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When a culture completely oppresses another people, then that culture naturally attempts to annihilate any empathy for its victims.

You can see the same pattern in how Nazis treated their victims, and how Americans treated their slaves.

How do you explain things like her refusal to let a Palestinian speak at the DNC? Or how she re-commits herself to Israel's "defense" whenever asked?

I want some of that hope, but it seems like facts are pointing in the other direction.

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You're right, and none of that gives me hope that Harris will pivot.

The re-elect Harris campaign will start on January 20th, and the political reality you just described will still exist.

Changing stances on Israel's genocide will take leadership, which is something we haven't seen from the Harris campaign. It is not Harris leading a campaign on principle, it is the polls leading the Harris campaign, just as you described it.

Those suburban moderates' views can be changed, they just have never been exposed to an opposing message. The news says Israel is the good guys and Hamas is the bad guys; only those on the fringes say otherwise. If Harris would show leadership and take a principled stance on the side of humanity, she could bring most of these low information moderate voters with her.

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Sorry to say, NATO membership is just the carrot on the stick that the US uses to lead Ukraine around.

Do you really believe the US considers Ukraine a "true ally"? All the evidence shows that Ukraine is just another useful tool to weaken Russia. US Senators admit this reality from the Senate floor.

Not everyone wants this conflict to end, some are getting very rich.

I have no idea what could have given you that silly idea. I'm being realistic about the issues that go along with US military support.

The US is treating Ukraine the same way it treated Afghanistan during the Soviet war. Afghanistan, just like Ukraine, was the victim of an unjust invasion. We (the US) supported the opposition to the Soviets, and we handed them billions in weapons. We were on the right side.

But we also sabotaged peace deals to prolong the war. We increased the ferocity and brutality of the fighting. We meddled in local politics, choosing winners and losers. This pattern did not end well for the people of Afghanistan, and I fear a similar fate for the people of Ukraine.

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Of course, any deal that relies simply on Putin's word isn't worth the paper its printed on.

Well-designed peace deals never rely on honor. They rely on mutual benefit, verification, with agreed-upon punishments for failure.

I honestly think if he took his shirt off it would cost him the election.

Seeing the flabby, 78-year-old American physique in all its glory would be both a literal and figurative "emperor has no clothes" moment for many of his cultists.

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I downvote it everytime because of its rightwing bias.

If you say the mainstream corporate news is center left, you're either stupid or you have a right wing agenda.

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This asshole destroyed the public option, then a few years later my life was destroyed by medical bankruptcy.

It is sad that he got to live a full life surrounded by loved ones. He deserved so much worse.

Rest in piss, you wont be missed.

And the leader who preceded Hitler, and whose blunders helped Hitler gain power, was Paul von Hindenburg.

Von Hindenburg, running for his second term at 84, was widely regarded as being too old and incompetent. For the centrists and center-left parties, he was their only hope in defeating Hitler.

After Von Hindenburg's defeat, Hitler passed the Enabling Act to assume full power.

History may not repeat, but it rhymes.

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And Officer Kevin Dave, who drove 74mph in a 25mph residential zone without sirens when he hit Jaahnavi in a crosswalk, is still employed by the Seattle Police Dept.

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I dont understand why Israel, deeply reliant on US military assistance for its defense, also routinely humiliates the US in public.

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The line from Kendrick's Meet the Grahams is actually

He hates Black women, hypersexualizes ’em with kinks of a nympho fetish

This part isn't about children, it's generally believed to be about Drakes alleged assault on Laquana Morris.

The former stripper and Instagram model alleged: “Drake forced me to perform oral on him. It wasn’t your ordinary oral it was more so a fetish.” She then describes how he told her to spit into a cup “until he had measured it."

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There is no one to vote for to help the Palestinians.

The only hope for Gaza is for Biden to change course and use his significant leverage to convince Bibi to end the blockade.

If the status quo of famine is allowed to continue, there will be no Gazans left to bomb when Trump is sworn in on Jan 2025.

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Vote for who? I always do my duty and vote for the lesser of the two evils, and they all turn out to be war criminals.

Arredondo was taken into custody at the Uvalde County Jail Thursday afternoon, where family members and parents of several victims of the shooting gathered.

Finally, some good fucking news.

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Alright most of this slang is overused and a bit outdated but wtf is "jitz"?

What does jitz mean in slang? Noun. jit (plural jits) (US, originally prison slang, derogatory) An inexperienced, foolhardy young man.


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It's not complicated at all. Bombing a residential building is a terrorist act.

It doesn't matter what you claim is hiding underneath.

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The problem is that the Trump and Biden camps set the rules at this debate.

The moderators were not allowed to live fact check, nor could they cut the candidate's mic during their allotted time.

This means that the responsibility of countering Trump's lies fell completely on Biden. There are so many lies, it would be a difficult task for any person.

But Biden signed up for this, and he failed spectacularly. None of Trump's bullshit was effectively countered.

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Other commenters are correct that Evergreen is quite a "hippy" and "alternative" college, but I believe the core reason this happened is Rachel Corrie.

Evergreen school administrators may have been more amenable to students' demands because of Rachel Corrie, who was a 23-year-old Evergreen student when she was crushed by an Israeli military bulldozer while she and others sought to protect a Palestinian home from being demolished in the Gaza border town of Rafah

Seattle Times

Is price the only concern? Seems like too narrow of a focus.

Maybe try sorting by "lifespan", as nuclear facilities last 3-4x longer.

You could try sorting by "crude oil usage", as each turbine needs 60 gallons of high synthetic oil to function, each needs an oil change every 6 months.

Would be interesting to sort by "birds killed" or "acres of habitat destroyed"

I'm not saying nuclear is necessarily better, that is a difficult calculation. But we got ourselves into this climate change disaster by short-sightedly "sorting by price". Perhaps spending more money for a long term investment would be more wise than always going with the cheapest option.

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When Palestinians unjustifiably kill 100s of civilians, we cut their aid.

When Israel unjustifiably kills 100s of civilians, we increase their aid.

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Ah the old "That horrific story you heard about me was actually fabricated by me, so this is actually a win haha gotcha" defense.

Is this guy a Drake ghostwriter?

Prohibition creates a black market, which in turn creates cartels, violence, unregulated and sometimes tainted product, it eliminates tax revenue, bolsters an oppressive police force, etc etc.

I believe the best model to deal with these hard drugs is legalization with heavy regulation.

It's hard to imagine what it feels like to watch your newborn baby starve to death.

It's hard to imagine the desperation, the sorrow, the helplessness.

It's hard to imagine the rage, the impotence, the desire for justice and revenge.

Its hard to imagine that Hamas will ever run out of new recruits.

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I will take advantage of his death to spread understanding, empathy, and a hopeful end to the genocide.

He tried to die for a purpose, why are you so intent on stripping his death of that purpose? You are the one who dishonors the dead.

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The fact that theres 175k convictions in a smaller state is rather shocking.

Think about all that effort by judges, DAs, police, corrections, etc. All of these people, paid by taxpayers, could have been tasked with doing something beneficial to society. Instead they participated in a counterproductive, racist, braindead prohibition scheme. What a waste.

There have been a handful of good studies on the harms of drugs over the years, and they all published the same conclusion: The recreational drugs that are most harmful (both to society and to the user) are heroin, meth, and alcohol.

Just like heroin, alcohol is not gentle, nice, or not a big deal.

Why do you think one is socially encouraged and the other two are demonized?

The prohibition model was a failure for alchohol, and it's a failure for heroin and meth too.

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What you said is all true, but you are ignoring the negative aspects of religion.

Religious influence, both on their followers and on government, is anti-science, misogynistic, and anti-LGBT.

Religions are funded like pyramid schemes, with the most desperate and vulnerable as their victims.

Religious indoctrination is child abuse.

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Declassified documents show that former presidents like Reagan and JFK were on extreme cocktails of drugs.

Trump famously had that pic showing his oval office desk drawer full of Ephedrine (the good EU kind, not pseudo)

I would be utterly shocked if Biden was drug free.

But does it matter? Biden's energy level and coherence were well above expectations.

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I prefer my doomerism to be vague.

Precise doomerism is just too depressing.

For any other country, state dept reports like this have to clear before we start shipping weapons.

But for Israel, the Biden administration carves out exceptions and delays the reporting so the illegal weapons shipments can continue.

This is the banality of evil, Palestinian children are starving and exploding and we are arguing over reports.

This is why Biden has earned the moniker "Genocide Joe".

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He died for his own cause, I am only trying to amplify and honor his message.

Are young people really a part of Bidens coalition? Bidens policies and rhetoric have consistantly pushed young people away. The ridiculous speech he gave just a few minutes ago maligning student protestors is emblematic of this.

And it seems like young people have got the message. The last poll I saw had 18-24yr olds voting for Trump at +8%

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That's a great question, but very difficult to answer accurately.

One example is the EU's Horizon 2020 program, which gave a total of $450 million to Israel. The new updated version called Horizon Europe is expected to give about $1.35 billion in aid to Israel.

The reality of military aid is that it often comes in the form of a taxpayer funded discount. When Israel buys weapons from Italy, France, Germany, and especially the US, it often comes in the form of a "buy one, get one 1/2 off" type of discount. It's a win for the buyer, it's a win for the politicians, it's a win for the arms manufacturers. Of course it's a loss for the taxpayers, and especially for the people who are targeted by the weapons, but these groups do not have a seat at the negotiating table so their concerns are dismissed. If there is an accurate financial assessment of this type of aid, I am unfortunately unaware of it.

Why even post if you're going to add no information?

Worthless bot should be banned.

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…Look in the mirror: The horror, the horror! The butt of your M-16 on my cheekbone The yellow patch it left The bullet-shaped scar expanding Like a swastika, Snaking across my face, The heartache flowing Out of my eyes dripping Out of my nostrils piercing My ears flooding The place. Like it did to you 70 years ago Or so.

I am just you. I am your past haunting Your present and your future. I strive like you did. I fight like you did. I resist like you resisted And for a moment, I’d take your tenacity As a model, Were you not holding The barrel of the gun Between my bleeding Eyes.

…The very same gun The very same bullet That had killed your Mom And killed your Dad Is being used, Against me, By you.

Mark this bullet and mark in your gun. If you sniff it, it has your and my blood. It has my present and your past. It has my present. It has your future. That’s why we are twins, Same life track Same weapon Same suffering Same facial expressions drawn On the face of the killer, Same everything Except that in your case The victim has evolved, backward, Into a victimizer. I tell you. I am you. Except that I am not the you of now.

I do not hate you. I want to help you stop hating And killing me. I tell you: The noise of your machine gun Renders you deaf The smell of the powder Beats that of my blood. The sparks disfigure My facial expressions. Would you stop shooting? For a moment? Would you?

All you have to do Is close your eyes (Seeing these days Blinds our hearts.) Close your eyes, tightly So that you can see In your mind’s eye. Then look into the mirror. One. Two. I am you. I am your past. And killing me, You kill you.

  • Dr. Refaat Alareer

Chrono Trigger has all the elements done right- 10/10 music, 10/10 art style, RPG and battle systems that were innovative for the time and are still fun to play today.

But I think what sets the game apart as a timeless classic, a masterpiece, is its deep themes of existentialism. Marle has has a fake persona and a mistaken identity, yet we can still see her real self. Crono, as an avatar for the player, is sentenced to death and spared in the last moments. Robo, after being freed from his original programming, asks "Is this what it is like... to die?"

And that's all just in the first act.

The ideas of Sartre, of Nietzsche, and perhaps most of all "Being and Time" by Heidegger were presented in a way that my 10-year-old self could comprehend and enjoy. But it's not dumbed down for children, my 30-year-old self can still find deep meaning in the narrative and themes.

Plus, time travel is cool.

Imagine the returns if that wealth was invested in education and healthcare instead of yachts and empty luxury housing.

It would be better to have war crimes trials to show how fucked up specific wars are.

Being able to make movies showcasing your past crimes is not a sign of a healthy society..

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