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Joined 1 years ago

To sum up, if you work in a business that relies on tips, you will defend the crap out of tipping and will be biased towards tipping uncontrollably.

If you are a business that wants to squeeze every penny, you will encourage and propaganda tipping as much as you can.

If you are anyone else you will wish for something different.

I recommend that you tip when the app says to tip, just simplify your life and if a screen says add a tip choose the minimum for now and don't worry about it yet.

My list of split screen or couch co op PC games:

Basketball classics

Castle crashers


A Hat in Time

Katanari damacy reroll

Lego games (marvel, LOTR, Indiana Jones, star wars are my top 4)


Portal 2

Rocket League

Sonic All Star Racing Transformed


Strikey Sisters

Trine 2


And emulator roms for 2 players:

Secret of Mana

Zombies Ate my Neighbors

Game show games (family feud, wheel of fortune, you don't know jack)

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I like I can say the words Tiannamen and Square and not feel like bots are out to get me 🙂

Jerboa is giving me network errors still

Jerboa is giving me network errors still

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I recall reading on how they were able to make the map and was rather impressive. I love seeing how devs find some creative way to overcome a technical hurdle

Arguably the Sid Meier's Civ board game was ahead of it's time easily. But 4x board games today so remarkably well, and the latest Sid Meier board games can't seem to catch up anymore sales wise to 4x board games

Shenmue is a good example, I was hyped for it back in the Dreamcast days. I'm fairly certain we have quick time events to thank shenmue for popularizing, for better or for worse.

For better because wonderful 101 created the greatest quick time event of all time

I rented Populous for SNES as a kid but they didn't have a manual so that was a pretty tough one to figure out.

Played the crap out of Maniac Mansion but didn't realize it was before the PC point and click craze

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There are mods to make JPT much more playable I recall if you ever tried to take another crack at it.

And it had some very clever immersion but just needed more tweaking to reach Dead Space levels of HUD without HUD kind of play

I often do 2 rockets at a 45 degree angle and I can just paraglide to adjust

Good stuff, thanks!

Not seeing Transistor but if you want a female protagonist that will make you cry your eyes out at the end, I recommend her.

Games As Literature 101 has a documentary that goes into a deep dive about Red as a character.

Also some people used Red's song from Transistor as a wedding song 😃

Ha I run a game store and it's finnally good to see things like Blades in the Dark, Mork Borg, Alice is Missing, Avatar, Cyberpunk, and Pathfinder knock a percent or two into the D&D Market share.

Jerboa is giving me network errors still

Ha, I wonder what DQ11 Draconic Quest like options you can add to Pokemon.

Weaknesses and resistances x 2?

Pokemon knocked out are automatically released?

Game auto saves after every finished battle and no manual saving?

Sell items for less?

On a side note, are there any plans for the Fair phone to reach other nations?

The thought of fixing a phone with a single Philips and easy parts access gets me giddy

Can't escape Nestle. Ever

That and gave Ed his microwave hamster. I even tried to stay up late to watch the Maniac Mansion TV show but didn't understand the VCR too much

What is the percent chance of Diablo 4 being unplayable after the initial price on X years? Unless it's guaranteed not to hinder play with future monetization plans?

Also $20 freaking dollars MSRP for 2K5!!

That could have led to years of football bliss for affordable gaming. But I recall EA and the NFL took exclusivity to the license and killed 2K quick

Thanks for the info on Severance I'll check it out

Now you can play as a tedious weapon shop owner lol.

I vaguely recall reading DQ3 players in Japan loved the merchant in the early game so much they made it more of a thing on future outings

I view freedom more about living without fear rather than doing what you want, which often leads down the don't give a rats ass as long as you aren't terrifying others over it.

Maybe someday libertarians will increase in the upcoming decades 🙂

I made the mistake of saying I use Photopea instead of Photoshop on a forum. The adobe mafia slammed me into oblivion for that one 😆

Hey Comcast's service improved in my area once google Fiber got installed.

Just goes to show you that companies are fine with you complaining as much as you want, just NEVER let there be an alternative.

So from what I read it's just because the 7 people who voted had the majority against Bolsonaro? Or are the 7 non partisan? The article keeps asking for ads

Dragon Quest 11 does what you probably want in Pokemon.

It's an easy RPG, but before you start a new game you can check boxes like "no shop buying", "RNG hates you with shypox", "no XP for beating under leveled enemies", etc.

I love it because you can customize difficulty to tweak it to your liking without fiddling with mods, and does more than just slapping a x2 in every variable and punching out for the day.

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And bottle water runs rampant in the US. I can name at least 8 brands of water it's so commercialized 😆

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