
37 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No matter where you go, everyone's connected.

Evergreen George Carlin quote: “Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”

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I should've probably clarified this is satire - what's most amusing to me, however, is the fact that this requires a fact check to begin with

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I disabled my DNS block-list for 5 minutes to test something, and my Samsung TV used its newfound freedom to immediately go and automatically install the TikTok app from its app store. It no longer gets the privilege of an internet connection.

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I would be very interested in a plot graph mapping out the number of instances of transphobic rhetoric coming from Elon from before and after Grimes left him for Chelsea Manning.

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The average person isn’t wrecking the environment for no reason either, and yet they always appear to be the target for “environmental sustainability” snipes presented by mainstream media as fact. There are an innumerable number of practices that large industries can practice to limit their carbon footprint, but it is never a priority.

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Isn't it amazing how detached people can be from the real-world effects of their thoughts and beliefs, so long as they don't get to personally experience their impact?

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"They "trust me". Dumb fucks." - Mark Zuckerberg c. early 2000s: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mark_Zuckerberg#2000's

Is the view that this wouldn't have happened under private healthcare predicated on something in particular? It's not like private healthcare is somehow fundamentally immune to malpractice.

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This post seems like it's more about OP having an ideological axe to grind with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Which is fine - they (and Broadcom, by extension) have made a few tactical errors in the past.

I'd still consider them an overall force of good, especially when the majority of the low-cost SBC market appears to be saturated with Rockchip-based boards with little to no support for mainline Linux.

The arguments about power usage and software compatibility seem to be a bit disingenuous, however. Except for low-power Intel Atom/Ryzen Embedded offerings, vast majority of x86(_x64) platforms are going to consume a lot more power for roughly equivalent performance as more recent ARM counterparts. Most common self-hosted services usually do have ARM binary/image distributions.

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I'll note that it's extremely hard to vet for that sort of behaviour in doctors and preempt the cases you've described from happening - they could have just as easily happened under private healthcare.

Saw your edit, just a reminder for people to be careful with cheap Android TV boxes off Amazon/AliExpress etc. Lots of them are malware-ladden: https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/18/popular-android-tv-boxes-sold-on-amazon-are-laced-with-malware/

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cock and ball torture, by wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This strange metal rod is making my blood feel funny

7-zip (or better yet, NanaZip - a more modern fork of 7-zip) is better anyway: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/nanazip/9N8G7TSCL18R?hl=en-gb&gl=gb&rtc=1

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Yeah his take on that matter was spectacularly off base, even for comedy purposes

Marriage is not a Christian concept - matrimony is. The concept of marriage predates the Christians by millennia.

If sociopathy can be transmitted by prion disease, that'll be a quick way to find out.

Blue-masked lovebird and yellow-collared lovebird respectively, it'd seem

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Same reason I am highly critical of Jack Dorsey's BlueSky and its attempt at rolling out a separate protocol. The last thing we need is for the Fediverse to be fragmented into a dozen protocols that do things ever-so-slightly differently and prevent network convergence.

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I especially like the part where I prefixed this with “there’s no responsibility on the part of consumers whatsoever”

Although the original paper in question appears to have just been English with Greek characters. So "ωε νεεδ το οβσκυρε τηις κνοωλεδγε" would have been more accurate.

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Resisting the urge to run this on one's entire Ansible inventory is the hard part

Your credit card details (and renal failure)

Public transport probably isn’t a viable option in some cases, so I’m hoping EVs do catch on for this reason. Reducing or eliminating meat consumption, or at least finding more sustainable ways to provide it (i.e. lab-grown meat) also would definitely play a significant role. I am not advocating for eliminating all responsibility from the consumer side

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Is that methodology also how the CDP works? I am looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_contributors_to_climate_change#All_cause_1+3_cumulative_emissions_[8] in particular, and the figures aren't looking ridiculously better still.

Or is that the difference between the Scope 1+3 tables and the All cause table in this page?

edit: Snopes has in fact written a fact check that corroborates the methodology used by CDP is potentially flawed for this exact reason. So it will not be accurate - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/corporations-greenhouse-gas/.

I'll defer to the following point by the original Twitter OP though, which I still think is valid: "The point I was trying to make is that any media coverage that reduces the issue to personal choices is incomplete, and [structural] issues should always be central to climate reporting," Johnson told us. "Individuals' choices are not unimportant. They just shouldn't be the focus of climate coverage."

tl;dr: Yes, personal responsibility and reducing one's carbon footprint is also very important, but there is chronic under-reporting on the other end of the equation.

Posts like these make me feel like I could live with the loss of the pattern recognition part of my brain.

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Don't worry, Sony has a patent that will ultimately take care of this problem: https://www.creativebloq.com/sony-tv-patent

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Good point. I've changed the title

So tl;dr appears to be - Elon refuses to pay Twitter hosting bills, migration plans to a different provider fall behind as pretty much all of the technical talent has been fired or quit, inevitably gets throttled by GCP for non-payment and then introduces "emergency measures" by throttling their user base themselves to try and mitigate it all. The man truly is a visionary.

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The only child on earth to need hair plugs.

One was especially made for her alone

You become more digitally beautiful but cannot help the feeling that you have lost a small part of you in the process. You traverse your new habitat only to realise large parts of it are walled off to you.

You eventually acquiesce to your situation, as a metaphorical bird in a carefully designed and elegant yet ultimately hollow bird cage.

(Also a Mac & Linux user, I'd really be hoping nobody takes enough offense at joke posts like this in 196 Lemmy to warrant a flame war).

On one hand, ex-employees being able to set their own contracting rate to literally whatever in order to get the platform working again can certainly sound like a good idea. On the other hand, the slimy feeling of having helped one of Musk's ventures endure will never really come off no matter how hard one washes.

Bonobos and orangutans do seem a lot more chill

I was waiting for someone to notice the juxtaposition

Unfortunately there's so many OEM variants of these things that it borderlines on impossible to tell for certain which ones are and which ones aren't, short of taking the firmware apart. Given the proximity in the naming convention, I suspect it might be.

Much as I dislike Google, the Chromecast with Google TV (4K) variant is probably the closest in price and is reputable.

Fall; or, Dodge in Hell is also a good exploration of the subject

“I didn’t realise it was only cold hearted pragmatism that prevents you from pumping gas into Lidl!”