4 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"I had known Prigozhin for a very long time, since the start of the 90s. He was a man with a difficult fate, and he made serious mistakes in life."

“IDC how long I’ve known you, cross me and you get a missile up your bum.”

pretty much this

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I’m right there with you choom.

Whelp, looks it’s time to fire up Cyberpunk again.

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! is a community that reposts noteworthy Reddit posts onto the Fediverse so you presumably wouldn’t have any issues as long you’re giving credit to the OP.

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Flight attendant Kristina Raspopova, 39, told her relatives of the unexplained hold-up, indicating that the aircraft was being “repaired” before the flight, according to VChK-OGPU Telegram channel.

Sounds like something I’d do if I wanted to plant a bomb for insurance, js.

That whole time period on Reddit was such a cluster. Ellen Pao gathering all the hate for firing Victoria when it was Ohanian (and probably Huffman) pulling the strings the whole time. Pao knew exactly what her job as the fall-girl was and ran with that money once it was over.

For WefWef users there isn’t a block button, however, switch to Memmy or Mlem and block them through that and it will also block in WefWef. Just wanted to throw that out there.

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Two different platforms that use the same software and can kind-of sort-of communicate with each other. I can see this post and comment in Mastodon and reply to Lemmy users. But Lemmy cannot see Mastodon posts.

IIRC Mastodon and Lemmy have a give and take relationship because they’re built on the same software so can interact with each other. I can follow Lemmy posts in Lemmy communities that I follow on Mastodon by using the full address. The posts show up and each individual sub comment shows up on my Mastodon feed and if I want more context I can open up the thread. can receive Lemmy and Mastodon content and reply but Lemmy and Mastodon cannot view posts from because the software is just slightly different. If anybody knows it better than me, please feel free to correct me.

Honestly not being able to see her was the worst part of the past year. I can’t have her where I’m at right now but I arranged my schedule around my friend’s so I can come out after work everyday.

A couple issues but nothing a brace and PT can’t fix; doing much better thank you! 😊

I still fondly remember the days of Victoria helping with facilitating the AMAs. She had a great rapport with all the celebrities and really helped with getting good answers to questions from the community.

I consider her termination to be the moment Reddit started going down the route of putting potential profits above the needs of the community.

Glad I could help 🙂

Most of it is player characters and AIGEN cyberpunk nudes; but Panam does make some appearances

That’s how mine was actually. I just lost the ability to run one day and it progressed from there to my hands going numb. Now I’m terrified when I turn my head to check the blind spot in my rear view. I fortunately had a great neurologist so I’m back to 95ish%

The second she realized it was me she went bonkers trying to climb up me so I could pick her up 😂 ❤️

Went from poop memes to beans 😂

Oh shirt balls! You just made my iMessage game even more fun

The first bean post, which is now the highest rated Lemmy post

I also lost my father around the same time that I found out I was diagnosed ADHD (actually misdiagnosed I later found out) and my brain was racked between taking care of my mother and trying to get through it myself. And then in top of all that, the anxiety of going through everyday life wondering if I’ve lost the chance to be who I wanted to be.

The only thing that helped me was telling my close friends what was going on and how much I felt like everything was crushing me. I did end up on medication for bi-polar 1 which has helped me stay more focused without feeling low.

I’m sorry for your loss my friend.

I’m like a kid on Christmas again! 😂

She says “Woof”, ran around me, and proceeded to lick my calf 😂.

Yes! All throughout my hospital stay my brain would go off on a “what if there’s a contradiction?” and I’d have to re-convince it that I’m in a professional hospital and my situation happens all the time.

Every time I end up someplace else I feel like I’m gonna do something wrong that’s gonna wipe out everything so I feel ya.

Hopefully you’ll have some helpful coworkers you can just say “hey I’m unclear on this thing.” and they’ll understand the feeling.

And her snoot is so boopable too! It’s the first thing everybody does when they meet her.

Yep, you hit a major one for me too. I’m early 40’s and I keep finding myself thinking “who am I vs. who did I want to be.”

I feel like the whole reason to keep going is to find out exactly who we are. Everybody is (or should IMO) be continuously exploring, learning, and growing/changing.

Even in my 40’s I’m still finding out new things and feelings that change my perspectives.

And history will repeat itself unfortunately.

Do go on 🤔

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Searching for Aww community in Ice Cubes for Mastodon

There are plenty more opportunities for spez to drive off the users and content creators. The API change and forcing mods out of subs for going private or NSFW is having a snowball effect on both Fediverse growth and the garbage content on r/all.

I check every few days to see if anything’s changed and it’s just gotten worse, and I’m getting similar if not the same content on Lemmy and Mastodon.

Probably not. But it’s America where if you aren’t crushing the bottom employees then you aren’t succeeding.

The hardest part was getting used to a different type of UI. I never used Twitter much but I was a Redditor for 10 years.

Hiya back from! 👋

Follow the Lemmy communities you want to see the content from by searching for them as the full address, for example The individual comments from the post show up in your timeline feed and if you want more context you can press the post to open up the thread.

Naw don’t worry. We haven’t even seen the Lima beans or green beans yet.

“ 🚽📜 Declassifying Documents Like a Boss! 💪👀

Folks, let me tell you, NOBODY declassifies documents like I do. It’s INCREDIBLE, really. Some people might be satisfied with declassifying in an office or a fancy conference room, but NOT ME Oh no, I take it to the NEXT LEVEL—I do it in the bathroom! 🚽👀”

The obvious answer is to buy more pillows so this doesn’t happen again.

I use paid time off for mine so my coworkers can’t ruin it.