
6 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

'The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.'


Knowing intel and their recent performance gains it just needs a small nuclear reactor as a PSU and liquid oxygen cooling for light desktop use.

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Cold war boomers trying to legislate tech they know nothing about

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Re-establishment of clans and tribes will soon become an economic necessity for the poor. Unions would of course be better, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Yeah, this is basically why I'm not buying these arguments against a struggle of any kind, just because methods of it are illegal.

Illegality =/= your cause or methods are wrong

I guess it's just impossible to make these types of large media storage sites profitable. The business model itself is inherently unprofitable despite there being a need for these sites. Like youtube will never bring a cent back to google, but they keep running it because it locks people into their ecosystem for data harvesting.

Could also be that snap bought gfycat just to kill it.

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it's not like human brain memory or consciousness is that information dense. They just did that high of a definition of a scan.

It's not about the targeting computers not being powerful enough. It's about the counter missile not being fast enough and the hypersonic missile being able to zig-zag like a cruise missile, but with similar speeds as ballistic has in it's decent phase.

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Giving the site massive amounts of traffic in attempt to crowdsource a another 100x30 pixel "Fuck Spez" banner. Spez must be getting pads on his back for this.

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A long way to say "go touch grass"

But yes, death of monolithic social media companies would be a good thing on many levels both individual, societal and political level. Especially the American social media media monopoly ending would be such a excellent thing. It has been as controlling over the world as the dollar or US military.

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Plus on top of all the other subscription fees.

it's not even really about the money, even if it will fuck the devs and ruin projects and lives, but the breach of trust and a mark that more shit is probably on it's way if this goes through. Unity owns a ecosystem that many people depend on and now they really start squeezing. It's not right.

This is why things that act as commons should be either nationalised or replaced with free software.

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The real risk here isn't AI take over but total desensitization and alienation to horrors of war. US is already extremely warlike nation and yet already extremely desensitized. American and wider western sense of war is that it happens to other people in foreign countries and only real touch towards war is when somebody they knew went to do war in one of those places and maybe got injured and died. For the rest of the world and those horrors are very real and with higher automation fo war it become even easier to politicians to do when even less bodies are coming home and act of killing is pressing a button and modern shell shock is kinda feeling bad for those people who you killed on that screen.

Is it the greek government using linux in gov computers or just hobbyists?

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wtf is this comment 😅

problem is not on a development level, but rather on a project management and (particularly) an executive level.

In any industry as time progresses the production becomes more and more capital intensive and that needs more and bigger investors and all that capital means that there is a bigger risk and that is mitigated by the investors by requiring "their guys" to staff the management and these people are unusually really bad for the technical and actual value side of the business on the long run, because they are usually people with financial or marketing backgrounds. They fundamentally work by the logic of profit maximization and there are always easier and more surefire ways toi achieve that than with supplying a good product. It's even worse when the end product is something that could be considered "art". In AAA it all eventually leads into pushing bland installments under rushed deadlines for the same once successful franchise out one after another, just because that is where the risks are lowest and money is still being made.

Human development is the development of labor saving practices (i.e development tools and methods) that liberate humans and labor to do other things. In this case "good software" is bound to that it 's efficient enough to run on the system and do it's job and not slow down the whole system unjustifiably. Why on earth would anybody go full performance optimization autism mode, spending hours grinding down fractions of efficiency out of code, when one couldn't even notice the difference between it and less optimized code running on the target system? One could spend all that time to do something actually productive for the project like a new feature or do something entirely else. Those earlier game and software devs would have killed for hardware that didn't require everything to be custom built and optimized to a T. Not having to optimize everything to to a max doesn't produce "slop", it produces efficiency.

I hope they were lost in "fell in to the atmosphere and burned up" and not in "they started colliding with other space junk and accelerated the whole orbit toward a kessler syndrome" kinda way..

Tax really is a good word for it. When you basically have a monopoly on or just act as gatekeeper to something and there is no market and no real competition the fee and profits you are making is basically taxation.

OSs kinda also act like natural monopolies because of software compatibility. People tend to gravitate towards the option that has most software support for ease of use. Windows should either be taken over by taken over by international bodies to be handled as global commons (of which I seen never happening) or it should be replaced with a open OS like Linux. Same could be said with social media, because it's equally retarded to have the agoras used by the public as a profiteering tool for capitalists who abuse their power and leech from their monopoly, when the user base is the only thing that gives a platform any value.

Or they see that US has a economical nuclear bomb in the dollar and it's increasingly more reckless in it's use and they naturally want to isolate their economies from the fate that Washington just decides that they are not "free", "democratic" or somehow against US interest and decide to unilaterally sanction them and keep wrecking their economy until US demands are met. You do know that third of world's countries are under some sort of US sanctions and very few of them were or are on war footing towards anybody. World wants out of the dollar because US is no longer seen as reliable.

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Best protest would be if people didn't obsess over clicking pixels in r/place, giving the site traffic. I can't stand these people.

Quite ingenious and simple design, even considering the limitations of the time.

Google and Meta walled gardens are the cancer of the internet, not the internet itself.

it's probably only beneficial to China if the housing bubble is deflated. Astronomically inflated housing prices are only bad for economic growth in any country as they create unnecessary upward pressure for mortgages and rents that then push up wages in high housing cost areas and therefore make it more unaffordable to do business and produce things.

The only problem is to make sure it doesn't just spiral out of hand and that all housing projects of Evergrande will finish and people wont lose their homes. Then investors can realize their losses as they should and not expect a bailout.

Anything that is pro palestine or anti-israel.

Google controls way too much. People need to stop using their products.

At his point it's like saying stop using the internet. Also most don't even have the freedom to totally ditch google, since time and effort and knowledge of alternatives are still a scarce resources. Also work and school might be tied to their products. I fear they are too big to fail. This btw why any sort of Open source, crypto, fediverse shit is only the second best option in my option when taking on the tech giants. My preferred option would be total nationalization of big tech platforms and handling them as public utilities. Drop them under some new UN institution and we would golden.

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it would be so funny if in a couple of years you can buy and Iphone in Russia, but not in the UK.

Like as if US and Taiwan business links wasn't going to be used to hurt China if a war comes. They are already being used to contain china. Why is this fart even suggesting that he can make a difference.

Europeans want ministry of truth

Doubt... the same people who are pearl clutching about people losing faith in MSM are the ones who want this. They fear losing control of the narrative.

Looks both ridiculous and ugly. Concept model should at least be inspiring and attractive if not anything else.

While wikipedia is decent at giving overviews on some scientific and technical topics, but when there is a topic about something that is historical and/or any way politically or monetarily relevant there will be an edit war to change it to suit one interest groups wishes or anothers. It really is a cesspool of psyops, misinformation and articles to be basically corporate PR at certain topics, and that is just because google usually gives wikipedia articles as first or second result on any given subject and it's a really cost effective way to propagandize people and doing it is really low cost. Now Russia just monopolizes the propaganda inside their own borders.

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It's not as if there were not enough assmad mods (and users) who hated seethed over the place already. This was just the reason to get it over with, because "Issrael hecking has the right to flatten terrorist Gaza and anybody who says otherwise is an anti-semite and a tankie." Thats just the enviroment we live in and mind broken liberals see that as a reasonable position to have these days. Lemmyworld is also somehow as or even more insufferable than reddit in this regard. One just assumes that in the fringes there would be less mainstream and more nuance and willigness to speak up.

I haven't had much hope that if there was an major asteroid racing towards earth that there could be much done about it, but I also know that likelyhood of it is very small so there is no need to lose sleep over it.

Fuck the dollar. Nobody knows why the Euro couldn’t do shit to supplant it.

I was designed so that it could not. One primary mechanism is that there are stricter limits to money printing with Euro. One needs money surpluses to send to the world if one wished it to be used in third party trade.

I absolutely loathe the EU and it's institutions, but every once in a while a pro consumer standardization is a good coming out of them.

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it's not just that reddit turned into a huge greedy corpo-clusterfuck when they went public, it was kinda bad before that too and held bad practices. Lemmy has a lot of the same features that made reddit shit on a fundamental level.

The up-vote downvote system itself is a both a curse and blessing. it's sorts things decently but it encourages mediocrity and bot like behaviour in people, if one likes to put it that way. It makes discussing anything controversial and where the issue isn't black or white, impossible. Good for cat pics and tits, but really bad for politics and the like, because everything eventually floats towards some status quo and everybody and everything else is sidelined and encouraged to shut up or go with the flow or face downvote barrage.

Also the bots are here, not yet, but they will be. Bots are easy to make here too. If this place ever gets even decently popular this place will get astroturfed and up-vote manipulated just like reddit. it's too easy to manipulated community opinion or shill for issues or things in site like this. Federated structure might help or make it worse.

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most people participating in “fuck spez” already had an account, so they aren’t getting many new users from this.

Why would a person even become a new user just to shit on spez, they have no stake in the drama anyway? I still have an account but I have lessened my usage to a fraction. I don't go to R/place to "protest", nor do I make bot accounts or alts to spam the place.

Is it as bad on Nvidia?

Empty words...

Any bureaucrat or politicians who was driven to do what needed to be done would have to risk their career and life at this point. The amount of fundamental systematic changes needed to be done would make too enemies. Also you can't just say fuck it and collapse society, by going cold turkey in a few years. It needs plans and long term thinking something that is impossible when for politicians is like six years max time in office and of which the latter half needs to be in practice lived elections in mind.


Most of the tech stack is american controlled and that is a security and privacy risk to everybody. From instruction set architecture to control over the social media. To American enemies, American allies.. american's themselves nobody is safe... probably the those that are best at mitigating said risk or take any steps at all are the American enemies.

That's only for google though.