The weaponization of federal law enforcement, if it continues, is going to delegitimize the 2024 election before a single ballot is cast.

KoofNoof@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – -61 points –
Biden’s DOJ Will Trigger A Crisis If Trump Is Indicted For Jan. 6

The federalist is a joke, take your fear mongering back to Reddit.

Imagine moving from Reddit to Lemmy just to be a shit take downvote dumpster like OP.

imagine unironically posting the federalist

Imagine not providing a comment of any value or contribution to the betterment of society.

You did nothing to refute the contents of the article

So...all politicians are supposed to be immune to prosecution for life. Got it.


The Republican Party doesn't have to nominate Trump. Any crisis is their doing.

Huh, usually when someone posts dumb shit like this they're purposely trolling. But you seem to just be genuinely oblivious. Good on ya buddy.

nah, he's trolling. I recognize the user from other posts.

There's nothing political about the prosecution of Trump. He committed crimes in broad daylight We all saw them. And Biden's appointed AG appointed an INDEPENDENT COUNSEL to investigate and make all the charging decisions.

Contrast this to Trump who RAN ON THE SLOGAN "lock her up!" And who non-stop threatened to jail his political opponents!

The hypocrisy here is next-level.


"It's not a crime when we do it!"

/me grabs the popcorn

Fair enough lol

The federalist is a right wing propaganda website.