posting in 8k in protest of moldy mondays rule to – 763 points –

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It's sad to say but Photoshop smokes basically all of its competitors except the ones that get into a specificic niche, but even then stuff like illustrator and lightroom compete well in that marketplace.

Photoshop may not be FOSS but it may as well be considered free due to the rampant piracy. I frequently recommend it forgetting it's a subscription based Ad*be made product.

illustrator doesn't. Inkscape rocks

Hell yeah I should have said that really. My friend has an embroidery machine and we use inkstitch for inkscape to do that.

I don't really move between lightroom, inkscape and Photoshop often but I do move between premier pro, after effects and audition often enough via the way they embed into eachother, and I presume there is similar functionality between those. This helps cement me using something like audition over audacity just because I'm trained on premier pro and don't wanna retrain on DaVinci Resolve.

Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer finally broke my pirated Photoshop/Illustrator addiction. They are affordable seriously good alternatives with a classic 'pay once for a major release' model instead of a subscription. I'm a fairly advanced user and there was nothing I miss from the Adobe products, although real professionals may have more complex needs.

Also no Linux version. ☹️