[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency

Thekingoflorda@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

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Senator Mark Kelly, he can do this

He flipped AZ to blue

He is an astronaut, all American, former servicemen

He can get red votes and blue alike

Isn't senator Kelly the one that created the mutant registration act?

Hmm...not bad. Not amazing name recognition, but that could be remedied.

Having Gabby campaign for/with him, especially after the DJT assassination attempt, could be beneficial, too. (Or could look like a disgusting political plot, but that's really all our politics.)

Damn that would be a great pick. I'd like to see AOC but Kelly probably has more broad appeal with all the things you mentioned.

Kelly or Mayor Pete seem like the best options.

Buttigieg and AOC ticket? That would be the youth candidacy. Kelly and Buttigieg or vice versa would be more centrist but probably be the most robust candidacy.

I hate to say it, but in this political climate and with the threat of Trump, the best shot is probably two young-ish white guys.

I highly doubt Kamala will want to pull a sitting Democratic senator away from the 50/50 Senate given the elections coming up.

I think there is a greater chance that she picks one of the governors. My pick is J.B. Pritzker.

That is true, I really was just spitballing, I’ll have to look into JB Pritzker, I’m regrettably unfamiliar with him