease the masses, much like we experience today. I imagine full-time work will be redefined to fewer hours and eventually we will need something like UBI to supplement us and drive the economy. Tax burdens will likely shift to corporations in order to keep the government running as human labor will slowly phase out.

And there's only profit to be had in any case if there are people with money to buy things.

I think that this is the crux of the argument. As automation becomes cheaper than human labor, human labor becomes intrinsically less valuable. This means that any paid work will simply pay less, which gives the lower classes even less purchasing power. Wealth concentration will continue to worsen and the middle class will evaporate. If capitalism continues, it is at this point industry and economy will revolve primarily around the needs of the rich. The people will still be a consideration, of course, but more of a liability than an exploitable resource. A world war ending in nuclear holocaust would likely solve that particular problem, but I'm hopeful that capitalism will be abandoned before it comes to that.

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Yes, please, go vote. This election is a great opportunity to win a landslide victory and shift American politics further left.

As a millennial who grew up with the early internet and a home computer, I think we'll be fine until we're not.

When the Chinese hackers find a way to patch our wiping robots with software that sodomizes you while humming Yìyǒngjūn Jìnxíngqǔ, I think we may struggle a bit.

I grew up in Florida and anytime there was a hurricane coming people would flock to the stores and buy all the generators and bottled water.

It was kind of like that, but in December.

Most people I knew personally legit just ignored it. It was just another doomsday hoax like the Mayan calender scare of 2012. Everybody was talking about it, but nobody actually thought it would be an issue.

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Woah, man it's cool, I believe you. No need to threaten me with a trip to CVS.


I don't particularly enjoy physical activity and so I try to maximize my time spent exercising. I use a couple of those adjustable dumbbells and spend a few minutes every day just doing some reps. If I'm feeling more motivated I will also mix in some calisthenics.

If you want more data, my wife enjoys walking and insists on walking 10k steps every day since she got her Fitbit 2 months ago. She hasn't missed a day yet.

For me, the solution was drugs. Half an edible and half an hour later I'm relaxed enough to continue my day.

Well, according to China, those waters are their territory, which means that the presence of foreign military vessels is an invasion.

Practically speaking, I think you could call that area a contested region, so minor skirmishes like this are expected and could escalate to war (like Crimea eventually did).

I think that the Philippines approach has been something like, 'You can claim those waters if you want, but you can't possibly keep us from entering them, so we're just going to ignore you until you start killing our people, and then we're gonna call in big brother America.'

Ok, so imagine that you're hungry and you come across a sandwich shop that has your favorite sandwich for $15, but the shop next door has the exact same sandwich for free. Which sandwich are you gonna eat?

No, wait, that's not important. Most people are gonna eat the free sandwich, so even if you eat the $15 sandwich, you're statistically irrelevant.

Yeah, maybe some people that weren't hungry are gonna get a free sandwich, but the people who were hungry are also getting free sandwiches, which means that the guy trying to make a living selling $15 sandwiches is gonna have to close shop unless he starts lacing his sandwiches with cocaine.

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I listened to a couple of his seminars on narcissism and thought, "Hey, this guy knows what he's talking about!" But the more I listened to him, especially his more recent stuff, the more I realized he doesn't actually know what he's talking about.

I guess he just had a handle on narcissism from his own personal experience as one.

Oh man, the variance you can get on French toast. Sometimes it's heavenly and sometimes it's just so soggy and chewy and tastes like scrambled eggs.

Pancakes are the most consistent, as you said, but even the best pancakes can't beat the average waffle imho.

Goldeneye - the squeezing scene

Anaconda - regurgitated people

Congo - when they throw his brain

Mercury Rising - "Mother, Simon is home"

Peewee Herman - Large Marge

The truly harrowing experience I had as a kid was the Alien Encounter ride at Disney Orlando. I was 8 and it was a field trip so the peer pressure was high. Nightmares for weeks after that. I still remember it breathing on me in the pitch dark.

Holly Hill is arguably the worst zip code in Volusia County. We called it Holy Hell.

I have also been much happier since I left the Salt Life behind. Desantis can keep it.

I think that the article gives Donny Boy a little too much credit. They assume that his tweet was the beginning of some long con, but it's probably just dementia. L'Homme Orange may actually believe he's gonna debate someone on Fox News in October.

Yeah, I understand that it was a legitimate issue for some industries, but at the social level people were saying that all of the world's nuclear weapons would launch simultaneously and we would enter a post-nuclear apocalypse. At some point a legitimate issue was inflated into a doomsday hoax.

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Definitely refinement.

Man used to build 'natural' tools and shelters and some still do in the most remote parts of the planet. Mud huts and arrowheads are man-made yet also natural. I think we left the 'natural' path when we started smelting, domesticating, tanning, irrigating, etc. We took naturally formed materials and refined or processed them into something you can't just stunble upon in nature. A billion planets in a billion years will not naturally produce an internal combustion engine without some sort of intelligent intervention.

So, instead of "not collecting intelligence" it should read "unable to collect intelligence" or maybe even "collecting inconsequential intelligence"

I'm so sorry

"Bring in ze dogs! Search ze children!"