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Joined 12 months ago

Hey that's exactly what my rent / wage split was in the UK last year. The only reason anything got better is that minimum wage went up while my rent hasn't yet.

It's reasonably safe to Google, it's about this letter where the FBI encourage Martin Luther King Jr. to commit suicide, using particularly abusive, dehumanising and degrading language. The content of the letter isn't necessarily hard to read the if you want to read it, particularly as it didn't work, but it's still bad to know that this was an official government plot.

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Fun fact, sperm whales can generate a sonar click at 230dB. Decibels are a logarithmic scale so increasing by only a few dB is basically double the volume.

A sperm whale may swim past you, think you're interesting and give a little click to scan you, and basically stun or kill you instantly.

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I have no sympathy for the people who are being scammed here, I hope they lose hundreds to it. Making fake porn of somebody else without their consent, particularly that which could be mistaken for real if it were to be seen by others, is awful.

I wish everyone involved in this use of AI a very awful day.

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That's the most Lemmy response I've ever read, I love it.

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The third one down almost certainly intentionally has the numbers 14 and 88 as a reference to a nazi dog whistle.

I can't decide if this makes it more likely to be satire or less.

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Yeah as a doctor with a PHD in this exact topic and a huge dick, it's not really in my interests to misrepresent myself.

Sadly almost all these loopholes are gone:( I bet they've needed to add specific protection against the words grandma and bedtime story after the overuse of them.

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He still has more decision making power than anyone I've ever met and probably ever will meet.

Yeah the idea that somebody has a percentage rating of quality is genuine lunacy. It's also sociopathic to overlook that being fond of someone despite their flaws or "lower rating".

Oh man I didn't actually know about this, it's enormously fucked up and absolutely unsurprising.

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This isn't a perfect example but Cormac McCarthy has been my favourite author for years now, and his first major work Suttree was from '79.

My all time favourites novel is Blood Meridian from 1985. If you're familiar with metamodernism, which is basically very modern works that have their cake and eat it when it comes to modernist ideals and postmodern critique, you'd clock that practically every western is either a modernist white hat western or a metamodern "the west is grim and hard, but also fucking cool" western. The only straight postmodern takes on the west that I know of are either Blood Meridian or pieces of work that take direct notes from it, such as the films Dead Man from '95 (except maybe the Oregon Trail video game from. 85'). Blood Meridian otherwise is a fantastic novel which meditates on madness and cruelty, religion and fate, race, war and conquest and so many other themes. It also has one of the best antagonists ever written in Judge Holden, a character who I would have called a direct insert of Satan if not for the fact that his deeds and the novel as a whole are closely inspired by true events. I feel the novel takes inspiration from Apocalypse Now, specifically the '79 film and not Conrad's 1899 novel Heart of Darkness. If you enjoy that film, you're likely to enjoy this book. The opening and closing chapters are fantastic, but I often find myself re-reading chapter 14. It has some of the best prose and monologues of the entire novel, and encompasses in my opinion the main turning point of the novel.

His other legendary work is The Road, a 2006 post-apocalyptic novel. I'll talk on this one less but as our climate crisis grows and our cultural zeitgeist swings more towards this being the critical issue of our time, the novel fantastically paints itself as both a fantastic warning to our 21st century apocalypse and the unresolved 20th century shadow of nuclear winter. Despite this, it hones in on a meditation of parenthood and could be considered solely about that, with other themes of death, trauma, survival and mortality being explored through parenthood. Of course the unsalvageable deatg of the world that make the setting also makes this theme extra tragic. There is an adaptation into a film from 2008 but it isn't anywhere near as potent as the novel and I'd suggest should only be seen in tandem with reading the novel. The prize of this novel has really evolved to fit the novel too. McCarthy is renowned for his punctuation lacking prose, but where Blood Meridian is practically biblical in its dramatic and beautiful prose which juxtaposes the plain and brutal violence, The Road sacrifices no beauty in it's language but is so somber and meanders from mostly terse to so florid, while also always perfectly feels like how the protagonists are seeing their world.

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That could be phrases differently.

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Shorthand for charisma, people treat it like it's a silly zoomer term but it's a pretty normal short version IMO.

Also it lets me shorten Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma to Biz, Wis and Rizz which suits my needs immensely.

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I still say gopiss girl on a weekly basis when someone leaves to pee, and I think that meme was probably 4 years ago by now.

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Like Club Penguin.

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I don't even think this is the fast charging prank, I think she thought it was be a cool tiktok dance shot.

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It's sad to say but Photoshop smokes basically all of its competitors except the ones that get into a specificic niche, but even then stuff like illustrator and lightroom compete well in that marketplace.

Photoshop may not be FOSS but it may as well be considered free due to the rampant piracy. I frequently recommend it forgetting it's a subscription based Ad*be made product.

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I really doubt Hasbro are looking to sell it unless they're planning to shut their doors too. To my knowledge they have two profitable IPs, Magic the gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. D&D is also a strong brand but people don't need the brand to enjoy the game. If the designers aren't appeased, they'll just leave and make their own D&D clone. It's happened before and it's currently happening now.

Also the repeated use of only referring to the game as DND in the article is very odd, nobody calls it that maybe DnD is ok but not in a professional setting where either Dungeons and Dragons or maybe D&D is the standard. It sets off my hearsay alarm massively.

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Combining it with the goose is good

I find it interesting how many people are looking for the overall lemmy experience. The first thing I did was find the community niche that interested me and the relevant instance, then when I've exhausted that instance I switch to the Everything tab and all find the generic content.

Edit: I accidentally wrote fine the community niece...

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I'm pretty sure it just says 'boy one's, no idea how the e ended up like that.

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In case internet sarcasm is sneaking past, the entire thing is a joke centered on the fact that Tom yells out after saying xnopyt. In the original video this is just to say the second word but people typically make edits and jokes that somehow it's some pain or fear caused by saying xnopyt.

Hey apologies if I sound like I'm greatly underestimating your maturity but it's probably better to act on the side of caution.

Flowers are lovely I really hope she likes them! I also have a best friend who I really want to be happy and would probably appreciate nice flowers, although I'd personally steer away from valentine's as I wouldn't want them to be interpreted romantically.

As for that, I trust you know if you want them to be interpreted as a romantic gesture and you should absolutely let her know they're from you and if they are or aren't.

If you want it to be mysterious if they're from you, absolutely expect her to either figure it out or assume they're from someone else secretly and show them gratitude, it's a rare person who would receive something anonymously and not try to presume the sender.

It is a really thoughtful gesture to get flowers for someone you care about today in the want for them to be happy, but it's not fun for anyone if it's misinterpreted and someone ends up less happy for it.

I couldn't find any report of a death but here is a credible source that it's possible. Sperm whales are particularly rare of course, and intelligent enough to probably know it's deadly, so it's no surprise it's rare.

I suspect this is a partner of some kind considering they have access to nudes?

I think the compression has made the lighting feel unnaturally soft. It reminds me of shitty HDR or mid 2010s video game cutscene.

This is my favourite, it's a little cheesy and fun, but it doesn't have my biggest issue with the Reddit one which is for some reason acting like it's a birthday party.

I'm not from the USA and ice always wanted to ask, is deep frying the turkey really how it's done or is it just a joke?

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They did make a great game with that framework :) In may 2002, we got Morrowind, and not just that, they even iterated uponcthat framework slightly in the 22 years since! If you look at it today you could almost believe that the framework would be great in the late 2000s!

TF2 source 2 totally makes sense as although TF2 gets no updates, it's still a popular game and valve can't totally take the idea of upgrading it to source 2 off the table themselves.

This one is a shame that I don't really understand, I wonder if it's related to the fact that it's for the GameCube and that's Nintendo's territory. I'm curious to see if this activity continues and expands, as even on steam there are remakes of half life in source and basically fan expansions to portal being sold for profit, among other products and projects.

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Yeah I really doubt streaming would change anything to 4:3.

Disney+ famously changed classic Simpsons to 16:9 and in the process, cropped enough to make some visual gags not work, but I can't imagine them preferring 4:3 over 16:9.

It absolutely wasn't an opportunity but I respect it none the less.

It's pretty hypocritical but at least it's closeable with a continue reading button.

I always thought he wanted to be the Steve Jobs of the gaming world and never found his signature product to sell his success.

A lot of people have read this question to mean the accurate scientific implications of everyday superpowers which isn't really in the spirit of superpowers. I'll try to say powers that feel generally altruistic or built for cute characters that have cruel implications.

Healing us the classic cute superpower, but if the user of the power chooses to overheal somebody they could probably cause basically mega cancer.

It's pretty easy to imagine the the implications of controlling animals, and it's a pretty good power to sit in the background as a utility power until the user decides to have every insect, rat and pigeon in the city bombard somebody.

The ability to share memories is hard to be used villainously but two fucked applications would be to beam somebody's traumatic experience I to somebody else's head (or an experience that happened to one person that could trigger someone else's PTSD), or if the user has trained themselves to be able to alter their memories to fictional events on demand, turning what is basically a truth finding superpower into an abuse of perceived honesty.

Finally the superpower of using Reddit and Lemmy your whole life and generating a very standard way if responding but having the cruel and unusual twist of always sounding like fucking ChatGPT.

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I always interpreted this as Alex never telling Harriet, but as she knows something was said, it gnaws away at her confidence until she voluntarily steps down.

I occasionally get pulled into the YouTube shorts and hate howuch time I lose to them. Worse was that although I barely use Instagram beyond keeping in contact with friends who only use it, I happened to watch the reels for a little yesterday and they were really entertaining.

A lot of amateur video creators don't have the experience to keep their work engaging for long periods of time, half the internet feels like SNL sketches that make their best punchline in the first 20 seconds and then milk the same joke for the next 3 minutes. The way short form content cuts through the crap is actually quite nice. It obviously has a whole bunch of its own issues but that's mostly due to chasing the algorithms favour, not the short form nature of the content.

I played the story on PS3 back in 2013 then picked up the PAC version and only played online that time around. I did put about 200 hours in to it which is a lot for me, j probably have 4 or so games with that many hours or more.

If you're looking for story it never got good, particularly because your protagonist is a silent insert with no supporting NPCs to carry it, but if you're favourite part of story mode was the general exploration and open world stuff, it's pretty good. I sometimes played with friends but I think 90% of the time I put in was mindless time wasting which it was good at, although I was a teenager and I'm not looking to waste time like that anymore. I also got into modding it in about 2017 and had a really good time with infinite money and cheating benevolently which probably got me an extra 100 hours of enjoyment out of it.

I think it had a golden age which you've missed. The first 6 weeks it was out, it was totally broken and then for maybe the first year and a half it was really low on content compared to story mode. Eventually the first wave of heists and tools and resources to support race / minigame makers came out too and that was a great era. Eventually though as players left more and more over time it was becoming more and more targeted at those few "whales" who were probably spending thousands on the game, with all content becoming inflated in cost to sell shark cards. By the time I dropped the game, it was practically impossible to progress without buying the digital currency, and any money exploits or cheater's were gone, leaving only the destructive cheaters. I have no idea if this has got better I haven't touched the game since maybe 2019.