15 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dad, husband, and mechanical engineer based in beautiful New Jersey. On Reddit I'm u/engibineer.

It's occurred to me that if my wife ever cheated on me, maybe instead of getting upset I could just make friends with her boyfriend. We'd already have it in common that we like having sex with my wife so maybe we'd have other stuff in common, too.

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Take another shower. Taxes aren't used to fix inequality. They're used to fund infrastructure and services that we all need. They're also used sometimes to redistribute income, but the idea isn't to solve inequality. The idea is to get some income, in one form or another, to people who cannot or should not work, like the sick, children, the elderly, and anyone else excluded from the workforce. This non-working population needs income as much as the working population does and it doesn't make sense to force them to get it in inefficient and harmful ways. Taxation to solve inequality is a myth that isn't happening.

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Is it really leather, though?

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I don't know about the trans stuff, but Blåhaj has this neat little feature:

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All is well, apparently.

I haven't seen any comments suggesting a plug, so I guess it'll be me. Try using a butt plug.

We should always be suspicious when someone starts both-sides'ing Nazis and Communists. Only one side was killing Nazis, after all.

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In America, if you don't tip for things like restaurant table service or delivery, rides (like taxis or Uber), car valet, room service, or someone helping you with your bags, yes, you are the asshole. Yes, tipping is usually just subsidizing employers' payrolls, which is bad, but it is also the cultural norm here. You are likely to be publicly dressed down if you fail to tip, even accidentally. Sorry, but that's just the way it is until we get some real worker organization and empowerment going.

Where? I'm not a fan of her, but Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax proposal is just a way to capture some more revenue (to do the things I mentioned) on a more progressive basis. There aren't really any claims here about fixing inequality.

Lol nice. The answer is milkshakes and spicy chilli dogs

I don't belong to, but I'll chime in anyway. I'm somewhere between a communist and an anarchist, which I think aligns well with my material interests as a worker. The communist in me believes that we need a dictatorship of the proletariat in order to subdue the bourgeoisie. The anarchist in me believes that workers need to organize themselves into strong labor unions to help the revolution along and then keep the subsequent worker state in check thereafter.

How do you subscribe or follow a lemmy community from Mastodon?

If nothing else, it would be funny if instead of either of us taking her out we were both like "sorry, babe, we're busy playing video games."

I like Tusky. It just works, but it also has a nice feature that lets you open posts from whichever accounts you have set up with a couple of taps. In the official app you have to switch accounts and then find the post again, which is a pain. I have two Mastodon accounts so this feature is convenient to me.

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I'm running a Pixelfed instance off of an old PC in my house. Eventually I 'd like to set up a personal Lemmy instance as well.

Try the old finger trick.

Well, I'd definitely get the lawyers and CPAs to make sure that bag is secure and protect my family's privacy as much as possible. After that...

  • I'd hire a high-end architect to renovate my home.
  • I'd hire a personal trainer to help my family get really fit.
  • I'd buy a big vacation for our extended families.
  • Buy a less family-friendly vacation for our friends.
  • Hire a therapist so I don't go insane.
  • There's a small, vacant movie theater in my town. I'd buy it and get it up and running again.

Is this something you really want to "both sides"? Only one side kills Nazis.

Sorry, pal. I just like hyperlinks.

Have you tried discussing the problem with the admins at those instances? What was their response?

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It was just easier to get Pixelfed up and running compared to Lemmy. I'm using Yunohost, which has applications for both, but the one for Lemmy isn't working properly (uploading images is broken, for example). In order to install a fully functional version, I have have to go through this whole process of setting up Docker, which I haven't figured out yet. The Yunohost application for Pixelfed almost just works. I had to do some klugey stuff, but nothing major. I'll get Lemmy running eventually, but this was just a small win for me.

No. Organ "donation" after death should be compulsory. For living donors there should be a publicly funded bounty system where you either take the money or not. Donors and recipients don't get to be picky.

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Yes, I believe that is still the case. I found guides to install Docker on a Yunohost/Debian server and another guide to install Lemmy on Docker, so we'll see if I can figure it out.

My little self-hosting win this weekend was to finally sort out the typical email issues. Yunohost makes it easy to use an SMTP relay.

It was Eva Saxl. She had fled the Nazis from Czechoslovakia only to find herself under Japanese occupation in Shanghai. From the Wikipedia article, it seems like she extracted the insulin from water buffalo pancreas. I'm not sure if that counts as homebrewing. When I think of homebrew insulin, I think of actually manufacturing it by fermenting specialized yeast as opposed to harvesting it from animals. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but it isn't really the same.

I bet prison in NZ is like Mordor.

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There's not really a problem with meat either. You don't have to eat it and if you do, you don't have to feel bad about eating animals.

That said, there is kind of a problem with insulin manufacturing in that it's kind of centralized and distribution can be difficult, especially in remote areas with unreliable electricity. If insulin manufacturing could be done at the garage or shipping container scale in the places where it's needed, it would help a lot of people.

An emperor?

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Yes. ;)

Thanks. I hadn't seen that one.

Nothing. The admins giveth and the admins taketh away.

Because you look delicious probably.

Porkbun worked well for a newb like me.

I am a Yunohost enjoyer. I'm just running AdGuard on it for now, but I'm planning on setting up a personal Lemmy instance as well.

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I have the Withings and it works well as a digital scale. However, I think it's body composition measurements/calculations are bogus. It thinks I have a 3.8% bone mass, which would be 6.7 lbs. That's right it thinks I'm some kind of bird cryptid.

Really? I've only seen good reviews of the stuff as served by restaurants.

Hmmm okay, but it has to be difficult to opt-out, kind of like how conscientious objectors have to go through a whole process to get out of military service.

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Ah okay. Looks like it will only work for certain instances. I don't think I can add any others besides these ones.

If Jerboa can follow comment links from the inbox natively, why does it let Android handle the links everywhere else? Maybe Jerboa could insert a little link button next to every hyperlink so that you can choose whether to open a link with Android or natively with Jerboa.

Any idea if these are native?

That’s fine, but if you’re going to advocate for an alternative product, you should believe in it enough not to pretend it’s the thing it’s supposed to replace or that the people you're trying to convince are too stupid to notice the difference.