Soundalikes - A new community for music lovers for posting songs that sound like other songs! to New – 7 points –
Soundalikes -

I've always had fun recognizing links between songs across genres. I'm sure there are others who get a kick out of it too. Come and share what's caught your ear!



Pardon my ignorance. How does on3i join this from lemmy? The link just brings me to the kbin website and asks me to login.

Try that

It should be https://[your instance]/c/[kbin magazine name]@[kbin instance]

Do note that if you are the first person on your instance to try this, the URL will fail, and you will have to try again a bit later once your instance has had some time to make a copy of the magazine. Also, if you see a “Pending Subscription” message, in my experience, that does not resolve itself, and you will just need to try again a bit later and it will go through instantly.