mathematician slander rule to – 314 points –

Math was created by Big Math to sell us more math

This is going to be unironically posted on Facebook by some anti-science knuckle-dragger.

Joke's on you, I used math to exponentiate my last 12 cents by hyperbolic paraboloid and now I'm a billionaire.

One of the few subs I miss from Reddit that I can’t find on lemmy is r/stopdoingscience. Hopefully somebody will create one, or maybe I‘ll need to learn how to do it 😁

And the reposts have already started...

The reposts started a long time ago bud.. they're what make the internet the internet

I recognise that analytic extension of the Fibonacci sequence into the complex numbers!

i've probably seen this reposted in various places more than 10 times over the years.