Massive Pokémon Fan Game Site Taken Down Without Warning Via DMCA to – 150 points –
Massive Pokémon Fan Game Site Taken Down Without Warning Via DMCA

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This is not even remotely new for Nintendo, and is exactly how they have always reacted to fan games 🤷‍♂️

I saw a docu i think about smash bros. from nintendo, very cool docu serie btw, and the guys that organized the first tournaments got a letter or something that they where not allowed to organize such tournaments (mind you just fans playing the game in a bigger room nothing more) because, and here it comes, the game should not be played like that! Wtf.

(Ah yes The Smash Brothers 2013)

That doesn't make it any less vile.

It'd honestly be hilarious if all the creators just started rebranding their fan projects with Palworld Pals (or any other similar IP). Start shifting the discourse away from Pokemon. I'd love that.

it makes it more ridiculous that people who don't like this kind of behavior support nintendo at all.

Exactly. I'm proudly 3 years Nintendo-free, and I don't see myself going back anytime soon.

Once my Switch broke and the Steam Deck released, I decided I didn't want to bother with Nintendo anymore. They've been killing their communities for far too long.