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Downright bizarre that corporations can demand such an extent of a lifetime punishment for non-violent crimes. Truly the law only serves the rich...

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This might kill entire indie projects.

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Tech companies badly need to get their shit kicked in to stop with this "I have the right to change the terms unilaterally anytime"

What are you talking about?

Not only Counter Strike: GO is over 10 years old, Valve games can be hosted with Valve's official blessing even when they drop support. There are still people who play Counter Strike 1.6 today. This is nothing like what Blizzard did to Overwatch.

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Is anyone believing they would not have layoffs anyway? They are likely just trying to pin their cost-cutting plans on game devs who protested against their ridiculous scheme. Comes to mind that the money their clients were already paying is the money that would have paid for those employees' wages.

COO says coming benchmarks will show anti-piracy tech has no performance impact.

They do decryption and network calls during runtime. Computers are not magic, you cannot do additional processing, call on external resources and not have a performance impact. I will never trust when they say this, not once ever. They have a vested interest in convincing people of this even if it's simply not possible.

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Alright, I see the issue. Even then that's not technically true. I would say it's not user friendly, but CS:GO is still counted as a previous version of CS 2, and you can access and host older versions of Valve games. Here's a guide for that.

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Guilty for advocating for public health concerns during a pandemic? What sort of insane land has become the US

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WTF??? Monetized sexual harassment?!?!

What is even parody anymore?

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What a ridiculous society we live in that someone can be so rich that they get to threaten people with a gun and don't get arrested. What an unhinged asshole he is.

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He is obviously biased by his business interests, but frankly he is ultimately correct. Once consoles are digital only, console players will lose the last form of control they have over anything they own.

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The Wast af Us 2

I know and thank goodness for that... but there will be projects that simply won't be able to afford to move to entirely different engines. It's a lot of work that might have to be redone.

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Charging "per install" as opposed to "per sale" will be goddamn awful. At best it might lead to DRM where you'll have a limited number of installs before you lose the game you bought.

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Please drink verification can

Enshittification advances. Consoles already are the prime example of devices that act as if they are still owned by the company rather than the customer, but they somehow find even more ways to make it worse...

Jack Dorsey is not why people wanted to leave Twitter though.

Big brands might like Threads but I doubt it will go as well for smaller creators.

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Seems like any career that is commonly seen as a passion comes with an additional level of exploitation. Game developers and animators get a raw deal.

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Unfortunately people's wages haven't kept up with inflation either, so that would just be a double whammy of making people who already struggling to pay for essentials pay more for entertainment as well, and at that point I'd think some people would just decide they can keep playing their old games.

It absolutely needs backwards compatibility. Throwing away the whole Nintendo Switch library would be a waste, and there are some games that would even benefit from improved performance.

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That doesn't add up, in this case. If they simply announced a revenue share, something that Unreal Engine already has, it wouldn't have been anywhere as controversial. Some devs would grumble but it wouldn't have been taken as an existential threat worth jumping ship as soon as possible.

The whole charge per download was likely an attempt to get more money out of freemium mobile games, but nobody was willing to accept that.

Really, the damage to their image so significant, it's likely many dev studios will drop it even under those conditions, just out of lost trust.

Because at best Instagram is very fussy about keeping a brand-safe platform and an algorithm-driven feed that is not the sort of thing who favors smaller creators. Threads is an off-shoot of Instagram, likely it will be treated the same way.

When Twitter was at its best, people liked it for how it allowed them to keep up with current events, and to spread interesting content through viral sharing, as users with similar interests spread it among each other. I don't think Facebook will allow it to be user-driven enough for it to have this sort of organic virality.

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I'm tired of disposable clothing.

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Between that and the online DRM of Integrity API, it's time everyone moves to Firefox.

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Sure if the person's PC is well beyond what is required they won't notice it, but I've played on old and underpowered PCs with bad internet connections enough not to assume that there will be always plentiful resources to spare.

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No Man's Sky is definitely not a game for everyone, but it's impressive how close they have managed to get to their overblown initial promises.

I thought people on the Fediverse would be more appreciative of people doing volunteer work to maintain online communities but seems like a lot of users only think of mods when they get moderated or banned, not when the community is healthy and free from garbage.

I don't know how a Final Fantasy game of all things is not going to be political. I don't think I have played a single one that wasn't profoundly political. They are always dealing with war, oppression, exploitation, power struggles and often use metaphors for other issues.

The beloved Final Fantasy 7 is blatant with its environmentalist and anti-corporate themes. All the Ivalice games (FF12, FFT and Vagrant Story) pretty much breathe politics, and while I didn't go too far into Final Fantasy 14, that also seemed pretty political.

"Who knew DNA could be so blurry"

I think his endgame is just boosting his ego. He tried to get this X thing to stick since the PayPal days.

We are just watching the midlife crisis of a guy with way too much money showing that billionaires are not immune to terminally online brain rot.

It would just be awful irony if layoffs kill Telltale again.

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Yup. There is a lot different objects and effects that can interact with each other in unique ways. It's only expected that there will be a lot of edge cases.

Godot's only issue is the lack of console support, but that's because they can't get the licenses as an open source project.

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Putting the connotation aside for a moment, is it even accurate to call people who are interested on niche secondary gaming devices as "normies"? Whatever may be their backgrounds, seems to me like they are dedicated gaming enthusiasts.

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Indies really are the way to go for both customers and developers if they want a better, more ethical and respectful environment. It is a risky career path, but given how many major publishers treat the developers under them, it's not like sticking with mainstream would lead to a comfortable stable livelihood either.

Baldur's Gate 3 really put me in a dilemma, but I think I'll ultimately buy it because I want to support Larian Studios more than I want to avoid Wizards of the Coast. I wouldn't trust Wizards enough to get One D&D and the likely tabletop lootbox hell they are scheming, but BG 3 is delivering a good product that deserves support. Though buying the Divinity games is an alternative if you don't want WotC to get any money.

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It really annoys me how companies started leaned into blaming "haters" for any kind of criticism. Especially considering how quickly some people turn on whoever says anything critical of something they are hyped for.

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I get the risks of putting all eggs in one basket, but whenever people argue for competition using Epic as an example, a company that is demonstrably more anti-competitive and anti-consumer, it shows that they just think of the matter of theoretical ideals of evenness as opposed to benefits to the customers. I don't see any good coming from Epic having as much or more marketshare than Steam.

Unlike GOG which only offers DRM-free games, a substantial advantage compared to any other store.

It shows that we are all connected (with gay demons)

Right? I see people saying "oh but the violence! the slavery!" as if it wasn't a collective act of childhood goodwill that prevented such associations being made to Pokémon. They talk a lot about friendship, but it's a friendship built on beating up creatures in the wild, which then obey and fight for you unquestioningly. Even some which are human-like and stated to be as intelligent as humans.

I consider myself a Pokémon fan and I defended them often, but it's a concept that gets a little iffy if you think about it for more than a minute.

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The emphasis is on "Me"

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