
@Kalkaline @lemmy.one
4 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Delete the YouTube app, install Firefox and uBlock Origins, point YouTube links to FireFox, never watch a YouTube ad again.

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I hope we can give women their bodily autonomy back soon.

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When people like Trump get off the hook because of judicial incompetence, people are going to look outside the justice system for their justice. It's not a good thing. We should be doing things right.

I see where the daughter got her intelligence from.

Stop going over there. Let Reddit Digg their own grave.

Classic Republicans, can't face the victims of their policies.

God doesn't hate you, he just might send you to hell for all eternity for breaking his rules and not saying sorry before you die. Also he gives kids incurable and very painful cancer as part of his divine plan.

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Not exactly an original thought.

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I get what you're trying to say: "It's not fear, it's hate" but we call that hate homophobia and everyone agrees on the meaning.

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The answer to this scenario built into the fediverse. You bail on the bad instance and move to a new one. If the problem of profile transfers can be solved, then the whole thing becomes fairly trivial.

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I'll think of you when I punch a Nazi.

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No offense, but you might have lead poisoning.

OPs cropping game is terrible

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What a weirdo, who would want to fuck a humpback whale when dolphins are out there?

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So a Molotov Foxtail

BudLight was pandering and got called on it by everyone that was paying attention. "Go woke, go broke" is clearly not a trend, just look at Twitter and Elon doing the opposite and losing fuckloads of money.

If you listened to the whole video they talk about not providing life savings care to the child, which is not murder. There are a ton of babies who don't do well after birth and are not expected to survive long. This happens for a lot of different reasons. Withdraw of care, or moving to comfort care, is a well defined and common occurrence across the medical field. People die all the time and you can artificially preserve things like the heartbeat and breathing with machines, but you have to decide if that's what is best for the patient. It's not murder, it's not "post term abortion" either.

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Healthcare providers in general, but doctors especially have a sense of duty to their patients regardless of work conditions which are often unacceptable for both. One workaround I've seen mentioned for doctors in particular is to continue working, but stop making notes in the EHR or submitting billing which tends to get admins attention real quick without impacting patient care.

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The problem is we just squeaked by in the last couple elections. We need blow out wins so jackasses like Sinema and Manchin can't screw us over for years when we get a majority. We need super majorities.

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The prosecutor charges, the judge convicts.

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They always seem to vote Republican.

And/Or a way for a rich donor to have a workaround for campaign donations limits.

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Riots are a last resort because people end up dead or in jail if they fail. You want to keep people who are on your side free and alive while achieving your goals.

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It's been rare since he called that dude a pedophile for rescuing kids because his shitty "invention" didn't work.

I don't think anyone in a Socialism group thinks Obama is the answer, just a step towards the answer. Biden is a rebound from disaster in the same way. Hopefully the next democrat will be at least on Bernie's level, but I'm sure the US will just pick another centerist.

It's a tactful way to get ignorant people to vote against their own interest. I don't think DeSantis is dumb, I think he's power hungry.

If only there was a way to have Twitter like features spread across hundreds if not thousands of independently owned servers that could join together in a sort of union or federation, if you will, as they see fit for their purpose. Oh well, I guess I can dream.

There would be a resident that could close you up, but maybe skip the discount surgeon with his degree from Hollywood Upstairs Medical School.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eat_the_Rich_%28Aerosmith_song%29?wprov=sfla1 was popular before social media, it's like saying "groovy" got popular because of influencers.

As long as there is a limited supply of resources there will be some form of economic distribution and a government to settle disputes about that distribution.

Could use some more of the greatest generation attitude these days.

Pet the cat.

What is the alternative that's decent?

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What a dumbass

Warmer climate, more AC, more need for natural gas and petroleum product powered energy production.

You know what, who gives a fuck about /r/place. I'm done with Reddit until Baconreader is back the way it was.

If you don't like beer, I'm going to recommend you drink something else. If you can better define what you don't like about a specific beer you've had, we can talk about beers that might fit your palette a bit better.

The best thing to do if you want to try some beers is go to a beer bar that does flights/tastings and try a bunch of different styles. Non-beer drinkers should probably stay away from lagers, pilsners, and IPAs, as that's what people like OP associate with "piss water" but that's a pretty small portion of what makes up the styles of beers. Stouts, sours, fruited beers, ambers, hefewiesens, are a bit more friendly to the palette.

I'm worried you're right, but I'm still hopeful. My daughter deserves a better country.

Wise words, but I think even MLK Jr would say take the peaceful approach first. You have to give peace a chance. If that doesn't work, you escalate from there, but you don't go scorched earth without trying the alternatives first.

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If there's one thing the COVID pandemic taught us, it's that people are no longer afraid to be dumb in public.