
1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Not exactly a story. I just watched Babylon 5, and it's fascinating how the good guys are the bad guys are the good guys are the bad guys...

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AFAIK, clamAV hunts Window viruses, not Linux malware. The linux equivalent I know of is rkhunter.

/dev/fb0 is the framebuffer. So yes, you can feed data into the filesystem and you'll see it on your display.

For Unixoids, being a file does not mean that this data is stored on a hard disk, but that all data, processes and hardware are accessible with the same toolkit. /dev/fb0, for instance, is part of the file-like interface of your graphics card.

No, it's about self harm and suicide as well. Being suicidal is a symptom of depression, not a free choice. In most (all?) countries psychiatric wards are oblieged to protect you from suicide.

In the article is a sound explanation: the machine is activated by detecting a human face looking at the display.

If this face recognition software only decides "face" or "not face" and does not store any data, I'm pretty sure this setup will be compatible with any data protection law.

OTOH they claim that these machines provide statistics about age and gender of customers. So they are obviously recognising more than just "face yes". Still – if the data stored is just a statistics on age and gender and no personalised data, I'm pretty sure it still complies even with 1920s data protection habits.

I'm pretty sure that this would be GDPR conform, too, as long as the customer is informed, e.g. by including this info in the terms of service.

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Which FOSS video editor did you find?

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Autonomous driving isn't necessarily controlled by a corporation any more than your PC is.

That's just outright wrong.

Modern cars communicate with their manufacturer, and we don't have any means to control this communication.

I can disconnect my PC from the internet, I cannot disconnect my car. I can install whatever OS and apps pleases me on my PC, I cannot do anything about the software on my car's computer.

So, while I can take full control of my PC if it pleases me, I cannot take any control of my car.

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It's worse: if they ban the destruction of human morulae, they have to ban the use of the pill as well, at least the mini variant.

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Why? Driving on highways is the easiest kind of driving?

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As I understood @TotallyNotJessica, they did not mean having a mental breakdown is a feminine thing, but wearing a skirt.

Having a mental breakdown the feminine way = having a mental breakdown while wearing a skirt, as OP proposed.

I'm still a tiny little bit offended by the idea that skirts are an exclusive feminine thing. There are male skirts.

Lab grown meat is grown from cell cultures that were taken from animals that were not capable of consenting to donate these cells.

Hardcore vegans will likely still despise it, but for a lot of less hardcore vegan people it might become an option, especially if marketing hides the origin.

IMHO it's more important that the carbon footprint of growing cell cultures is bigger than that of growing animals. Unless this changes, lab grown meat is not an option to fight global warming.

Actually no. A transsternal access to the heart is impossible with stone tools, even obsidian. Middle american ritual sacrifices were performed transphrenic – they had less problems with the complications of that access as they didn't intend their victim to survive, in contrast to — most — modern surgeons.

The only problem is that that's just the theory. There are lot of steps that can and will go wrong in practice and turn this method into torture. What is the rate of botched executions by injection? I don't know, but well above 0 %.

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The discussed incident does not involve driving assist systems, driverless autonomous taxis are already on the streets:

A number of Cruise driverless vehicles were stopped in the middle of the streets of the Sunset District after Outside Lands in Golden Gate Park on Aug. 11, 2023.

Just ban pedestrians. Problem solved,

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These must be the most colourful and joyous ammunition ever made! Would my death be happier if I was hit by a pink grenade? Probably not. But I think I would be a tiny sliver happier dropping pink, yellow and blue grenades than olive ones.

Is $1.43 the complete tax? If so — how is your government financed? All countries I know of add a VAT of ~ 20 %.

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I can use the same tools/scripts on my phone that I use on desktop (using mostly terminal apps there, too)

searx is around for a couple of years now.

It's definitely not Anglo–Saxon as in "inherited from the Germanic tribes of Angles and Saxons", afaik medieval and early modern English society was quite open about sex.

After the Reformation, England bred or harboured quite a few fundamentalist Christian sects which had a huge impact on English and especially American society.

No volunteer army will ever be able to fight a war with Moscow. We don't need conscription now, but we need to be aware that we might need in 5-15 years time and be prepared.

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I don't know about the US, but in Germany, by using a vending machine, you are implicitely and automatically consenting with the ToS of the vendor by your action.

There is a standardised acronym for on the other hand?! I love it!

It's a princely brigade after all!

100 %. Well, probably it'll become sort of a frozen conflict and a steady income for the ammunition industry, sort of a lose (US) — lose (boars) — win (ammunition industry) situation.

The only enemy boars have to fear is influenza.

Even better!

Which way shall we choose

  • substitute pedestrians by autonomous bipedal robots?
  • develop autonomous exoskeletons which have to be used by pedestrians?
  • Or aim high and develope injectable nano-sized neuro implants that take care of the autonomization of pedestrians?
  • other options?

🤔difficult choice.

Did they screw it up? Hypoxia causes convulsions, that's a well known fact, so I don't get all the fuss about witnessing normal body functions in a dying body. Especially as people convulsing are unconscious.

The real torture here – and with all death sentences – is the years and decades long psychological torture while on death row. And rspecially in this case of course the first, botched execution attemped. Ramming needles for four hours into someone!

I hope you are right.

The spelling "tho" was commonly used back at least in North American informal writing in the 1980s already, and was proposed as a shorthand brief already by Thomas Shelton in his 1626 Tachygraphy. Predating cell phones a bit.

Oh no, 230 years. 1866 was just the first time the Senate was involved, as far as I know.

No tax on food? That's nice, we should copy this.

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Yes. It has a reduced tax, thoough.

In an everyday colloquial way.

The directional particel "hin" is a commonly used word in German without an exact equivalent in English. "thither" is the best approximation I could find, though it's usage is completely different, of course.

Well, I do use a car that is able to drive (almost) autonomous on a highway, so I know that the tech to drive on highways exist since several years.

All the difficult stuff – slow traffic, parking cars, crossings, pedestrians... – does not exist on highways.

The only problem that still remains is the problem you mention: what to do in case of trouble?

Of course you have to stop on a highway to prevent an accident or in case of an emergency. That's exactly what humans do. But then humans get out of the car, set up warning signs, get help &c. Cars cannot do this. The result is reported in this article.

It's Me, Myself and I.

Achieving a state of complacementness in an unperfect world full of suffering and joy.

Yep – that's what I like about it. Good and bad are fluid, like in reality. Even Bester is shown to be a caring character striving for the good of his people.

No bad guys are good guys. And most good guys are not good guys, either.

The Shadows, the Centauri and the PSI Corps are introduced as "bad guys" but gain a lot of positive aspects during the show without becoming "good guys". The Nightwatch and the Earth Governement under president Clark are "bad guys" – but quite a few of there supporters/members become important "good" characters, like Zach Allan, Elizabeth Lochley or Susanna Luchenko.

That's my point about the Babylon 5 series – they deconstruct the good guy/bad guy meme. Mostly.