0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


I've got to admit that Republicans are always finding new and creative ways to be outrageously villainous and hateful

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This is actually true

With all the bad transphobic takes I've seen on this platform in the past couple of days, I think there's a real need for gender studies

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That Family Guy scene where Stewie says "mom, mom, mommy, mommy" over and over again and then runs out of the room

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Now, a centrist Democratic pro-Israel group is running an ad campaign in the state to persuade Michiganders to be vocal in their support of Biden — and tick the box next to his name on the primary ballot.

What a coincidence, these same centrist democrats are infesting every thread on this community as well!

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The mushroom hunting guide I use is not too far off from this

Let's just say I don't actually eat what I find

This is what it is, though. The entire point of switching to the term "CSAM" is because it more accurately describes the content as abusive.

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Same for me. I even tried connecting through Serbia^1^ with my VPN, and it still works.

  1. Which, legend has it, results in no ads being served via Twitch
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Bruh that's lemmygrad. They don't represent the left anymore than Jeffrey Dahmer represents gay people.

For a "lefty memes" community, there are sure a lot of genocide apologists in here

Nice, but is there a model that's jireless?

I'm gay, and people who so much as allude to the fact I exist get accused of "being political"

I always find it's a certain type of person who complains about too much politics

I'm gradually getting to the point where I'll drop Spotify. Shoving ads for podcasts in my face every time I launch the app was bad enough, but now their app has become such a bloated mess that it bugs out whenever my phone is switching between wifi and mobile data. I have more than 1k songs downloaded just so I don't have to deal with that, and now I have to deal with it because it's more important to them to show ads and promotions than it is for their app to do what it's designed to do.

And before anyone says "tHoSe ArEn'T aDs," showing me recommended artists and podcasts against my will is absolutely a form of advertising. Do you think they're showing me new releases from Joe down the street? These are paid promotions, aka ads.

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If you look through my history and see any comments on a post that's a link to YouTube, I most likely used this.

I've worked at several restaurants here in the US, and they all had both sparkling and still water from the fountain

You also might be surprised by how many guests would order sparkling water

That's good. Someone's gotta keep those CIA honeypot workers employed.

only for the left-wing candidate

Wrong. It's unacceptable for any candidate, and if people are just "suddenly" waking up to this, then it's about damn time!

Genocide apologists smh

I feel fortunate because to me what that person described actually does sound enjoyable and satisfying. I will straight up eat handfuls of raw spinach because I enjoy it. You'd be surprised by how many people feel compelled to share their disgust, though, which is one reason I prefer to eat alone.

They'll dismiss progressives and leftists as "Russian bots" while continuing to marginalize people and support genocidal regimes.

And then they'll gaslight us into thinking it's our fault for not voting for whatever steaming pile of excrement they put up for election.

Actually, that's not fair. I've never seen a steaming pile of excrement commit genocide or imprison immigrants, so we'd actually be better off with a literal steaming pile of shit in the White House.

Where I live, you get very little over air TV. In fact, I'm not sure there's anything now.

We don't pay for TV, but I have a little yo-ho-ho station, check out DVDs from the library, stream, or occasionally watch one of those free Pluto channels if I just want background noise

There are people in every thread who ask, correct, but it's pretty widely known by now. It's no different than people previously having to ask what "CP" meant. Obviously, it's not a problem and is generally considered to be worth the imperceptible amount of educating people to transition to the new term.

Personally, I don't find it annoying to have to explain things, so feel free to ignore the questions and leave it to people like me who don't struggle with the keyboard. What does it take? Seconds to type out the definition.

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Weren't people in 1980 still burning leaded gasoline, flicking lit cigarettes out of car windows, placing kids unprotected in the backs of station wagons, and serving Big Macs in foam containers?

Even if there is a rash of pika in 2023, I'd say we're still far advanced

Could it be in the realm of possibility that people in Michigan, and other states, view the conflict in the Middle East as more complicated than “Israel bad”?

Of course it's in the realm of possibility. We have two rabid conservative parties running this coutry, so does it surprise you when the right-wing propaganda sticks? It's clear that many people support the genocidal state of Israel. That's the problem.

As a middle aged dude, I don't do this

I prefer to fart in private

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Case in point...

Right-wing liberals: We're not as cultlike as MAGA!

Also right-wing liberals: Oh, you're upset Biden is imprisoning, torturing, and deporting innocent people? Well too bad, you dense motherfucker! LALALALALALALALA

I think so too. There were frequently posts and comments from white supremacists and other bad actors on the front of r/all

It would be another exploding-heads type situation

And then he continues to imprison and deporting innocent people, and whenever I complain about that, a chorus of right-wing liberals like that Pug person silence me by accusing me of supporting Trump? Do you know I have friends and family who've been harmed by this? Do you think they care who put them there? Whoever is making that happen is a fascist, and I should be allowed to call them such. I was assured (lied to) that Democrats are the good ones, and that they're not as cultlike as MAGA. Look at the replies I have. This is not the case.

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Wait, what? Is this a thing?

What's a good service provider for this? Most ISPs don't provide usenet access anymore, and I've heard the free service providers are wack.

Where are you getting that idea? I voted for this disgusting "person" in 2020, didn't I? And he immediately let me down.

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What makes you think I'm not involved? Every time I say something, people tell me to do things I'm already doing! I'm on local committees, I meet with my city council rep, I've even considered running myself, except my work schedule is too unconventional.

Go find your nearest anarchist group and join them

I live in South Dakota, but I get the sentiment. Closest thing I have are my husband and my friends on Discord.

contribute to small scale local issues and convert people to a better way

This is my entire line of work and my personal thing. 100% do this. I can always do better, but again, what leads you to believe I'm not? I am, and I STILL think we should demand more from our president. I thought if we voted for him, that we were allowed to complain about him. Why not? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't demand of a sitting president that he open the border?

you’re also going to have to suck it up and realise fascist Biden is damage mitigation from an even more harmful fascist Trump

OK, and if this is the case, then I will, but no one is going to convince me to vote for this colossal waste of human potential by shitting on me every time I get upset by one of the many horrible and atrocious acts he commits. If we're not going to work together to demand more of him, then why even vote at all? Things just keep getting worse, no matter who is president. Sure, they throw a few bleached bones to certain groups of people every now and then to maintain some popularity, but they keep doing horrible, horrible things to other groups of people, such as Palestinians, Latin-American immigrants, and even our own poor and homeless. I'm thankful I was able to marry my husband, but that doesn't make it ok to do what he is doing.

This is a personal attack based on a deliberate misrepresentation of what I said. Prime example of uncivil behavior

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Yeah, I've noticed it's gotten really bad. I'm not a sports fan myself, but I've tried watching NFL with my brother, and it's borderline unwatchable due to the sheer amount of ads.

Makes perfect sense now. I think my brain had a moment

Do you support open borders? If so, what's the most effective way to make that happen, considering the many innocent people who are imprisoned, raped, and tortured?

I honestly haven't heard Russia mentioned, just Serbia, but could be

It's hard for me to verify since I don't watch much of anything on Twitch that's not just personal friends streaming a game

Why are you defending ICE and the fascist border policy?

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Biden supporters are

That's so beautiful.