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Joined 9 months ago

Yeah, this. It's an amazingly well-written novel... seriously, one of the greats. But I would absolutely never describe it as a love story. That definitely requires some amount of reciprocation and not just grooming and rape.

English is kind of weak in this arena because we only have one word for love, but we can modify it to be more useful: romantic love and fraternal love. Any other use stems from these two, and will basically boil down to "I like ___a lot."

Another specification is when people ask "Do you love them, or are you in love with them?"

"In love" means romantic love, I think. You want to spend your life with this person, probably every day, will overlook their faults and are enamored with the things they do, the way their brain works, etc.

So no matter how much one hates Rowling (I don't, she's done more good than evil by far still), she's smarter and more decent than most of the humanity. That sucks.

Lol. She lucked into an amazing world that managed to remain a good story despite her writing, not because of it. She's not an idiot, but literally every other piece of writing she's ever put out kinda slams the "smarter than most of humanity" line.

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They weren't meant to be causative, and I stand by both of my statements. Her writing is objectively bad, and it's a small miracle that she didn't manage to ruin this series like everything else she's written. Yes, I know those are strong words, and yes, I do believe them.

You're actively working against your own agenda.

No before and after shots, lazy writing, bad article.

Have you tried being less transphobic? That's probably a good first step

DrLupo. I watched him a bunch when he was on twitch, but he got kinda arrogant and negative over the years. Now I watch the people he used to play with before he changed πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Our voting system is undemocratic. Until that isn't the case, I will keep trying to push people away from wasting their votes.

Yes... that's literally the point? Tariffs both support existing local producers and are an incentive to move production local.

If it doesn't matter, then why are you using it as a talking point?

the first-ever flame-throwing quadruped robot dog

A very competitive category, as we all know

It’s interesting to see Torvalds emerge as a kind of based tech hero.

It's just that almost everyone else that could do it ended up being fucking ghouls of people.

Torvalds can be... brusque, sure. But he doesn't support child labor, he doesn't cheat on his wife, and he isn't some crazy cult leader waging a war against workers' rights.

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Cats ARE stinky, though... the litter box is in your house

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You tried to say that it wasn't DoorDash's fault for paying like shit, but then went on to qualify every other reason with "low paying order" - none of that would matter if DoorDash didn't pay like shit.

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That's a good way for their emails to all get marked as scams. They think they're being slick, but are actually destroying their marketing campaign.

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This is not even remotely new for Nintendo, and is exactly how they have always reacted to fan games πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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This was clearly inevitable even before they chased away every customer they've ever had and every potential customer that has ever looked into the engine. Now that so many people have jumped ship, I would not be surprised if this was just the first of many such moves.

Fucking morons running this company, that's for sure. Way to just give away what was easily the greatest market share that they will ever see.

Sad to see From licensing their good name to someone like Tencent. Be prepared to see some predatory shovelware

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Turns out its just hot wheels for man-children.

Like 90% of the point of hot wheels was looking cool, so I have to respectfully disagree

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Smart. I've got at least a week's worth of Hades left to play, and I literally hadn't heard of this game. Now, I'll probably check it out when it drops.

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Hell, it's not even "breaking even" - making the same amount of money as last year is considered a failure, even if that number is astronomical.

Why do "artists" think they're holy and should be protected?

Has anyone ever implied that it's just artists? Automation putting people out of work has always been a major fear, and has been realized over and over again. It's not "just artists," it just so happens that art is the domino that is currently falling.

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That's probably just a perspective trick, there's no way

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The lack of project-based content is just due to size and a lack of engagement. Try engaging and see if anyone else joins in 😜

If you don't have strong opinions one way or the other, then docker is the easy answer. Way, way more widespread, which generally tends to mean better docs, more guides and examples, more tooling and open-source support...

Not OP, but just to serve as another data point: mostly just exhaustion. I am a full-time software developer, so I just really don't want to deal with configurations and set up complex systems at home. That's why I haven't gotten into any smart-home stuff, either - I just don't have the bandwidth to deal with the issues that come along with the space.

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Yes. Almost every single antitrust suit brought by the DOJ has been successful.

This was clearly inevitable even before they chased away every customer they've ever had and every potential customer that has ever looked into the engine. Now that so many people have jumped ship, I would not be surprised if this was just the first of many such moves.

Fucking morons running this company, that's for sure. Way to just give away what was easily the greatest market share that they will ever see.

Constant urges to nap and trouble getting up afterwards are both common (but in no way definitive) symptoms of depression. Definitely above Lemmy's pay grade - you need to talk to a doctor/therapist. Absolutely do not take antidepressants without consulting them.

Just a reminder that they do this because SO many dumb motherfuckers lap this shit up. These are billion- (trillion-?)dollar corporations, they wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable.

If you don't like being pandered to, stop supporting companies that do it... except then that would be seen as anti-LGBTQ, so good luck with that strategy!

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This was clearly a scam from the start. AI art is a tool, just like a paintbrush - if you don't know what you're doing (or if you just dont give a fuck, like this event), the outcome will understandably be shit.

Welcome to 196 πŸ˜‚ first time?

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lol... is there anyone that actually wants to work at Tesla at this point? You have to know how shitty of a work environment it is, on top of the fact that you will likely be laid off in the next year or so due to the complete unpredictability of Musk.

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Well then it makes sense that it wasn't supported

Great games, but people are about to be real disappointed - BG3 added a LOT of QoL features to the game, and even 2 is kinda hard to go back to afterwards

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With moves like that, I'm guessing that they've never been even close to being in the black.

What are they doing to stand up to the bullies? They only understand definitive language or actions. If your child is just saying "no, you can't do that," nothing will happen. In the past, "standing up to a bully" generally meant breaking their nose.

EDIT: oh, this is about you as an adult, not your children. Good luck, adult bullies have that behavior ingrained in them from decades of training. Avoid them or get them in legal/job trouble, those are your only realistic options.

Crazy how nobody says this about ED amd Viagra πŸ€”

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