self aware wolves rule to – 761 points –

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Well, it makes perfect sense when you realize these people view kids as nothing more than instruments of economic growth - forcing parents to work in conditions they don't want to, to make ends meet. And nowadays, even lowering working age and working conditions for the kids themselves to force them to work as well. They are purely pro-capitalism and they want the kids to be forced to be born so there will be a steady supply of meat for the grinder. It's that simple.

Maybe that's what corpos want, but I think the average american Republican is just so braindead hyper-individualistic that they don't quite grasp the consequences of their own philosophy. Seems like it's just "take care of yourself, I don't want to have to hear about you", full stop with 0 consideration for what that actually means.

You give them far too little credit. Most of these people are not stupid, just often massively confused about what they can allow themselves to say out loud in public without hurting their (re)election chances. They know full well what they are doing, and for whom.

They are fucking evil misantropic fascist shitbags.

I suppose I could have clarified by differentiating between "Republican leaders" and "Republican followers" - the latter group being largely irrelevant to discussion because they'll believe and regurgitate whatever the first group tells them to. So by "they" in this case, I mean billionaires, politicians, and "influencers" of those philosophies