7 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Conceptually? I'm all for it. Why wouldn't I be.

In practice, we live in a capitalist society and I don't want an arm that makes me watch an advertisement before I open a bag of chips.

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Honest question, how can we ever get out of this? Is it just human nature for most of the population to not have critical thinking skills? Is it possible to reach a world where the majority of people have even just a little empathy?

It's just so sad. It's so clear to anyone even kinda paying attention that we possess the technical capacity as a society to meet everyone's needs and eliminate so much human-caused suffering at the detriment to absolutely nobody. We could be working toward a society where everyone has community, safety, security, opportunity. We could do so much if all we did was kind of give a shit about each other.

But no. Let's elect the guy who mocked a disabled reporter, encourages white supremacy, committed treason, etc.

Donald Trump is just a guy. A shitty guy, but just a guy. He's not what is ruining the world, but the fact that so many Americans want to vote for that shitty guy as president shows that a massive portion of the population is also just some shitty person, and fuck if that doesn't just burn up all my hope for this world.

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"Intellectual property" is a silly concept that only exists because under capitalism massive powerful corporations benefit if they can leverage the legal system to permeantly keep knowledge, innovation, and art behind a paywall, and people in society are dependent on monetary gain to survive.

We should, to the fullest extent of the law, make it such that proper credit is given to people who make things, but calling something "theft" when the person you're "stealing" from literally does not lose anything is asinine.

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I'm all for bashing corporations, but y'all, this is a $1 increase for the first time in years. Not only is that reasonable, If anything, the rate of inflation is such that this is still effectively cheaper than it has been just a couple years ago.

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Seems like they're being reasonable about it and doing heir best to make it right. People steal code all the time especially for personak projects, and the fact that this personal project blew up out of nowhere is not something I'd expect someone to account for well.

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To be fair, Spotify's recommendation system is the only algorithmic content feed that I feel actually gets me the kind of stuff I want rather than just exploiting my psyche, so I wouldn't be surprised if Spotify's AI integration is likewise the only of it's kind that has real benefit.

It could also be completely useless, who knows 🀷

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Literally everything. I hate living under a system where my options are

  1. repeatedly consume products which cause death and the destruction of our environment
  2. move out into the woods and live as an isolated hermit
  3. die

I'm...I'm just so tired.

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That doesn't make any sense though. Communism isn't when you "give power to the state." It's a word used to describe a specific economic system that China does not have. The word that best describes what I think you're getting at is "authoritarian." Words mean things, and if a thing doesn't fit the definition of a word, then it isn't that word.

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Just decent quality content for various topics which aren't politics or tech. For the good of increasing the size of Lemmy, I think everyone ought to find a couple things they're interested in as hobbies and just dare to make content about them.

Lots of niche communities have the problem where no one posts because no one posts. At some point, you have to just pull the ripcord and start the darn thing, even if it takes a while.

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Technological advancement is cool. Widening the power divide between megacorporations and the general population and allowing rich assholes to have greater power and control over the average person is not cool, and unfortunately, that's what technological advancement is doing.

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Why do we accept this stuff. Why are we not revolting in the streets.

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"big data" runs the content recommendation algorithms of all the sites people use which in tirn have a massive influence on the world. It's crazy to think "big data" was just a buzzword when it's a tangible thing that affects you day-to-day.

LLM powered tools are a heavy part of my daily workflow at this point, and have objectively increased my productive output.

This is like the exactly opposite of Bitcoin / NFTs. Crypto was something that made a lot of money but was useless. AI is something that is insanely useful but seems not to be making a lot of money. I do not understand what parallels people are finding between them.

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Ok but even more super-honestly, the bitching about the bitching about the bitching about the bitching is worse. Why did you make this comment? Why not just downvote that asshat's content about that other asshat's content and move on? It doesn't contribute, so why comment to complain about complaints about complaints about complaints?

We should not do this as any more times probably....also google en passant.

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Counterpoint: watching little green checkmarks appear when my PR passes a pipeline step gives me dopamine

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Tbf Mozilla needs money to keep doing good work, and I don't mind "paying" for Firefox like that when the only alternatives are "paying" by letting Google track and sell my personal data.

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It would be better for you to leave the original comment, use markdown to strike it through*, and create an edit showing that you realized it was wrong.

It shows humility and reflects positively on you, but it also allows the history of this conversation to remain preserved.

*not sure if this is possible on Lemmy yet

Edit: it is :)

Honestly, I don't blame the majority of users who don't have the full scope of this situation. The rhetoric surrounding the blackout was unfortunately difficult for most people (who don't use 3rd party apps) to relate to, and they haven't yet seen the other issues at play here like the harm the API costs are doing to mod tools and accessibility tools.

To anyone who's wither a casual reddit user or just not super understanding of what APIs are and what they do (which is most people), it's all just too esoteric to understand. The best thing we can do is just work on improving the landscape of free, open source, decentralized alternatives to services largely dominated by for-profit companies.

Personally, I'm not going to insult people for being ignorant about something, because that's literally the default state of being a person. You only know stuff when you've been exposed to it, and it would do a lot more good in the world if the people trying to make change focus on good rhetoric and making it easy to see why something is an issue rather than insulting people who haven't been lucky enough to have come across an understanding of it yet.

That said, I totally get the frustration. When you care about people, it's easy to be upset at people unknowingly operating against the best interest of themselves and others.

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Bahaha are you kidding me?

This is so egregiously annoying that it's almost funny. Hopefully the app gets taken down for breaking PlayStore TOS.

Why make it a right vs left thing at all. Can't we just discuss things going on as they are without pigeonholing certain opinions as "right" and "left?"

I don't think x y z thing is true because I'm "on the left." I think it's true because it's my best understanding of reality, and that understanding of reality is generally described as "left." If you falsify my arguments, point flaws in my understanding, or present me with a set of premises that corroborates reality better, I'll align myself with that in a heartbeat. When you see something you disagree with, don't just think "oh that's leftism I don't agree with that," instead, try to figure out what you think the flaw is with it, and then offer that up in good faith. Worst case scenario, someone learns something.

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One of my favorite movies is Robin Williams, the one who flew into the birdcage, or whatever it's called

I hate to say it but some of this is hilarious.

Shame that thus person's wild rant about allowing all kinds of content equally is straight up false given the clear preference for alt-right content.

For easy indexing. Lots of influential literary works have this. There's a universal standard indexing for both the works of Plato and Shakespeare, for example.

Homie, which states have ever actually implemented communism? Calling yourself "Communist" means about as much as North Korea calling themselves a" Democratic People's Republic" if you don't actually implement it's ideas.

Additionally, all attempts at democracy, and all instances of capitalism, have resulted in tyranny, because it's just really hard to build a society that doesn't do that no matter what governmental system and economic system you set out to establish.

Even places like New Zealand or the Nordic countries which are much closer to a social democracy are tyrannical insofar as they participate, propagate, and benefit from a global network of capitalism that is only possible through the exploitation of hundreds millions, if not billions of people. Outsourcing your tyranny and exploitation to other places on the planet is still tyranny.and exploitation: it just has better PR.

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Because of conservation of mass, children must have as much dumb in them as adults do, but because they're smaller, it makes up a higher percentage of their volume, so comparatively, the dumb has greater effect.

Simple physics.

I don't recommend this if you're looking for a good hobby to not be depressed haha. Something outside or at least away from screens is probably better.

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Honestly, one of the best things you could do is use Linux Mint instead of Ubuntu. It's a lot more new user friendly.

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Oh no now I want to build a whole Arch rice around that font. that's not enough.

we need ComicSansOS

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It matters if you develop compilers 🀷,

Otherwise? Readability trumps the minute performance gain almost every time (and that's assuming your compiler won't automatically do branchless substitutions for performance reasons anyway which it probably will)

OP, do not use Arch as a beginner unless you're already a very techy person.

I know people may disagree with this, but y'all, we forget sometimes how confusing even following something like the Arch Wiki can be when you aren't familiar enough with tech.

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That ignorance makes them pretty shitty.

I'm not saying they're fundamentally and permanently shitty, but they are being shitty. Refusing to become a more aware person is shitty.

18/20 because after that you ought to be able to be a candy-giver. This whole thing only works if we have enough candy-givers, and too late of a cutoff age skews the balance.

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In most instances (like beehaw) it's really just because lack of good moderation tools at the moment is making it difficult for them to handle a large influx of users and it's intended to be temporary.

Personally, I think defederating is overkill, but I'm not an admin and I empathize with the difficulty I'm sure they're facing with such a rapid scale up. The best way for most people to help this situation is to just do a good job of properly upvoting & (if enabled) downvoting content to help naturally sort content, and help report when you see people acting against the rules of a community to help it's mods.

People who are technically savvy could especially help by participating in the development of FOSS Lemmy mod tools.

Man here. I disagree.

The movie is only "antagonistic towards men" if you think the Kens are somehow supposed to be a 1:1 realistic depiction of real life men which is something not only not textually supported but also actively and explicitly contradicted by the film

The kens aren't stupid because they're men, they're stupid because they're Ken Dolls. Both Kens and Barbies are highly hyperbolic depictions of how little girls play with Barbies and Kens.

Personally, I found the movie to be very empowering as a man too. I'd recommended rewatching it and trying to think critically about what the movie is doing. It's a film, not an after school special where every character is supposed to be a direct black-and-white representation of "thing good" or "thing bad"

I see an opportunity to add on to a comment chain that's already starting to get too long, I comment!

...and then I upvote

The ever-improving ecosystem for NixOS as a desktop environment.

I switched over to Nix around a month ago, and in that time I've already seen several guides and sources of documentation improve themselves significantly. I could see NixOS documentation eventually becoming almost as impressive as the Arch Wiki, and it seems that process is in hyperdrive right now.

Voting on content and interact in the comments is a lot easier than making posts and it's still really helpful towards building vibrant thriving communities here.

If you have a sub you like that you think you could contribute to via posts, that would be awesome! But even just taking the time to throw your votes around does a lot (especially with fewer users)

Whenever I'm watching someone else use a browser and I see how many ads there are, I realize how great UBlock is.

I support the anti-aurhoritarian backbone of this, but it would probably be more helpful to focus on the content we want to avoid rather than assuming people will all have the same idea of what being a "tankie" entails. Not loving having dark violent imagery on my feed either but oh well.

It's right here, silly.

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I'm pretty sure they accept donations

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Which is wild to me because it seems really obvious to me that it's intentionally cringy dialogue.

Anakin Skywalker is a cringy edgy teenager for a lot of that. That's like, a major part of his character.