33 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

coffee | music | gaming

This city doesn't know what's coming
She doesn't feel the heat
This city won't know what hit her
What knocked her out into the streets
This city's thinking that it's over
And she's already fast asleep

This is how the world works. On Reddit there were multiple subs that covered the same topics, but the mods developed different cultures and vibes through moderation tactics and sub policies.

If you want a car, there are different companies who all provide one but with different options. Same goes for ISPs, TV networks, restaurants, and schools.

It isn't at all a new concept and I'm not sure why people coming from reddit continue to get stuck on it. Subscribe to them all and as they mature unsub from the ones that develop into something you don't feel like you need.

Posting to all of them will be easier when cross posting is possible on Kbin (it is already possible on Lemmy) but developments like that often take time.

Adding an edit as I've thought a bit more: I think it's important, for those coming from reddit, to truly understand why the Fediverse exists. The intention is to be open source. To ensure that there is no single source of power. There are 'unlimited' options (instances, magazines, etc.) to ensure that it cannot be swayed, corrupted.

This is why people are coming from Reddit - you are seeing what happens when one corporation has the power and sets the terms.

I think it's lovely to dip your toes here, ask questions, and see if you'd like to stick around. But please do understand the intention is not to be Reddit 2.0. We should not try to turn it into that.

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From what I have read, I think it's all of the above.

  • a space is wanted free from corps, ads, data perversion

  • people are fearful that 30 million people joining threads has automatically made it the largest instance. Once it integrates with ActivityPub and can federate, it will dominate the space and produce the majority of the content. People are fearful then meta will retract it/ defederate and take the majority of content and content production with it (EEE). This would effectively kill the fediverse.

  • many believe meta will not act in good faith and is doing this to appease European courts and laws

Because of all of this people likely believe keeping threads quarantined right off the bat is the best solution to mitigate the amount of damage they can do to what's already been established.

Edit: I am adding to this post as I just stumbled across a post from the host of the instance (which I am a big fan of). He has also listed some great cons of Facebook stepping into the fediverse:

-there is nothing stopping facebook from sending out ads as posts/comments with artificially inflated scores which would ensure they end up on the front page of "all" for federated servers
-threads already has more users than all of Lemmy's instances... therefore, they can completely control what the front page looks like by dictating what their users see and vote on
-moderation does not seem like a priority for threads which would increase workload for smaller instances

I paraphrased a lot of this but as this is getting some traction I wanted to provide additional visibility to the cons of federating with the Facebook.

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Eh... If I logged on to my Workplace account (Facebook for corporations) and saw that I was made moderator of a Jailbait community would I:

A) Do nothing for years


B) Immediately remove myself and investigate that community to see if additional action needs to be taken


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Why does one single corporation get sole ownership of your knowledge?

It's not difficult to download what you have contributed to Reddit and to post elsewhere.

Your knowledge belongs to you, you have the right to take it with you when you leave.

Of course you have the right to be lazy and not do that. Or to say, "I am fine with leaving it for Reddit to sell".

But please don't attempt to belittle or minimize the efforts of those who are trying to make a stand.

You are acting like they are doing something wrong ("making the world smaller") when they are simply deciding that their knowledge will not be monetized by a corporation.

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What a fucking badass.

RIP BlameThePeacock. Tragically eaten alive by billionaires before they could finish their post.

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So now that it's 100% clear that he has the hatred of the reddit community, he is in the perfect position to make all the changes no one asked for, and do what the board believes is necessary to fully monetize Reddit, and then get "sacked" with a nice and hefty severance package.

He played the part of fall guy perfectly. The "I adore Elon Musk" interview was the cherry on top.

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I would actually just settle for not pre ordering AAA games as a good place to start.

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Generating views, traffic and content for Reddit is a hopeless way to try to negatively impact Reddit.

Spend that time creating and participating in content here to drive change.

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They don't have a meeting with Toyota and say "check out the community banner our users created"

They say "we launched a promo that lasted 48 hours (or w/e the fuck it is) and community engagement was through the roof. We had an increase of x% users during this time. The next time we will do this it will be $X amount for X amount of ad space so you can get in front of X amount of users"

I haven't seen r/place but I bet there are 0 ads on that page. Reddit is smarter than to sell ad space next to FUCK SPEZ and My Little Pony Porn. What they will do is increase ad prices for the next "event".

No matter what you think, this engagement is supporting them.

100% agree. It was the only way I viewed Reddit for 11 years.

The day that pop-up appeared saying it was shutting down I set all the (small) subs I moderated to private, deleted my account, and came on over here. What a fucking shame.

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The fact that reddit is now built into the infrastructure of supporting suffering people is literally so fucked.
And that it is something WE have to worry about. Is anyone else worried? Any governments? No.

Ok. I am someone who feels like kbin doesn't really need a mascot at this point in time. It seems really early and tbh the whole thing feels a little forced. Really not into the bird design either. I just don't get it...

But holy shit this new icon on the right has 100% changed my mind.

It is adorable and I'd put that on the first page of my phone home screen, no questions asked.

Well done.

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Mine is 7 months old now. I felt the same. Just wait, you'll likely feel that it was the best thing you ever did. Your kid may be the one to drive some positive change. Just do the best you can and give yourself some grace.

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Word. As an Android user, Apollo wasn't on my radar. Christian certainly made a name for himself throughout all of this - he was a phenomenal David against Reddit's Goliath, but I RiF was the backbone of my Reddit experience and will be dearly missed. Excited to see what apps for kbin rise from the ashes of Reddit.

I am surprised that this is not being talked about more. It's a fake case, the situation never happened, some cash changed hands and our sham of a court made this ruling to set a precedent.

The future is dark.

Damn, tbh I didn't realize he was still around. Back in 2008 or so, in the 360 days, he'd pop up every month or so in the Xbox dashboard and show case new games or hype up project natal or whatever. Those were magical times. o7

This is what everyone is missing.

The game wasn't what was advertised. And once you finish the first section and you realize all the cool shit you thought you'd do happens in a cut scene you feel pretty discouraged.

It's also shitty that they shipped a buggy game to begin with. I don't care if you're CDPR, EA, Bethesda or Blizzard. Unfinished projects shouldn't be shipped.

Absolutely agree. The optimist in me wants to be excited for what this means and how this could impact the future of, well, the Internet.

But then I remember this is Meta we're taking about. They do not do things that are good for anyone but Meta. As someone who doesn't use meta products, this brings concern.

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Saying "Fuck u/Spez" on Reddit is like protesting McDonald's by buying BigMacs.

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Omg no.


Brink... Sigh. I remember that trailer coming out and I watched it like every day for years waiting for it to come. I watched every dev vlog, read every update. For years I was hyped on that. At time of release my buddy and I took the week off of work. We played it for like 3 hours one night and finished it. I remember thinking "there must be a mistake. This can't be it. This isn't the game I've been dreaming about." I never booted it up again after that first night.

Brink was my CP2077.

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We looked across the sea and saw the people who aren't so obsessed with dentistry.

Lol. Original title said UI. I meant AI. You all are cracking me up though.

It is currently broken which is why it functions in such a terrible way. A fix has been made, but not yet pushed to live. Hold tight :)

It's really incredible that we've reached a point in society where all problems have been solved and we have the space, time, and energy to focus on things like this. Really proud of our older generations and their focus on priorities.

Saying "we're not engaging at all" makes it clear that whether the feedback is positive, negative, seen, or not - a reaction will not be provided. This keeps the community managers from getting into the mud with the rest of the pigs and creates a bit of a barrier for audiences.

It may not seem logical but neither are the people sending death threats to game developers on Reddit. More of a psychological wall to create perceived space.

I'm with you. The intro was pretty lackluster, the main campaign doesn't interest me at all, and new Atlantis kinda sucks imo

Then I joined the crimson fleet and suddenly 50 hours was gone.

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Respectfully, that doesn't have anything to do with what is happening here.

Why is it that when I go to a Lemmy community from kbin I see three posts by user123 in the last 24 hours, but when I go from Lemmy I see user123 has made 12 posts in the last 24 hours?

Something is not working as intended.

It's a fucking circle, mate

I think you're underestimating evil.

Competition is for losers.

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Yeah it's like driving by a house and sticking my middle finger out the car window at them and then never coming back.

It was only a moment, it will never be seen by anyone it was intended for, but it felt good for me.

spread open your wallets

I'm dead

No matter what I do, I cannot get my homepage to default to Subscriptions only, despite having updated my settings to only show Subs

Is this a known bug? Any work around?

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Played 2 games in beta. Then uninstalled 1. Just ripped the band-aid off. It was dead.


This is the right wing's response to Pride.

"If gay people and black people can have Pride, can we have white, straight pride?"

"No. You already have that. Like everyday. Throughout all of history."

"Well if we can't have it, no one can So the right thing to do is remove all race and sex related things from history. Forever."

I actually played through it last month and it blew me away. I cannot wait to do a second play through when phantom liberty comes out! It was so so good.

Thousands of hours in OW1. Stopped after playing one game of OW2 in a beta test though. One game was enough for me to uninstall 1 and kick the habit.

Everything felt worse and they massacred my main. The game was a shell of what the original one was and I'm so bummed it replaced and erased the great game that once existed.

Haven't played or followed it since except for the dumb things actiblizz does with it that make the news.

Just saw that there's a sequel coming out and thought I'd revisit the first. Hadn't played since it launched.

Holy shit you aren't kidding. Steam wants me to pay $330 to "complete" the game. WTF?!?

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There are some really great apps being created as we speak that are inspired by Apollo, etc. It's a great time to be here and we are about to be a part of an awesome journey together!