Kuori [she/her]

@Kuori [she/her]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

sounds indistinguishable from talking to right-wingers tbh

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the person who asked the question, obviously

a coward, i see

all of them. bill hicks had the only correct take on people who work in marketing

are you white by any chance

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don't worry, they're making fun of liberals who claim voting will cure all societal ills

I mean it has clearly racist origins, but I've never actually heard it used in a racist manner in real life.

okay, so what? i have. now your anecdote is cancelled out.

it's nice when the trash takes itself out

bravely commenting your garbage opinion on a burner~<3

joke's on you, i've been drinking 100000x distilled dinosaur piss and i'm growing stronger by the day

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bravely being a racist in line with social norms, our hero!

i know a girl who takes her literal newborns to her chiropractor

completely fucking horrifying and it's impossible to convince her that doing so is like playing catch with your baby as the ball

it took an immense strength of will to even consider forgiving someone like this

i'm sorry it went so badly. nobody should have to deal with this from a loved one, let alone a parent.


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Wikipedia is good

until you want to learn about a group or country opposed to the west and then it's about as educational as stormfront

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i hope puberty brings with it many exciting changes for you

crybaby detected

questions like this nicely demonstrate how worthless a concept "authoritarianism" really is

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no cracker, you just don't want to change so you pretend you not being offended means no one is

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then it surely must never have happened!

people genuinely stupid enough to believe nato is defensive in nature have never opened a history book outside of their compulsory schooling

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good to see we're renowned for our correct opinions already

this comment just opened my eyes. i really thought the redditors would learn to stop being obnoxious shitlib smuglords. nope, same idiots as always.

oh look, it's a whiny little cracker! that puts your racism elsewhere in the thread in context

the boring corporatists are fully backing a genocide rn

not really seeing how that doesn't qualify as 100% concentrated evil

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i'm pretty sure the u.s. will collapse before it becomes a democracy, but it certainly is a nice dream

drink your own piss and die, dumbass

guess i'd buy a rifle and take my best shot at improving the world

people like you are why shit like this is impossible to change. thank you for doing your part to keep the world just that little bit more racist, shitbag

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damn girl, i understand that trajectory all too well! i also went from "virulently anti-religious" to "okay we can all be chill" to "mmmmm maybe you lot should be sent to the gulag by trans furry catgirls or whatever, if you're gonna keep acting like this"

as ugly as that feeling can be sometimes, anger at your oppressor is a natural impulse for the oppressed, and a righteous one in my opinion. all they have to do to get us to stop hating them is to stop trying to kill us. you'd think it wouldn't be a big ask, but...

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i intentionally became an alcoholic for like 5 years, during which i was not sober for a single minute (not even to sleep)

i had been drinking casually for half a decade before that but i made the conscious choice to attempt a slow suicide by alcohol abuse

i was like 17 or so

that is true, but frankly i'm willing to put money down on most people who hold patently incorrect beliefs like "nato is a defensive organization" simply being deeply incurious people who have never investigated anything that's not immediately relevant to their interests

people who don't uncritically swallow state dept propaganda are bad, actually

mmmm gonna go out on a limb and say it's most likely for the same reason he started this thread

nothing should ever be better than it was in the past. everything should continue to suck forever.

"CEO says" annnnd ignored. next time get someone with a soul to say whatever it is.

problem is, the democrats are the ones who declared the pandemic over. there's nobody who's actually pro public health to vote for

you should die too, you worthless bigot

mmmmm i think all my boss would have to do is get on their hands and knees and suck me off to completion in front of god and everyone

that'd get me back in the office for at least 20 minutes or so

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Self-opinionated, aggressive and insulting

i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you live in a house with no mirrors

i'm not sorry if my statements give offense when they're based in reality. want to be treated better? we already have a special tool for that, it's called "having correct opinions"

what if instead of eyeballs we had cupcakes?