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Joined 1 years ago

Well, it makes perfect sense when you realize these people view kids as nothing more than instruments of economic growth - forcing parents to work in conditions they don't want to, to make ends meet. And nowadays, even lowering working age and working conditions for the kids themselves to force them to work as well. They are purely pro-capitalism and they want the kids to be forced to be born so there will be a steady supply of meat for the grinder. It's that simple.

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What does Hunter Biden have to do with cocaine found in a public area of the White House? What does Hunter Biden have to do with the White House at all? Does he work there?

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Why do you use Edge over Firefox?

Lemmy needs a hydrohomies community and it shows. Just drink water, y'all!

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That's more of a commentary on the state of the planet

Fun fact, hops are in the same plant family as cannabis (Cannabaceae)

Lemmy needs me to just fucking search before making jokes, and it shows!

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What person? Whose connections?

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Every year, 4 million people are newly eligible to vote as they turn 18, while 2.5 million people over the age of 65 lose their ability to vote due to death.

I also hugely doubt China's blustering is as severe as Russia's. I know all militaries overstate their capabilities but I think one of the biggest factors in Ukraine's successful defense so far was that Russia was spouting all stars and then it turned out they had more like a junior varsity high school team. I think the delta between the perception and reality of China's military capabilities is much lower.

Maximum Age at election = median life expectancy

If you want to serve longer, make people's lives better.

TL;DR Stevia is shit and bad too

The Fountain is my favorite movie of all time, and it has a 52% critic score on RT. Audience Score is better-ish though at 77%, so maybe it's just the critics who didn't get it.

Aloo gobi

I suppose I could have clarified by differentiating between "Republican leaders" and "Republican followers" - the latter group being largely irrelevant to discussion because they'll believe and regurgitate whatever the first group tells them to. So by "they" in this case, I mean billionaires, politicians, and "influencers" of those philosophies

We're Voyagers now

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Thank you! That's really helpful

Most reasoned answer.

I think the interesting thing to see will be how many people, like me, who used to post OC (mostly projects I've worked on, discussion topics, and what I thought were interesting articles) have stopped. I used to go into posts asking for help in areas I was knowledgeable, and provide assistance to newbies in the various hobby subreddits I subscribed to. None of that is happening anymore. I'm getting my memery from Lemmy and my discussion from Tildes now. Absolutely no reason to go to or interact with reddit at all.

Yeah, I completely agree. The main app I use didn't even shut down (Relay) but the AMA convinced me to leave anyway. Spez and the rest of the admins came across as simply vile.

Exactly this. I actually loved using the ZFold 4 when I tried it out, but losing the quality of the main cam and 10x zoom was a huge bummer for the price I was paying.

The Galaxy Note series used to have the absolute best cameras that would eventually come to the S line. If you're going to charge a premium for a phone it needs to be the best.

"Stop faking the law, asshole!"

I gave up soda a long time ago, and the other week I got a Code Red 20oz out of the blue because it seemed like a good treat. It tasted like pure syrup and I swear I was sweating and my heart was fluttering. So unpleasant and unnecessary.