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He was raided for unrelated reasons to his mastodon server, the police have a seize it all policy.

There is talk about changing policy to exclude things like servers and similar devices that are not related to the initial reason for the search. There doesn’t seem to currently be laws or rules about what police can or can’t do with data.

That’s the whole article basically

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That about the best I could do

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She can appeal still, and they are doing it as an incentive for her to return 27b. I imagine she will attempt to return a large portion, appeal and then just be given life in prison.

Oh your “they are the same shit” is so annoying. You both come off as imbeciles. whatever, the options are not great, but come on you got an elderly lukewarm President or an elderly moron president.

One of which actively tried to dismantle our democracy, and their party has blocked almost every initiative they could that help the American people.

Billionaires are eating our world alive and climate change is going to cause mass migration.

You have no sense of civic duty, if we don’t help our neighbors then how the hell are we united as country?

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I have those buttons for my dog. He is a Red heeler and German Shepard mix, and is quite clever.

He pretty much learned to press them immediately, however the only ones he seems to use without prompting is the treat jar and the play buttons.

The rest like hungry, thirsty, and potty he has to be coaxed into using first.

I was begged to go to a Toby Keith concert with a college girlfriend and her friends. This was maybe 2014-2015.

Anyways Toby got so drunk that he started to forget his lyrics, got booed and then eventually left the stage.

It’s a funny memory, Rest In peace Toby Keith

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properly ran companies have insurance and also factor theft into their loss for the year. People need to eat to survive and corporations are literally tearing our world apart.

So again if you see someone shoplifting, especially necessities, no you didn’t.

(Also this is a Kroger, it’s a giant supermarket chain. If you stole full shopping cart everyday it would still affect no one monetarily)

But think of the talent…the potential

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This is great, they were only a way into strong arming employee retention by making them fill locked in to the company

He was murdered, if you shoot someone in the back while they are fleeing you are a murderer.

The cop that shot him is a murderer and a coward.

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Interesting point, i know they are definitely sports so it kinda throws my point away haha

You get cancer all the time your body has natural mechanisms of finding and breaking down the cancerous cells. As we age some of these mechanisms start to falter, cells divide, but small errors over time accumulate.

A youth serum is really not the goal, the goal is fixing errors in these systems, maintaining current functions and creating a new mechanism.

This would work like a booster for this mechanisms and effectively make it possible to maintain and improve these systems. The side effect being an increase lifespan to some degree.

I suppose this I just the cancer component, but several other things are still needed on the field of longevity research for a “youth serum” to be viable.

I hope it gets all the love and care The Witcher series and its fans deserve. They are going to have to make up a lot of ground with consumers to get back to W3 standards though.

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You should either try some drugs or stop trying drugs, one of the two.

Either way, talk to a physician

Breed opossums and unleash them upon the local area

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The Tri-state area you say?

I use Fotor when im doing something like this. It’s a website and mobile app and really well made

Hmm, I like to read it as attac’ems, like a little lethal snack attack.

Well, basically they get to say they synthesized it first, and the video is proof. While they may have understood it theoretically. So a big university could verify it publicly and then they could just lie and say “oh cool, see Stanford verified it as well, but I was/we were first”

Listen Mr. Big Brain, I have ADHD and I keep a messy home, don’t like it per say. But it’s certainly not a matter of laziness, I’m interested in what I desire the most. I follow that, this has led me to career in the military, through college (thanks hyper focus as a symptom), learning languages, learning to program, embedded IoT design, fitness, and so many other beautiful things.

Yeah, I guess it sucks knowing you can fuck off at will, however I’d rather have my inconsistent adhd with unlimited energy than whatever you have going on that’s led to your shitty behavior.

Sorry my floor is cluttered, it’s quite literally so low on my totem pole that it’s barely a concern, but sure keep deriving your vain superiority from that.

I don’t know about your reading comprehension skills, but sure that explains why AI voices are trained on feminine voices (more recordings, old phone operators, false theories on sounding more distinct).

However, this has nothing to do with “the way women talk to devs”. Women are not a monolith, they literally make up half our species and have just as much variance as men.

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Man some of these are funny, bold and ironic

`` The FCC described the other 12 companies' attached "robocall mitigation plans" as follows:

Humbolt VoIP: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a .PNG file depicting an indiscernible object." National Cloud Communications: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a document titled 'Windows Printer Test Page' that was unrelated to robocall mitigation." Route 66 Broadband: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification consisted of a signed declaration by the Company's CEO presented without additional content or context." Tech Bizz Solutions: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification contained a letter, unrelated to robocall mitigation, from Harvard Business Services, Inc." 2054235 Alberta: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification contained only the company's business address." Evernex: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a .PNG file that depicted the filer's 'Taxpayer Profile' on a Pakistani government website." My Taxi Ride: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a copy of an FCC public notice titled 'FCC Facilitates Review of Restoring Internet Freedom Record.'" (Restoring Internet Freedom was the title of the FCC's 2017 net neutrality repeal.) Nervill: The "attachment provided was a signature page on company letterhead with no substantive content or context." SIA Tet: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a letter that stated: 'Unfortunately, we do not have such a documents.'" Textodog: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a .PNG file that depicted a corporate icon." USA-Connect.net: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification contained only a signature." Viettel Business Solutions: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a promotional document titled 'Viettel Solutions: Making Smart Cities Vision a Reality.'"


I’m a big fan of Supes myself, but it depends on who’s writing him and what the goal is.

He is at his best when it’s a problem he can’t punch away, it’s about courage, and honor of defending others. Superman without powers is still the same stand up powerful character, that is crux of what makes him interesting.

I mean we kind of get it, but i would guess it would be no more than a native Italian speaker understanding how to use irregular verbs and all their tenses properly.

Source: am learning Italian, get wildly confused every now and then haha.

i mean maybe, but their actual leader is Supreme Leader Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei

To answer yours question Melanin adds a resistant factor to it, but the actual sunburn is caused by actual damage at the cellar level from UVA and UVB rays.

Think of Melanin more like sunblock in that it extends the amount of time before noticeable damage to the sun will happen. While the time for sun damage to accumulate to be what you would call a sunburn might vary from person to person, everyone is still susceptible to UV damage.

Okay, and we should just not dream of big tomorrows? What kind of mindset is this?

We are supposed to dream, discover and build, not grovel, work, and ask for breadcrumbs. We have the resources, this is a hoarding issue.

We also used to have a family structure that would support raising children, and much more free time in a lot of cases.

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These salary’s aren’t going to cut it.

We need to attract the best for this, if it’s truly meant to parallel the new deal.

This is not going to attract many high impact candidates, and simply won’t pull in people who are experts in their fields. This is not something we can leave to private equity to solve. The government has to get serious about this sooner or later, it’s fiscally irresponsible and inhumane to continue to kick the can down the road.

Now that the roads not too far away, we can still spend big now to save so much down the line.

Well, for one clearly this creates more mechanisms to exploit the poor. Especially if we chose to regulate as slowly as we have with other tech in the past.

What was it called?

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Apparently that’s a thing called the Moirè Pattern


“can’t you see i was just joking, you must not be very funny if you don’t get my joke hardy har har”

The classic defense of someone that’s just using humor as a shield for being an asshole. There are w plenty of ways to be funny that don’t involve punching down in the same old tired ways.

You can do better with your comedy career, I believe in you.

What series are you talking about? Legit asking, because that’s hilarious and bold

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Gotta fight climate change somehow

Because of collateral damage being greater than the value of the car. It makes no sense to chase if it puts other pedestrians in danger, now they can just find them and then arrest them later.

And if you were wondering what happened to Agnew:

“ After months of maintaining his innocence, Agnew pleaded no contest to a single felony charge of tax evasion and resigned from office. Nixon replaced him with House Republican leader Gerald Ford. Agnew spent the remainder of his life quietly, rarely making public appearances. He wrote a novel and a memoir, both of which defended his actions. Agnew died at home in 1996 at age 77 of undiagnosed acute leukemia.”

Anything to keep shareholders happy and our cost low without public backlash*

I feel like Elon is the type of guy who views having insurance as weak. Like someone or something having an even minute amount of authority over him is unthinkable.

Well, buddy you should try it sober instead then

“Americans bad…very bad…Bad boys. All of ‘em…just all of them are the same…surprisingly this totally doesn’t reflect my own beliefs in any way….”

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