
2 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I had a gay dude spank my ass once at a bar and when I looked at him he winked at me as he walked away. In that moment I understood what women must always have to deal with when they’re out. Haven’t washed my ass since

Fair lol he should have owned up to it

Guys we should go easy on Putin not too long ago he was a baby just like all of us

You see this on both sides lol

There’s a reason why my grandpa used to always refer to the FTC as “Fuck The Cranch”

Too late you’re already jinxed

Orang to $58

This means nothing lol who made this?

Exactly lol

There are a few problems with this. One, is choosing a reliable source. How do you genuinely know what is reliable or not? Most people will assume “I agree with this” = reliable source. Finding multiple news agencies saying the same thing also does not necessarily equal being reliable, as there can be multiple biased sources that are all misinformation.

Also, fact checkers, all heavily lean towards liberal views. Something to avoid if you’re looking for a true unbiased opinion. They typically dig harder into republicans and are much softer on democrats. Especially the sites you linked, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were all owned or funded by the DNC.

There’s a major issue with people hanging out in echo chambers and not challenging their beliefs. Your best bet is to find biased info on one side of the spectrum, and the other, and compare the two.

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This just sounds like you refuse to question your own beliefs and it’s a really embarrassing statement

This is very logical OP, idk what’s wrong with those people who downvoted you.

They must not have liked being told to try to question their bias

How would you realistically enforce this? They can just throw money to prevent this from happening. Or find other loopholes

Fair enough lol

I fail to see any hate. I think there’s just a big push from the left framing conservative views as hateful.

There’s hate on both sides. Both sides only focus on the hate for the opposing side

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Imagine not providing a comment of any value or contribution to the betterment of society.

You did nothing to refute the contents of the article


k thx bai

You don’t know anything of what I believe or what my sources are.

I already know everything I need to know about you.

Touch grass, I’m sure you desperately need it.

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They probably were. Look at literally everyone on this site seeing republicans as sub-human. I can guarantee they would enslave them if they could and not feel bad about it

Propaganda can make good people believe horrible things

There’s an entire internet of knowledge and I have a million people on here messaging me. If only I had the time to sit down with each person I would, but I don’t.

Do your own research and challenge your beliefs

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I’m not denying I’m a victim of propaganda, but most people here are and it’s a red flag that they are victims of propaganda lol

I barely wore them even during covid. Won’t ever wear one again

It isn’t my responsibility to educate you. If you have no desire to seek out truth that’s your own choice

We know two different Trumps then apparently.

Propaganda working its magic

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They aren’t unsubstantiated claims lol

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Except in situations where volunteers aren’t allowed to watch because windows are blocked, or we have drop boxes. Or dead people voting

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“Ha ha, stupid Christians making typos! I am so much smarter than them because I would not make such a typo”

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I’ve always been curious to know how Trump is a fascist? It always has seemed like a reactionary slur rather than a genuine label

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If you think these things are exclusive to republicans, you might be a victim of echo chambers

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I’m shocked people still believe elections aren’t cheated and rigged.

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What’s wrong with him liking that tweet? Age is just how long we’ve been alive for, we’re all mentally still in our 20’s

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If this were AOC spreading pictures of Trumps kid everyone’s statements would flip flop lol.

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