LegionEris [she/her]

@LegionEris [she/her]@feddit.nl
13 Post – 326 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Leading a one woman branch of the Erisian Liberation Front! In love with almost everything all the time.

Imagine being so afraid of The Big Gay that you fire two people for being part of another community that uses boldly colored stripes in their logo, a community that literally has a documented statistical preference for bold primary colors and patterns. Imagine your hate being so enormous that it can't hit just one group of vulnerable minority children.

EDIT: Imagine posting before your caffeine kicks in and having to fix three different typos.

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Ngl I want my dash to look like a fucking airliner. I love that my MINI interior looks like a personal space ship from a 90s movie. Give me moar toggles!

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points at random new hire who has been allowed to work unsupervised for like three days

Well she did it for me last week!

And then he eats your slow old dad with that kid and they sing a little song about it.

Calling Planned Parenthood a political group is just telling on yourself. You hate women's bodily autonomy and/or trans people enough to overlook the fact that they offer free and income cost adjusted birth control and vasectomies and hysterectomies and fertility treatments. They are a non-profit organization offering every type of sexual and reproductive health care. They, in fact, do not engage in politically driven discrimination against certain types of sexual health issues. They treat those trying to get pregnant with the same level of evidence based care as those seeking abortion or hrt or to be made infertile, without concern for public opinion or political discourse. I assume all of the above can be said of the children's hospital mentioned, but I don't have an ongoing relationship with them to base my comments on..

Yeah, couple times, but not for years now. Fetishizing pre-industrial times sounds nice if you aren't one of the many people who would have died or lived with an untreated illness or condition your whole life. You should look into what they did to that man in college. Then find someone more stable making similar points and saying similar things. Industrial skepticism isn't unique to Ted Kaczynski. The truama and subsequent mental illness that pervade his theory and philosophy is.

I live down the street from a college. Many of my neighbors are college students. I've seen roughly this look on a handful of very young men in the last year. I've seen guys in their early 20s/late teens playing sports in roughly this outfit. It is coming back/fashion is more fluid these days. There are still trends, but many young people wear all sorts of stuff that just looks good on their bodies with little regard for era or popularity.

Tbh I'm not really a cheese girl. Give me fancy tomatoes. Fancy tomatoes will hold my attention.

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When people and places that should be dirty are clean and kempt. Pirates on the seas should be dirty. Soldiers in the field should be dirty. Cowboys on a cattle drive should be dirty. Swamp cultists should be dirty. I appreciate realistically dirty characters. It distracts me every time when characters are clean and showered with their hair done on day three of being lost in the woods or some shit. It's one of the many things Our Flag Means Death nails. Even Stede gets grimy, because piracy is grimy work.

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Zero calorie drinks and swap all your meat for beans. I'm not a femboy, but I'm a slim, healthy woman who eats Taco Bell at least once a week. It's the only fast food I eat because it's the only fast food with meaningful seasoning, and I can just go for beans to make it incredibly light. Taco Bell is the only fast food you should be considering when trying to lose weight.

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She was crying. He was dissociating. You were lashing out. Grief is terrible.

This is fairly common in both depression and ADHD, so maybe check on them? Like, make sure they are personally okay. Someone who needs to be consistently stimulated is probably uncomfortable at rest. Being bored all the time is something I struggle with personally. I have ADHD and depression and trauma. Addressing and working on those things helps immensely with the chronic boredom. When I'm more depressed or anxious, I'm more easily bored and crave more stimulation. So, yeah, play Ted Lasso and check in on them.

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Idk maybe you could find a more fucked up picture with fewer pixels for us to study =P Seriously, Sky, this isn't a meaningful image. This image allows you to fill in the blanks with whatever terrible emotions you're feeling at the moment you look at it. It doesn't serve you, and you should treat yourself better than this. You're basically bullying yourself. You should get someone who cares about you to take and select some pictures to share. They have a more objective view of your body and appearance.

Anyone can take a bad picture. I can take a shitty, low res picture that makes me look awful. I often have to take and shuffle through several shots to get the good one. And I'm fucking hot =P

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I'm just here to remind everyone that DISORGANIZED religion is an option! Not that we want you to join us! Fuck that shit! Consult your pineal gland if you're so god damned determined! Mine is fucking busy!

I stab myself once a week for it. It's sort of a ritual.

It's becoming more common, but I work in the cannabis industry. People don't tend to know much about exactly what I do and how weed sales works. The education and certification side of this is actually super unique. You do have to get a basic agent ID, but it's really more of a background check than anything. But, because the rec market is so very new here, you are basically required to have broken the law extensively to have the knowledge and experience needed to sell weed. Everyone I work with has a criminal past, even if they never got busted. I talked about buying psychedelics on the darkweb in my interview, and my HR person knew exactly what the fuck I was talking about. It's just one of the many wonderful things about working in cannabis <3

Not the point the (honestly fucking terrible) article was making, but this never would have happened at a formal dispensary. NY needs to get its shit together. They've created a system where the poor are still stuck in a dangerous illegal system while those with time and money to get across the city get to enjoy a safe and comfortable experience. My city of ~160k in the Midwest has more legal dispensaries than NYC. Answering detailed questions is part of it, and I guarantee that at least my dispensary is a safe space for trans people.

Yeah, but it's easier when you start where I did. I grew up in a dirty, dangerous shack with parents who resented my existence. Things didn't get good until quite recently (I'm 34) but they have always gotten better. Abandoning my whole life and leaving my family behind sucked. It hurt, and it was hard. But it was better than living as an abused adult. Hiding isolated in a shithole town where nobody would ever come to know or appreciate me sucked. It was many dark years of self destruction and loathing and putting myself in increasing danger. But it was a safe isolation within which I could make sense of my position and right myself, start to understand and make myself. Being driven out of that town when a combination of social and personal changes made it incredibly dangerous for me to be there sucked. It was terrifying. Two years later, I'm still fighting with the default hypervigilance that period in my life reignited. To this day a severe altercation can put me back in "there's definitely a wolf in this room" mode, but my life is at its best point so far. I'm finally living a contiguous, singular life as one real person. My split timeline has collapsed in both directions. I have real friends who know and care about me. Today I am depressed, but overall I've never felt or looked better in my life. I'm a high performance individual. I started my life at a severe disadvantage, but I've been moving faster than my peers since I escaped the people and places of my truama. Now I've surpassed many of them.

Fight for improvement every day. Learn to see what matters and abandon what doesn't. Put yourself first. Attend and nurture your ego. Learn what you need to be happy. Build your life towards those things. It must be like gulping a hot iron ball which you can neither swallow nor spit out.

Those arrested included two Ukrainians, one of them an Orthodox Church priest, and three Spaniards.

It was removed from the country in 2016 and priests were smuggling it. I had hoped to be able to be forgiving of someone in a desperate situation related to war x_x

Their real problem is that the woman he raped was in a long term polyamorous relationship with him and his wife. I'm sure they think that sometimes straight men can't help themselves in the presence of temptation, but this was gay and infidelity, both of which are evil.


And the best martial art for self defense is track

When I really click and get along well with them. When I just get someone inherently, I know they had a fucked up childhood. "It's complicated" is as close to a good relationship with their parents as most of my friends get. See, I myself wasn't raised right, to put it lightly. I have a sixth sense for people with childhood trauma. My best friend has cptsd, and so do I. We're crazy in the same way, and it's great.

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EDIT: This hasn't happened in years, of course. These days, yeah, I look like a 34 year old woman >_>

Yeah, I've been spending more time on Discord lately, but I'm sure not going back to reddit. Tbh I've really disconnected from spaces where I was/would be exposed to right wing extremists and hatred of me. Instagram obviously has it's problems, but the algorithm won't allow me--a trans lesbian stoner--to view hateful content without a fight. If I need to see some fringe beliefs and content, I'll dive head first into the Hexbear pool!

I'm uncomfortable with the idea that Kim Jong-Un might be craftier than Putin.

Our Flag Means Death is upbeat in the first season. The second is more dramatic, but also fucking phenomenal. A romantic adventure comedy becomes a romantic adventure dramedy.

Literally none of the things you listed here count as modifying your body? As a reply to "nobody should have to arbitrarily change their body for their employer," "sometimes there are practical clothing and equipment requirements" is practically a non-sequitur.

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We call ours the centaurs who live upstairs sometimes. They're just some college girls, definitely not disabled or anything. They make just as much noise flying up and down the stairs sometimes. They're definitely louder than anyone else who has ever lived above or below us. I think they legit do some sort of dance or exercise routine because sometimes it's very regular, rhythmic. Idk it's happy sounds. Happy neighbors having a good time don't usually bother me, no matter how noisy they are. I'm sure I have a limit, but noisy walking and the occasional party isn't gonna get me there.

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The war in Ukraine proves that farm equipment can and will be converted to war machines during times of crisis. Irreparable tractors will leave our boys in the heartland unable to adequately defend themselves in a land war! We need national security arguments for more things. Our overseas presence is strong, but our homeland is a mess.

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I guess I'm actually a strong data point for the four day work week. I have never been psychologically stable on a five day work week. On every five day schedule, I shake myself apart. I end up suicidally anxious and depressed, have repeatedly considered inpatient treatment. I worked four days at my last job and work four at my current job. I was/am the highest performing employee at both of these jobs. I even enjoy the longer hours per day. I get the dip in productivity at hour 5-6 that people have mentioned in here, but I just need a break for lunch and caffeine to have another four or five hours outperforming my coworkers. It's that third day off that I need, the one in the middle that doesn't touch any workday. If I get that one untethered day, I show back up enthusiastic and ready to kick ass. It definitely helps that I genuinely love my industry and job overall (I work at a dispensary, which is very important to me) but that didn't stop my latest attempt at a five day work week from trying to kill me like all the others.

which feels like it might be easier if companies are already complying with this

This is part of the California regulation strategy: California is the largest market in the country for many products. It's often cheaper to make things to California standards for everyone than to run two different production lines or facilities or give up California altogether, so we get California approved and labeled things all across the US. It's a nifty feature of the state.

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I don't really have an inner child. My childhood sucked. I have nightmares about feeling angry and scared and trapped like I did as a child. My adulthood just keeps getting better. I'm learning to enjoy life and the world for the first time, and I'm a more productive member of society for it. What you describe is totally alien to me.

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As someone who was born into a terrible, broken household with no solid ground to stand on to speak of, this is always so wild to hear for me. Continuing as is was never an option. I knew the structures of my life were insufficient and untenable a decade or more before I started to understand myself as a woman. Sure, transition is scary and difficult, but not half as scary and difficult as how I grew up. I never doubted that I had to keep moving forward, to keep changing. I would have changed just as profoundly if I wasn't a woman.

Works for me!

The beans and rice in many taco bell offerings provide more nutrients than your average fast food burger or deep fried meat. The fiber and vitamins both make you feel better and more full longer. You also get spices and heat, which tend to make people feel full faster and provide some amount of nutrition. And it moves through your body faster, so you're not bloated.

Temperatures of minus 50 C have become less common in recent years because of climate change, with permafrost showing increasing signs of thawing.

Legitimately disclaimed within the article itself this time. This isn't new or more common than it used to be. The snow is the record because the warmer air holds more water x_x

This isn't specific to Islam. This is what theocracy looks like. Very few religions are fit doctrines on which to run a country. There are plenty of American Christians who would have me killed for who I am.

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Sky, you talk yourself into so many terrible thoughts. You're always trying to puzzle out how to fit yourself into a terrible story you're in the midst of telling. This is the first time I've gone through your post history and dug up pictures. You're cute. I'm jealous of how god awful big your hair is. I see a lot of my neighborhood's trans people at work. I honestly expected much worse in your pictures. You should focus on building Sky the woman on the inside. Make yourself the person you want to be on the inside. Your body will inevitably follow your heart. Your ego will inevitably shape your form. More esoterically, there are only two things: the Goddess and the leviathan. Thankfully, the creature tends to obey her commands.

I wish we knew each other in person instead of just on this hole in the wall website. You seem like the sort of troubled woman my wife gives me a hard time for constantly trying to befriend.

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They actually address this with the super speed character in I'm a Virgo. Flora's superpower is that she's always bored x_x

I'm 34. It sucks trying to date when your generation is the last one that overall kinda sucked socially. In my experience with the public, even just those ~5 years younger than me tend to be way more chill and open minded. I get flirted with by guys that are way too young, hit on by creeps who are way too old, and ignored by most of the dead eyed local dudes in their 30s. And this is why I end up flirting with 25-29 year old trans boys <3

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